    Here's a template for a comparative essay in English, following the guidelines you provided:
    Okay, let's talk about two popular hobbies: reading books and watching movies. I mean, both are great ways to spend your free time, but they're so different, you know?
    With books, you get to explore a whole new world just by flipping pages. It's like a magical portal that takes you anywhere you want. You can really imagine the scenes and characters in your mind, which is so cool. Plus, reading is a great way to relax and escape reality for a bit.
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    On the other hand, movies are all about visuals and sounds. You get to see the action unfold right in front of you, with all the colors and special effects. It's like being in the middle of the story, but without having to do any of the work. Movies are perfect for when you want t
o be entertained quickly and easily.
    But here's the thing: books often give you more details and background. You get to know the characters and the world better, and you can go back and reread parts you liked. Movies, on the other hand, are usually faster-paced and more focused on the main plot. So you get the highlights, but maybe not the full picture.
    And don't forget, books are portable! You can take them anywhere and read whenever you want. Movies, on the other hand, require a screen and some sort of device to play them. So there's a bit more of a setup involved.
    In the end, it's really a matter of personal preference. Some people love books.
