英语中名词做动词用的    55 个例句
英语中名词做动词用的    55 个例句
1.Don't baby your child.
2.After dinner, please bus trays to Dishroom.
3.Thumb through any dictionary, and you will see pages of words followed by definition.
4.I'd like to book
three seats for tonight's concert.
5.The chairman will now address to the meeting.
6.His father booted him out of
the house.
7.He's always bossing his wife about.
8.The escaped
prisoner was cornered at last.
9.Your behavior disgraces us all.
Don't disorder my papers.
11.I glimpsed Xiao Wang between the half-drawn curtains.
12.I don't want to influence you either way, so I won't tell you

my opinion.
13.We must try and limit our expenditure.
14.The computer
has been programmed.
15.My mother is spooning sugar from the packet into a bowl.
16.People were streaming out of the station.
17.He is
vacationing in the countryside.
18.He intends to voyage across the Indian Ocean.
19.She is outdoors gardening every afternoon.
20.He patterns
himself upon his father.
21 I am training you, not babysitting you!
Stop mothering her she’s 30 years old and can take care
of herself perfectly
23.Mr. Smith has authored a book on AIDS.
24.You must pressure
him to do it.

25.Her dress is patterned upon a Paris model.
is the man who used to partner Mary.
27.Opposition to the war snowballed.
28.We shall book through to Hong Kong.
29.Don't fool away your time,
my boy!
30.Mr. Smith noons for half an hour every day.
31.They have
husbanded their farms very well.
32.Students in Hong Kong can view a
collection of more than 1oo rare species of goldfish in the
33.He doesn’t have all idea of his own He just parrots what other
people say
34.Jack peeled an applesort of造句
35.It is not easy to bone the fish,
for it has hard plates.
36. They stormed the speaker with questions

His refusal iced our enthusiasm
39. He 747ed to Paris last weekend
Tom has his car serviced (=maintained) regularly.
41. She managed to
sandwich the repairs in between taking the kids to school and
42.Why not 谷歌 you a girl friend at college?
43.The head coach
has decided to field two star footballers in the finals
44. Don’t believe
him, he often use a gentle face to mask his real purpose.
45.Shall I sugar the milk for you?
46.Istambul is now peopled by 4 million Turks.
sort of people would he select to man his government?
48.All the time he was
in that country the secret police dogged his steps.
49. He is there fishing

for information.
50.The committee will table its report this week.
seems that one’s favourite work doesn’t make one age,” she replied with a smile.
52.The minister heads the delegation to visit America.
53.Life in
this university, which schools some 13,000 students, goes on as usual.
54. He
was there to party, and was delighted to see his old friend.
55. The law now
generally presumes that the husband is the legal father if his wife has the
child, even if he didn’t father it.
