    I Was Supposed to Go on Vacation But I Didn't!
    Hi! My name is Timmy and I'm 10 years old. I was supposed to go on this awesome vacation over summer break, but it totally didn't happen. I'm so bummed! Let me tell you all about it.
    My family had been planning this big trip to Florida for like a year. We were gonna go to Disney World, Universal Studios, the beach, the whole shebang. My little sister Suzy and I were super psyched. We couldn't stop talking about how fun it would be to ride all the roller coasters, meet the Disney characters, and swim in the ocean.
    A few weeks before we were supposed to leave, my dad sat us down for a serious talk. He
said "Kids, I have some bad news. I lost my job at the factory." That was a total bummer. My mom works part-time so we really needed the money from my dad's job to pay for the vacation. Without it, there was just no way we could afford to go to Florida. I was crushed! Suzy cried for like an hour straight.
    So instead of an epic vacation, we had to stay home all summer. Most days we just lazed around the house in our pajamas watching TV and playing video games. It was okay I guess, but it got pretty boring after a while. A couple times we went to the local pool which was kind of fun. Other than that, we didn't do much of anything exciting.
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    Some of my friends went on awesome vacations though and it made me super jealous when they got back. My buddy Eric went to the Grand Canyon with his family. He showed me all these pics of the massive canyon and said they got to go hiking and camping. It looked amazing! Then there was Jenny who went to Hawaii and went snorkeling and surfing. How cool is that?
    While my friends were off having adventures, me and Suzy were stuck at home fighting
over the TV remote and making fake commercials with my dad's old video camera. Don't get me wrong, that kind of stuff can be fun but it's not exactly a dream summer vacation, you know?
    The low point was definitely when my cousin Marcus visited from Arizona in July. He's kind of a brat but he got to go to Disneyland with his family a few weeks before. Marcus would not stop rubbing it in about how awesome it was to meet Mickey Mouse and ride Space Mountain. He was like "Timmy, you're so lame that you didn't get to go!". I got so mad I actually threw a toy at him, which I probably shouldn't have done. Can you blame me though? I was totally jealous!
    Even though I didn't get to go on vacation, there was one sort of fun part of the summer. My grandparents took me, Suzy, and a few cousins on a day trip to a petting zoo that was a couple hours away. We got to feed the goats and llamas, ride ponies, see a cow being milked, and all that fun farm stuff. Afterwards we had a picnic lunch and played on the playground there. Compared to Disney World it wasn't that exciting, but it was still a decent time.
    Other than that one little trip though, the whole summer was kind of a letdown without our Florida vacation. I kept wishing we could have gone but there just wasn't any way with my dad out of work. Maybe we'll get to go next year instead if things get better. At least I can look forward to that!
    So that's the story of why I didn't get to go on vacation this summer. While my friends were having fun adventures, I had a total snoozefest of a break just sitting around my house. Now that it's back to school, at least I don't have to be so jealous of my friends' cool summer trips anymore. Although I do kind of miss all that free time to be lazy! Don't worry though, I've already started bugging my parents about planning something fun for next summer. Maybe we'll finally make it to Florida or who knows, maybe we'll go somewhere even better! I'll just have to wait and see. At least I've got plenty of video games to keep me occupied until then!
    I Was So Excited to Not Go on Vacation
    Last summer, my family and I were supposed to go on this big vacation to Disney World. My little sister Lily and I had been looking forward to it for months and months. We talked about it all the time – how we would get to meet Mickey Mouse, ride all the awesome rides, and eat as many ice cream cones and cotton candies as we wanted. It was going to be the best trip ever!
    But then, something terrible happened. A few weeks before we were supposed to leave, my dad's company had some money problems and he lost his job. Just like that, our Disney dreams were crushed. There was no way we could afford to go anymore with my dad not working. I was absolutely devastated.
    When my parents told us we couldn't go to Disney World after all, Lily and I both burst into tears. We had been anticipating that vacation for so long that the disappointment was almost too much to bear. Lily sobbed and sobbed about not getting to hug Cinderella. I cried because I really, really wanted to ride Splash Mountain and the Haunted Mansion. Even my little brother Tommy, who's only four, got upset because he wouldn't get to meet Buzz Lightyear like he was hoping.
