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115 Love Song of Mike
Jason: Ok, now we've only got two days left to practice. So we've all got to help
Carol work on her gutter ball
Ben: But why Dad? It's perfect, it goes in the gutter every time.                                  Jason: Come on Carol! Now, let's try this release. So suppose it's headed for the
gutter . Now, what do we do? We lean to the left here and puller her over ...                        Maggie: Over to the right, over to the right!                                                      Jason: Oohh!                                                                                      Maggie: Never mind.                                                                              Carol: Perfect.                                                                                    Ben: Come on guys get it together . We've g
otta kill the Cussmans this year .                        Jason: Now Ben, this is a neighborly little game of ten pins. Let's not turn it into
bowling for blood.                                                                                  Carol: Dad, they've beaten us three years in a row.                                                Maggie: And then little Kenny Cussman stands outside our window and does
that stupid little chant.                                                                            Ben: Turkeys, Monkeys, Chipmunks, Beavers. They all bowl better than the
Jason: Well let's kill the Cussmans!                                                              Maggie: Let's kill them! Woooo!!                                                                  Jason: Come on Maggie! We can do them!                                                          Maggie: Ok, ok. You ready? Alright.                                                                Jason: At a girl!                                                                                  Maggie: Just watch this. Tell me if I'm doing it right.                                            Jason: Take your time.                                                                            Maggie:                                                                                     Jason: Good bounce.                                                                              Maggie: Oh. Right.                                                           
                    Jason: Oohh.                                                                                      Maggie: Oh well, how can we lose? We've got our new secret weapon, Mike "the
strike" Seaver .                                                                                      Jason: Yeah. You know his average is up to one eighty seven.                                      Maggie: Oh good.                                                                                  Jason: There he is now.                                                                            (everybody cheers Mike)                                                                          Everybody: We're number one! We're number one!                                                Mike: Ok, here we go.                                                                              Jason: The Seaver magic.                                                                          Mike: Ok. arefully. Here we go.                                                          Maggie: Ok.                                                                                        Jason: Never misses.
Everybody: Wooo!!!
Mike: Yes thank you, thank you, and now there's just one more thing I'd like Carol, I'll give you three Dollars, if you write me a Neo Symbolist poem.  Jason: Mike. Why would you want your sister to write you a Neo Symbolist poem?
Mike: Dad, the most wonderful thing happened to me at school today. Maggie: Mike?
Mike: I forgot what I was gonna say. Oh...Ok.
(We look in Mike_s memory to his day at school)
Teacher: Aaaahhhh Mike. Can you explain for us the significance of the sea, in Moby Dick?
Mike: Ah, sure, sure. It's the letter between the I and the K.
Teacher: It's a little technique I picked up at the last teacher's convention. Ok people, settle down!
Juliette: Hello, I'm Juliette.
Mike: And I'm Romeo.
(back to present time)
Mike: Dad, I've never met a girl like Juliette before.
Jason: Mike, you say that every time.
Mike: No, it's different this time Dad. I mean Juliette is really classy. Dad, she was born in
Paris, she was raised in London and New York. She writes poetry. Dad, she even speaks three different languages.
Carol: That's three more than you speak.
Jason: So you want to impress this new girl with a poem?
Mike: Yeah, but not just any A Neo Symbolist poem. That's her favourite brand.
Maggie: Mike, if Carol writes the poem, it's not yours, it's Carol's.
Mike: Not if she gives it to me.
Jason: Well Mike, if you're really gonna get along with this girl, sooner or later you're gonna have to be straight forward with her.
Mike: Dad, I can't do that.
Jason: Well, sure you can. What do you usually say to a girl you like?
Ben: Hey baby! Want a one way ticket to paradise?
Carol: I better write him the poem.
Mike: Alright!!
Maggie: Mike!
Mike: Hey look, look. I know what you guys are thinking, but I'm just going to use this poem to get her to talk to me. Then I'll be myself.
Jason: Well, if you guys think that a three Dollar poem is any substitute for real and honest communication, then go ahead.
Carol: Mike, Dad's right. Real and honest is going to cost you five.
Juliette: "with eyes that scan the distance, with feet that cross the sand. With thoughts that keep me dreaming, this place is where I stand. I hate my mother." 沪江英语编辑制作www.hjenglish 2
Mike: Ah. Ah. Way to write, Juliette. Oh. Ah. Was that a poem, or what guys? Teacher: Err, thank you Juliette. Does anyone else have anything they'd like to read out to the class?
Mike: Ah, Miss Jeffers, I have a little poem, I'd kind o' like to recite for the class today.
Teacher: This isn't going to get me fired, is it?
Mike: Miss Jeffers, you know how they always say, that despite all the hardships of teaching, there are those rare moments that make it all worth while. Teacher: Yes.
Mike: This one's for you. "Let us go then, you and I, when the evening is spread out like a swatted fly. Life being Miasmic, somewhat protoplasmic. What does it matter, if raindrops pitter patter like loose pancake batter, on the griddle of our days? I should have been a pair of pantyhose, hanging on the shower rod of our dreams."
Juliette: Michael. That was incredible.
Mike: Oh really? I mean, it was really one of my minor works.
Juliette: I found it to be a fascinating, sporadic melding of popular culture in the lyrical mode.
Mike: Yeah, yeah, that's it!! God, it is so nice to be understood.
Juliette: You know Michael, it is wonderful to discover how gifted you are. Because for some reason, I got the impression that you were just another suburban dolt.
