The ba sic idea : one system for a ll product da ta a nd processes from engineering to logistics and manufacturing to service and maintenance. To this end, SAP ECTR integrates the entire product development in SAP PLM: mechanics, electronics, firmware, soft-ware, electrics. And all that using standard tool interfaces such a s the SAP ECTR interfa ce to NX a nd ma ny others. This mea ns that users can store and manage product data in the SAP system directly from their own environment. Plus: they can access SAP data and linked objects: from drawings, models, BOMs and docu-mentation to material, equipment and functional locations.
Ideal ECAD support
With SAP ECTR, you can structure your ECAD data, classify it uni-formly, and link it logically. The data is also versioned under con-trol, which takes place just as automatically with SAP PLM as the synchroniza tion of CAD da ta , BOMs, a nd libra ries. For exa mple, you ca n link libra ry pa rts with the SAP ma teria l ma ster, ea sily use circuit diagram data for PCB development, and automatically generate engineering BOMs as well as production documents. To give you an overview of all this, you have the intuitive R&D cock-pit, which keeps data, structures, versions, and status transparent. Thanks to search, filter and sort options, everything you need is also quick to hand, which eases such things as reuse.
On the bottom line, this means: less manual work and fewer error sources, higher data quality and standardization, as well as easier teamwork, shorter development times, and controlled releases.
Perfect team engineering
Team engineering also profits from all these benefits. Not least beca use SAP PLM synchronizes electronics da ta with da ta from MCAD, firmware/software, and electrics; it also harmonizes work-flow as well as change, version, and release management. Simul-taneously, you also get a platform for data exchange, such as for ECAD-MCAD collision checks. And to keep everyone up-to-date, the R&D cockpit offers an updated overall view of all mechatro-nics products, structures, a nd interrela tionships. Then there is the embedded viewer, with which you can visualize 2D/3D data independently of your CAD. All this speeds up coordination and validation. And as a crowning glory, SAP PLM takes care of conso-lidated releases and BOMs across all disciplines.
Optimized mechatronics PEP
Thanks to full integration, you can react faster and more flexibly to new market trends a nd customers’ requirements. Not only beca use the en-gineering is faster, but also because engineering and downstream pro-cesses can be intelligently linked and the latter augmented with product data, completsort of link
ely automatically. That gives you no end of time, cost and competition advantages. Examples: • Early cost budgeting and procurement • Easier variant and obsolescence handling
• More efficient QM and compliance management • Faster production of customer documentation
• Shorter innovation cycles and time to market
A little bit more?
Perhaps extra performance? With infrastructure modules for au-tomation, data provision, import/export, and much, much more. Or seamless CAD/CAM/CNC processes? With Factory Control Cen-ter for CAM integra tion, tool da ta / lifecycle ma na gement, pro-duction pla nning, a nd a shop-floor connection. The best thing would be to find out all the possibilities for yourself – in a live demonstration here at DSC or on your own premises.ADVERTORIAL
Mechatronics package for high-flyers
ECAD, MCAD and software fully integrated in SAP PLM
DSC Software AG
Am Sandfeld 17, 76149 Karlsruhe
Phone +49 721 9774-100
M echatronics is getting more and more important, and product creation more and more
complex. This is where efficient ECAD and smooth systems engineering is called for. Similarly, consolidated data and processes right up to production. This is made possible by the only fully-integrated mechatronics solution available to date – on the basis of SAP PLM and SAP Engineering Control Center.