《Of Studies》两种汉译文节选之比较鉴赏
摘要:《Of Studies》是弗朗西斯·培根最具影响力的散文之一。这是一篇经常使用正式语言、言语简洁、古古香和典雅的艺术散文。可以肯定的说,散文美就美在其内容、形式和风格。因此,研究这篇散文和它的译本很有价值。本文将试图从文学的角度比较两种不同的翻译版本形式风格,省略和重复。
Comparative Appreciation of Two Extracted Chinese Version of “Of Studies”
Abstract: The prose “Of Studies” is one of the most influential essays of Francis Bacon. It is an artistic prose which frequently uses the formal language and the words are concise, quaint and elegant. It is right to say that the prose is a beauty in content, form and style. Therefore, it is of great value to study it and the translation versions. This article will attempt to compare two different translation versions from the perspective of literary form style, ellipsis and repetition.
Key words: perspective of literary; versions; appreciation
《Of Studies》是英国散文家弗朗西斯·培根400年前撰写的一篇讨论读书问题的散文杂记,正如荀子的《劝学》一样,亦是世界文学中妇孺皆知的劝学名篇。它一方面用严密的逻辑推理来诉诸读者的理性和智力,另一方面又用深入浅出富于感染力的论点与读者产生感情的共鸣,即“动之以情,晓之以理”,因而也就具备了一般说理性散文“真诚,客观,合乎逻辑”的特征。目前有很多种中文译本,其中有两种译本的影响比较大:一种是由王佐良翻译的《谈读书》(以下简称王译);另一张是由廖运范翻译的《论读书》(以下简称廖译)。
的《论读书》,他是一位著名的医生。培根的Of Studies一文,写于四百年前。在今天的英国,此文当属古典文论,其用语不仅典雅,而且古奥,甚至玄秘。四百年前的语言,既便是当时通俗透顶的平民口语,在今人听来,亦充满“古古香”之感。对于如此古典之作,翻译时我们究竟该采取何种风格呢?是译古如古,还是化古为今呢?对此,我们既要考虑到信息传播的需要,也不能完全忽律历史发展的实际。王佐良采用的是古译古的方式,而廖运范则采用的是古译汉的方法。
王佐良翻译的《谈读书》和廖运范翻译的《论读书》两个英译汉都可称为经典之作。下面笔者将从文学的角度在翻译中的体现和省略、重复的翻译这两方面对Of Studies进行品鉴和赏析。
1): Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability.
In the first version, the three "for" are translated into “足以”, which better corresponds to the features of the source text by using parallelism. Moreover, it uses three verb-object phrase“怡情” , “”, “长才” to translate the three nouns "delight", "ornament", "ability", which are quaint, concise and in line with the words using of Bacon. For the second version, it just uses common words and doesn’t reflect the beauty of rhetoric and the original style.
2): For expert men can execute, and perhaps judge of particulars, one by one; but the general counsels, and the plots and marshalling of affairs, come best from those that are learned.
In the first version, the words using such as“虽”, “然”, “则舍……者莫属”make the translation clearer and more coherent. It becomes more quaint by using the four-word idiom “练达之士”,“纵观统筹”, “全局策划”. In order to keep consistent with the style of source text, Mr. Wang uses a lot of Classical Chinese. However, the second version is not as concise as the first one. But it may be easier for us to understand.
3): To spend too much time in studies is sloth; to use them too much for ornament, is affection; to make judgment wholly by their rules, is the humor of a scholar.
In order to emphasize the meaning, Mr. Wang adopts single word “惰sort of的意思”, “矫” instead of four words, which makes it in neat order and harmony with the source text. In comparison, it uses vernacular and some spoken words in the second version. The sentence structure is a little loose, which doesn’t conform to the source text very well.
Of Studies中有许多重复和省略的翻译,下面笔者将从省略和重复的角度对两个译本进行评析。英文翻译类似的句子结构时,我们常常省略相同的谓语动词。在中国,我们喜欢重用相同的结构并行性,以加强语气和强调的意思。
1): Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.
The source text only uses one verb "maketh ", which is concise and fluent. But in both two versions, the repeat uses of verb “使” strengthens the effect of parallelism and conforms to Chinese expressions better.
2): Bowling is good for the stone and reins; shooting for the lungs and breast; gentle walking for the stomach; riding for the head; and the like.
滚球利睾肾,射箭利胸肺,散步利肠胃,骑术利头脑, 诸如此类。(王译)
In this case, the source text takes only one “good for”. However, in the first version, it repeats the verb “利” to strengthen the tone. And in the second version, it also uses four “有益于” to form neat structure.