1. "for" 的用法:
- I bought a gift for my friend.(我给朋友买了一份礼物。)
- I am studying English for better job opportunities.(我正在学习英语以获得更好的工作机会。)
- He apologized for his mistakes.(他为自己的错误道歉。)
除此之外, "for"还可以表达以下含义:
- 表示持续时间:He has been waiting for an hour. (他已经等了一个小时了。)
- 表示比例或相似性:The exchange rate is 1 dollar for 7 yuan. (汇率是1美元兑换7元人民币。)
- 表示付款人:I will pay for the dinner tonight. (今晚的晚餐我来付钱。)
2. "of" 的用法:
- The cover of the book is blue. (这本书的封面是蓝的。)
- The key to success is hard work. (成功的关键是努力工作。)
- A cup of tea, please.(请来一杯茶)
此外,“of” 还可以表示以下意思:
- 用于表示某物的特征或属性:a box of chocolates(一盒巧克力)
- 表示人与物的关系:a friend of mine(我的一个朋友)
1. "for" 的常见搭配:
- for the sake of:为了...起见
  - He worked hard for the sake of his family's happiness. (他为了家人的幸福而努力工作。)
- take care of:照顾
  - Please take care of yourself while I'm away. (我离开时请照顾好自己。)
- apologize for:为...道歉
  - She apologized for being late to the meeting.(她为迟到开会道歉。)
- be famous for:以...而闻名
  - Paris is famous for its landmarks and culture. (巴黎以其地标和文化而闻名。)
2. "of" 的常见搭配:
- a glass/bottle/cup of:一杯/瓶/杯...
  - Can I have a glass of water, please?(请给我来一杯水好吗?)
- a piece of:一片/块...
  - Could you please give me a piece of paper?(你能给我一张纸吗?)
- a picture of:一张...的图片
  - She showed me a picture of her new car. (她给我看了她新车的照片。)
- afraid/worried/scared/appreciative of:对...感到害怕/担心/害怕/感激
  - I am afraid of spiders.(我害怕蜘蛛。)
  - He is appreciative of your help.(他对你的帮助心存感激。)
sort of的意思1. 错误:"I am preparing for the exam of next week."
  纠正:"I am preparing for the exam next week."
2. 错误:"He is proud for his achievements."
  纠正:"He is proud of his achievements."
3. 错误:"She took care for her younger sister."
  纠正:"She took care of her younger sister."
4. 错误:"Can I have a glass for water, please?"
  纠正:"Can I have a glass of water, please?"
5. 错误:"The sound was similar with that of a thunder."
  纠正:"The sound was similar to that of a thunder."
四、"for" 和 "of" 的其他用法讨论
除了以上提到的基本用法,"for"和 "of" 在特定语境中还有其他意义和用法。
1. for:
- 表示代替或交替:He will vote for me in the election. (他将在选举中代替我投票。)
- 表示比较:For an amateur, he plays guitar quite well.(作为业余爱好者,他弹吉他非常好。)
- 表示时间限制:The store is open for business from 9 am to 6 pm. (商店的营业时间是上午9点到下午6点。)
2. of:
- 表示拥有或归属:The color of the car is red.(这辆车的颜是红。)
- 表示归类或分类:He is a man of great wisdom.(他是个智慧大师。)
- 表示描述或说明:He is a man of few words.(他说话寡言。)
本文讨论了“for”和“of”的用法区别,以及它们在基本用法、常见搭配和常见错误中的应用。"for" 通常表示目的、持续时间、付款人等含义,而 "of" 则表示所属关系、材料构成和起源等相关意思。
