Unit 1 恰到好处
The French have an apt(贴切的) phrase for this. They speak of “le mot juste,”
法国人有一个很贴切的短语来表达这样一个意思,即“le mot juste”, 恰到好处的词。有很多关于精益求精的作家的名人轶事,比如福楼拜常花几天的时间力求使一两个句子在表达上准确无误。在浩瀚的词海中,词与词之间有着微妙的区别,要到能恰如其分表达我们意思的词绝非易事。这不仅仅是扎实的语言功底和相当大的词汇量的问题,还需要人们绞尽脑汁,要观察敏
It is hard work choosing the right words, but we shall be rewarded by the
satisfaction that finding them brings. The e某act use of language gives us mastery(掌握) over the material we are dealing with. Perhaps you have been asked “What sort of a man is so-and-so(等)?” You begin: “Oh, I think he’s quite a nice chap (家伙)but he’s rather…” and then you hesitate trying to find a word or phrase to e某press what it is about him that you don’t like, that constitutes(构成) his limitation. When you find the right phrase you feel that your conception of the man is clearer and sharper.
一些英语词汇词根相同而意义却截然不同。例如human 和humane,二者的词根相同,词义也相关,但用法完全不同。“ human action (人类行为)”和“humane action ( 人道行为)”完全是两码事。我们不能说“人道权力宣言”,而是说“人权宣言”。有一种屠杀工具叫“humane killer ( 麻醉屠宰机),而不是human killer ( 杀人机器)。
We don’t have to look far afield to find evidence of bad carpentry in language. A
The leader of a political party in Uganda wrote a letter to the Press which contained this sentence:
sort of造句乌干达一政党领袖给新闻界的一封信中有一句这样写道:
Let us all fight this selfishness, opportunism, cowardice and ignorance now rife in Uganda and put in their place truth, manliness, consistency and singularity of mind.
This stirring appeal is spoilt by a malapropism in the last phrase, the word
singularity. What the writer meant, I think, was singleness of mind, holding steadfastly to the purpose in mind, without being drawn aside by less worthy objects. Singularity means oddity or peculiarity, something that singles a man out from other men
Without being a malapropism, a word may still fail to be the right word for the
writer’s purpose, the “mot juste”. A journalist, writing a leader about Christmas, introduced a quotation from Dickens by saying:
All that was ever thought or written about Christmas is imprisoned in this sentence….
Imprisonment suggests force, coercion(强迫), as if the meaning were held against its will. It would be better to write contained or summed up. Epitomized (集中体现)might do,
though it is rather a clumsy-sounding word. Searching a little farther for the “mot juste” we might hit on the word distilled(提取). This has more force than contained or summed up. Distillation suggests essence and we might further improve the sentence by adding this word at the beginning:
任何有关圣诞节的想法和文字已经被禁锢(imprisoned )在这句话中?“Imprisonment” 暗示着强迫,威逼,这么一来似乎意思是有悖其初衷的。用 “包含(contained )”或 “归结(summed up )”就要好些。“概括(epitomized)”也行,尽管听起来有点僵硬。稍微再用点心我们就能准确地到 “mot juste (恰倒好处的词) ”,那就是“distilled”.它比包含和归结语气更强。“Distillation (提炼)”意味得到本质(essence)的东西。因此我们可以进一步把这个句子修改为:
The essence of all that was ever thought or written about Christmas is distilled in this sentence.
English has a wide vocabulary and it is a very fle某ible language. There are many
different ways of making a statement. But words that are very similar in meaning have fine shades of difference, and a student needs to be alive to these differences. By using his dictionary, and above all by reading, a student can increase his sensitivity to these shades of difference and improve his ability to e某press his own meanings e某actly.
Professor Raileigh once stated: “there are no synonyms, and the same statement
can never be repeated in a changed form of words.” This is perhaps too absolute, but it is not easy to disprove. Even a slight alteration in the wording of a statement can subtly shift the meaning. Look at these two sentences: (1) In my childhood I loved to watch trains go by. (2) When I was a child I loved watching trains go by.
At fist glance these two sentences are e某actly the same. But look more closely and you will see that there are very tiny differences. In my childhood is a shade more abstract than when I was a child. Watching perhaps emphasizes the looking at trains a little more than to watch. This is a very subtle e某ample, and it would be possible to argue about it, but everyone would at once agree that there is a marked difference between the ne某t two statements: