高三英语 语法知识:名词、代词和冠词 知识精讲
  1. 名词:表示人或事物的名称的词叫名词。名词在句子中可以作主语,宾语,表语,宾语补足语,定语,名数词连用可以做状语。在使用名词时,要注意区分可数名词和不可数名词,以便于正确使用表示不确定数量的定语。
    如:a lot of / plenty of / some 可以修饰可数名词和不可数名词。
    而:many, a few, few several, scores of, large quantities of, dozens of, a couple of 等只能用在可数名词之前,much, a great deal of, a little, little, a great amount of 等只能用在不可数名词之前。
  2. 冠词:
    冠词是一种虚词,放在名词前面,帮助说明名词的意义。冠词有不定冠词和定冠词两种。a (an)是不定冠词,an用在元音发音开始的词语前。如:an hour, an English book。the 是定冠词。
    不定冠词a (an)只能用在单数可数名词前。关于它的用法,用四个字概括,“每、一、类、某”。
    Please take this medicine three times a day.
    All of us know that he is a teacher, not a student.
    It is an easy task for an elephant.
    One day, a Frenchman went to Berlin on business.
    Look at the picture. Is there a man in the picture?
    Here is a book. Please wrap the book with colorful paper.
    The earth is bigger than the moon, but it’s smaller than the sun.
sort of prison
    The whale is the largest animal in the world.
    另外,某些形容词或分词前加the可表示某一类人,如the rich, the poor, the wounded.
    What time did the second class begin?
    China is to the west of Japan.
    The Changjiang River is longer than the Yellow River.
    Can you play the violin? No, but I can play the piano.
    There are fewer hours of sunlight in winter.
    It is Mother’s Day today.
    Another kind of pollution is noise.
    It must be pleasant to go to Yunnan Province for sightseeing.
    Wood is lighter than water.
    by air /bus/ plane/ train/ road/ sea/ spaceship,on foot.
    after class /in class/ in space/ in bed/ in public
    at breakfast/ at work /on duty /in peace /in danger/in trouble/ in line /on holiday/ in place /on watch /in sight /in common /in surprise
    in need of /in praise of/ in place of
    out of breath /out of sight /out of work
    by accident /chance /mistake
    have breakfast /have classes/ have lessons /take photos
    play football /basketball/ volleyball
    take care of /make fun of /make use of /catch sight of /make room of
    give advice /lose weight /make progress /do wrong
    sentence to death /get in touch with /put in prison
    ①make a decision /make a record /make an effort /keep a record /pay a visit to /keep an eye on /have a talk with /play a part in /make an apology to
    ②as a result /in a word /in a hurry /after a while /in a low voice
    ③play the piano /make the bed /lay the table /get into the habit of
    ④in the hope of /at the age of /at the beginning of /at the foot of /by the side of /on the contrary /in the end /on the shore
    on the earth /on earth
    on the left /turn left
    take the place of /take place
    in the front of /in front of
    go to the school /go to school
  3. 代词:
    在学习代词时同学们务必要掌握正确的人称代词,物主代词及反身代词,这里不做详述。本次课主要要区分几个常用代词:it, one和that的用法。关系代词,连接代词和疑问代词会在今后的从句讲解中再叙述。
    1)it指前面提到的事物再次提起,它指代的是事物本身,如:There is a book on the table. Please bring it to me.
    The population of China is larger than that of India.
    本句中that指的是前文中the population这一概念,在句中可以被这个词代替。
    Mary has a blue bag and I have a red one.
    I heard you had many novels. Could you please lend me one?(任意一本书)
    Do you have “Gone with the wind”? I’d like to borrow it. (特指这一本书本身)
    1. 名词:
    —I’m sorry I stepped outside for a smoke. I was tired.
    —There is no __________ for this while you are on duty.
    A. reason            B. excuse            C. cause            D. explanation
    看清题意后,我们知道,第一个说话人想为自己刚才出去抽烟的行为解释并致歉,第二人说值班时对于此类事件无借口可言。四个名词的含义分别为:“A. 原因、B. 借口、C. 起因、D. 解释”四个单词意思相近,但B最为贴切。
    If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask them to leave a ________.
    A. message            B. letter        C. sentence        D. notice
    题意为“假如碰巧有人来看我,请他们留言”。“留言”的固定词组为“leave a message”,与message搭配的词组还有“give a message, receive a message.”。其他答案:letter—信,sentence—句子,notice—通知,含义都不符合本题含义,因此选A。
