形容词 直接的; 直的; 直系的; 率直的
副词 直接地; 径直地; 直截了当地; 正好
及物动词 (用建议、指示、有益的`情报等)指导; 导演(戏剧或电影); 指示方向; 把…对准(某方向或某人)
及物/不及物动词 指导,导演,管理
不及物动词 引路; 当向导; 领唱; 领奏
1. The spokesman never gave a direct answer to any question of the reporters.
2. He took a direct flight to New York.
1. He directed his letter to the dean's office.
2. Almost all the recent criticism from the mass media is directed at the ever increasing rate of unemployment.
1. But Hong Kong business people are always wary of any form of direct government involvement in business.
2. Gan said the company was not rushing to get a direct selling licence, but was trying to ensure the business adjustment was successful.
3. " They often act under the guise of'direct sales'or'chain stores', " he said.
4. Now that schools are free of direct involvement by government, any further act of " withdrawal " would be meaningless.
5. The administration suggested that the government act to ease the increasingly direct and large impact of oil prices on the economy.
6. The concentration in retail over the last two decades forced downstream consolidation a
mong bottlers, which are direct buyers of orange juice exported from Brazil.
7. The buying spree is a direct result of China's growing energy demand.
8. The Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate also direct the trial and procuratorial work of corruption cases by means of judicial interpretations.
9. Those goals will be pursued by means of foreign direct investment or the transfer of technology and knowledge.
1. This is in direct and striking contrast to his father, master fireworks maker Simeon Runciman, who is portrayed as a brooding, dark and intense character with a mysterious past.
2. For laying indoors, in tunnel, in cable trench or direct in ground, able to bear external mechanical forces, but unable to bear large pulling force.
sort of是什么意思英语室内、隧道、电缆沟内或埋地敷设等,能承受一定的机械外力,但不能承受大的拉力。
3. This is a direct effect of plant competition.
4. Based on this background, relevant issues about direct cooling of SMES are discussed in the paper.
5. When we consistently direct our thoughts and energy to a particular person, we begin to establish an energetic cord connecting us to them.