Mike: Me? A suburban dolt? Ah, life can be cruelly ironic, can't it Juliette? Juliette: All that, and cute too.
Mike: Ok, now Juliette's gonna be here any minute. Now there are few little things here I'd like to go over.
Carol: What's this?
Mike: Ah, it's a brief family history. Now if you guys could just quickly commit this to memory.
Maggie: Mike!
Mike: Yeah Mom.
Maggie: Says here that I'm a writer.
Mike: Oh, you are Mom.
Maggie: And that I've just completed my twenty seventh novel.
Mike: Ok, alright. So, it was a rough estimate.
Jason: Apparently, I'm a painter.
Mike: Well you gotta admit Dad, you did a pretty bang up job on that upstairs bathroom.
Ben: I'm a pr...
Jason: Prodigy Ben.
Mike: Yeah, Ben, see. I just told Juliette that you were sort .Well that you were a genius at Philosophy. So whenever I wink at you like this. I want you to read on of these little phrases here. Alright, let's try one.
Ben: I think, therefore I am.
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Mike: Good!! Good!
Jason: Mike! This is ridiculous.
Maggie: Mike, you don't seriously expect us to tell Juliette that we're all these things?
Mike: Oh come on Mom! I'm just trying to make you guys look good.  Jason: Oh, I appreciate that Mike. But you're asking us and badly. Mike: Oh come on guys. Just one night. Bare with me! Look, if you can't count on your family at a crucial moment in your life, who can you count on? Juliette! Juliette: Mikhail.
Jason: To think, we came that close to naming him that in the first place. Mike: Ah, Mom, Dad, this is Juliette. Juliette, these are my parents.  Maggie: Hello Juliette.
Juliette: Mikhail_s told me so much about you. Sounds like you have a fascinating life.
Ben: Yes. But what is life?
Mike: Ah, so profound for one who's nine. Don't you think? But then I guess it runs in the family.
Juliette: It must. T ell me Mrs. Seaver, what does it feel like to win the Pulitzer prize for literature?
Maggie: Well, I'll be honest with you it feels good. Darn good. Carol: The first couple of times anyway.
Juliette: And Mr. Seaver, Mikhail tells me you're a painter. Do you work in oils, or acrylic?
Jason: Mostly and some high gloss enamel. Would you like to see one of my recent works? I call it "Upstairs Bathroom".
Mike: Dad! No, Dad, maybe some other time.
Juliette: Mr. Seaver, tell me; have you been influenced by the recent wave of German Abstract Expressionists?
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Jason: No! No, no. I'm really more influenced by the Dutch boys.
Juliette: Oh, you mean Rembrandt and Vermeer. Well that's fascinating, considering you were a student of Picasso's.
Mike: Which reminds me Mom. Is Uncle Pablo coming to visit for the holidays this year?
Carol: Mike, Picasso is dead.
Mike: Well, I guess that's a no. Yeah, Uncle Pablo loved it when we joked this way about death.
Ben: Yes. But what is death?
Mike: Oh, you are so deep. Sometimes it even scares me.
Ben: Thank you.
Juliette: You know, it really is extraordinary meeting a family like you in a place like this.
Jason and Maggie: Oh??
Juliette: I mean, I thought I'd have to go into the city to find a cultural evening like this.
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Because Lord knows that most suburbanites are brain dead. Which Mishka. I was wondering if you'd like to come to the city with me to see some performance art?
Jason: Oh, go Mike. No go! Because lord knows you can't get a decent piece of performance art in the suburbs..
Mike: Yeah! You know? That really burns me up.
Juliette: T omorrow is the last night of Gerhardt's performance piece. And there's no one I'd rather see it with than you.
Mike: Well then, it's a date.
Maggie: Mike!
Mike: Yea Ma.
Maggie: Aren't you forgetting something?
Jason: Yeah. A prior commitment like something else for tomorrow night. Carol: One that's very very important to your entire family.
Mike: Ah, gee, no. I don't think I had any plans for tomorrow night.
Ben: Sure you do Mike. We're supposed
Juliette: Mishka?? What is he doing?
Mike: Ah. He's dancing. Yes, incredibly enough, little Ben here is a Philosopher, and a modern dancer. he's got a recital tomorrow night. But once you've seen one little Philosopher dance, you've seen 'em all.
Juliette: So, we're on?
Mike: Great, we're on.
Juliette: Aurevoir, Mishka.
Mike: Hey, was she incredible or what, huh? I know, I know, I'm sorry I had to pass on the bowling, but I knew you guys would understand. You don't understand. You really don't understand.
Carol: Mike, you have to go with us. You promised.
Ben: How are we supposed to beat the Cussmans without you?
Mike: You guys, it's just a game!
Carol: That's not the point Mike. You made a commitment. We're all counting on you.
Jason: And if you can't count on your family, who can you count on?
Mike: Look, Dad! I'm involved in a with an artist! I can't just drop that to go bowling.
Carol: A relationship!! She doesn't even know who you are. She thinks you're Mishka; and you're just a bowler like the rest of us.
Mike: Hey! How do you know what I am. Maybe I'm not a bowler, maybe I am Mishka.
Ben: Maybe I'm gonna barf.
Mike: If he was in the Russian army, he'd be tried for desertion and shot. Jason: Carol, we're not gonna force your brother to go bowling with us. Anyway, I have a hunch that pretty soon he'll realise he's not Mishka. But what do I know? I'm just a painter.
Mike: Ah. Essence of cow? What
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