咄咄怪事  duō duō guài shì
  老虎竟然会吃萝卜,真是咄咄怪事! A tiger eats carrots? How strange is that!
  亚特兰大一家加油站,发生了咄咄怪事。 And in Atlanta, a bizarre incident at a gas station.
  这岂不是咄咄怪事!7个月的婴孩就会说话! Did you ever! A baby of seven months can talk!
  但是,这个问题就是解决不了,已成咄咄怪事。 However, the problem is solved, a run.
sort of造句  我们大多选择吸取而不是奔流,这岂算咄咄怪事? Is it not strange that most of us choose sucking rather than running?
  在这么一个富有的国家中竟有这么多穷人,真是咄咄怪事。 It is a paradox that in such a rich country there should be so many poor people.
  随着技术的发展,生活的品质下降了,这岂不是咄咄怪事? Isn’t it strange that as technology advances, the quality of life so frequently declines?
  如果对自由这样神圣的东西反而索价不高,那岂非咄咄怪事。 and it would be strange indeed, if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.
  这岂不是咄咄怪事!你可曾听说过(或见过)这样的怪事吗? Did you ever see or hear of such strange or surprising thing?
  相比之前发生危机时,这些组织的积极行为,岂非咄咄怪事。 Compared to before the crisis, these organizations active, not Duoduoguaishi.
  在一个国家必须勒紧腰带的时候,这种提案的出现真是咄咄怪事。 in a period when the state must tighten its belt it is an extraordinary proposal.
  尼日利亚三角洲的纷扰,竟能影响到鸡蛋的价格,真是咄咄怪事。 The chaos in the Niger delta, it turns out, has a surprising amount to do with the price of eggs.
  约翰发现了一个埋在他车房地下的箱子,里面装满了钱。这岂不是咄咄怪事! John found a box full of money buried in his garage. Doesn’t that beat all!
  但是,遥想到当年他和手下圈子里的那些咄咄怪事,此刻的我们仍不免愕然。 But it is still astonishing to be reminded of quite how odd Nixon and his circle were.
  随着技术的发展,生活的品质下降了,这岂不是咄咄怪事?哦,洗盘子更容易了。 Isn’t it strange that as technology advances, the quality of life so frequently declines?Oh, washing the dishes is easier.
  随着技术的发展,生活的品质下降了,这岂不是咄咄怪事? 哦,洗盘子更容易了。 Isn’t it strange that as technology advances, the quality of life so frequently declines?Oh, washing the dishes is easier.
  随着技术的发展,生活的品质下降了,这岂不是咄咄怪事? 哦,洗盘子更容易了。 Isn’t it strange that as technology advances, the quality of life so frequently declines?Oh, washing the dishes is easier.
  这种咄咄怪事也让朝鲜这个存在严重经济与社会问题的国度成了“背包族”的必游之处。 Such weirdness makes North Korea, a basket-case state, a must for a certain sort of backpacker.
  拿动物去殉葬,在这个现代文明社会里,岂非咄咄怪事。一个文明的国家竟敢乱杀无辜。 Object to holding animals in the modern civilized society, not the aggressiveness Strange things. A civilized country dare to kill innocent people indiscriminately.
  或许这又是件自相矛盾的咄咄怪事:我们自己感到形势逼人,时不我待,但我们的社会却发出这种资讯,即没有什么可行的方案能取代现状。 In this is perhaps the outstanding paradox: we ourselves are imbued with urgency, yet the message of our society is that there is no viable alternative to the present.
  或许这又是件自相矛盾的咄咄怪事:我们自己感到形势逼人,时不我待,但我们的社会却发出这种信息,即没有什么可行的方案能取代现状。 In this is perhaps the outstanding paradox: we ourselves are imbued with urgency, yet the message of our society is that there is no viable alternative to the present.
  这堆旧书里面,只有那些写来专供一日或一年之用,当初决没有人想到有什么保存的价值的,现在读起来,反面津津有味,这不能不说是件咄咄怪事了。 Nothing, strange to say, retained any sap except what had been written for the passing day and year without the re
motest pretension or idea of permanence.
