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在汉普郡一个宁静的村庄里战争一触即发In a sleepy Hampshire village, battle lines have
been drawn.
Five Chinese teachers五位中国老师来到这里
have come to shake up the British education system.整顿英国的教育体制
Discipline is really important.纪律非常重要
Without discipline, you don't learn well.没有纪律你们就学不好
British pupils are falling behind in the
international race.
Our students' academic achievement is three years
我们学生的学术成绩比你们要领先三年ahead of you.
The Chinese have come to prove中国人将要证明
即使是高分的学校也还有很多东西要学that even a high achieving school has a lot to
We are here to bring you我们来到这里让你们感受
a unique, Chinese style of teaching.独一无二的中式教育
Class begins.上课
- Good morning, class. - Good morning, teacher.-同学们早上好  -老师早上好
Everybody can get full marks, just use your brain.只要肯动脑每个人都能得满分
What brain?动什么脑
Stay in your lines.站好队
But just one week into 但试验仅进行了一周...
X is the size of AB.设AB段的长度为χ
I don't get it.我听不懂
..Things haven't gone quite to plan.事情发展并未按计划进行
This is why you guys know less than the Chinese
students learn.
The Chinese way of teaching中式教学法
has produced a rebellion in the class.导致学生造反
Who the hell does she think she is, saying that I'm
And now, the Chinese teachers face an uphill
Phoebe, listen to me!菲比听我讲课
.to bring 50 British teenagers under control.来管教这五十名英国中学生
You embarrass all Bohunt students and the school.你丢了博航特全体同学和整个学校的脸OK, I can see you.把脸露出来
One, two, three!一二三
At Bohunt school in Hampshire,在汉普郡博航特中学
the Chinese school is entering its second week.中式学校进入了第二周
50 Year 9 pupils, aged 13 and 14,五十名十三四岁的初三学生
are being taught the Chinese way.被施以中式教学法
But so far, the regime of discipline, hard work但截至目前纪律刻苦学习
and competition isn't quite working.和竞争的制度不太管用
同学们请安静一下请大家小声点Guys, can you be quiet, please? Everyone, keep it
Guys, keep it down.同学们小声点
Alex, be serious.亚历克斯认真点
In China, students are taught from an early age在中国学生们从小就被教育
to respect their parents, their teachers and their
Chinese education is not only delivery of the
subject knowledge.
Chinese education is, too, cultivating a human
We teach them how to be sensible,我们教他们如何变成明智的responsible citizens of the country,负责任的公民
because we serve our country.因为我们为祖国服务
That's what we say.我们都这么说
In China, the week starts在中国新的一周
with the important flag raising ceremony.以升旗仪式开启
For flag raising,升旗仪式
first is a way to show the respect to the country.首先是一种表达对祖国的尊重的方式邹海连数学老师
A sense of belongings.一种国家归属感
We are raising flag because it reminds you,升旗仪式是想提醒你们
you are a citizen of China.你是中国公民
And you have the responsibility to serve this
where you've grown up and to make this country
better, richer.
So, every day, raising flags, singing the national
that gives you that sense of responsibility.能给你们那种责任感
Stand still, please,请站好
and face that way.面向那边
But respect for the flag and the National Anthem但对于国旗和国歌的尊重
doesn't seem to cut it with the average British
on a cold Monday morning.打动英国的普通中学生
I don't see the point in raising our flag, but
我不明白升国旗的意义何在但我们这么做了that's what we do.
你知道那是你们的国旗你不必天天都看着它You know that's your flag, you don't need to see
it every day
and like, sing the anthem.还有比如唱国歌
It was pretty boring, to be honest.说实话挺无聊的
I didn't really see the point in it either,我感觉这没什么意义
because it's just raising a flag into the air and
nobody is really going to see it,没人真的会去看它
because we're not allowed on the field, so...因为他们不许我们去操场所以...
Walk with purpose, walk with purpose.走得时候各怀鬼胎
Emily, put it away.艾米丽把手机放起来
No cell phone in class.课上不许用手机
Li Ayun works in a large school in Nanjing.李爱云在南京一所很大的学校教书
This is her first taste of teaching British kids.这是她第一次给英国学生上课
- Now, class begins. - Stand up.-上课  -起立
Chinese pupils all study social education,中国的学生都要学习社会教育课
a subject designed to pass on traditional cultural
to the next generation.传递给下一代
Confucius is an ancient sage to the Chinese people,
And now, his philosophy will influence you too.现在他的哲学思想也将影响你们
The first one means,第一句话的意思是
"If you don't want it,"己所不欲
please don't give it to others."勿施于人"
The second one is,第二句的意思是
you need to be very smart, very quick at things,你也许头脑聪明反应灵敏
but you need to very careful with your words,但你要做到出口谨慎
so that you not hurt others.这样才不会伤害别人
According to our culture,在我们的文化中
students are born to obey the rules学生天生就应该遵守规则
and respect the authority.并且尊重权威
That's also, you know, a part of Confucianism.这也是儒家思想的一部分
So, everybody knows that.所以大家都明白这一点
It's very important for us对我们来说
to listen to the teachers and the parents.听从老师和父母的教导是很重要的
在中国青少年承受着来自家长的巨大压力In China, kids are under huge pressure from their
独生子女政策的实行意味着在中国的许多地方The one-child policy means that in many parts of
the country,
almost everyone is an only child.几乎所有人都是独生子女
The parents know they just have one child,那些家长明白自己只有一个子女
so they spend all they can spend因此他们竭尽所能
to investing on their children,在孩子身上投资
so whatever they need, they will buy for them.不管他们需要什么家长都会买给他们
A lot of parents give their kids许多家长让孩子
extra classes and extra homework.上补习班做课外辅导书
Some of the students,有些学生
they go to school five days a week一周五天要去学校
and they spend the whole weekends outside整个周末还要去
to attend different classes.参加课外补习班
I do feel it's a lot of pressure on us.我的确感到了很大的压力
Not only your parents are watching you,不只是你的父母在关注你
your grandparents are, also.你的爷爷奶奶也是
And that makes 那样让一个孩子...
A single child in a family feels very difficult.一个家庭中的独生子女压力非常大
sort of的意思But I do think that's out of love.但我觉得这都是出于他们对你的爱
Children should follow their parents孩子们应该遵从父母的教导
and love their parents, right?并且爱自己的父母对吗
You know, according 根据孔子的思想...
In Confucianism, parents are always right.在儒家思想中父母总是对的
Parents aren't always right.父母才不总是对的呢
You have to adjust yourself你必须调整自己
to be suitable to the society,来适应这个社会
instead of everything to suit to you.而不是让大家去适应你
For some of the free spirits in Bohunt Year 9,对于博航特初三某些自由散漫的人来说
like Angelina,比如安吉丽娜
this is a tough message to take.这种观点让人很难接受
Angelina, stand up.安吉丽娜站起来
In my opinion, I think that's wrong.在我看来那种观点是错的
- I think you should be your own person
-你应该做自己的主人而不是  -对
- Yeah.
You should not be to comforced what people tell you
to be.
You should be who you are.你应该做你自己
I really dislike how they teach social education
我真的不喜欢中国进行社会教育的方式in China.
"Your parents are always right.""你的父母永远是对的"
- Wrong. - No.-错  -不对
No, they could be racist, they could be homophobic,不他们可能种族歧视可能恐惧同性恋they could be sexist, they could be misogynistic.可能性别歧视可能有厌女症
What's that?那是什么意思
Against women, basically.差不多就是厌恶女性的意思
不但如果他们说他们的观点永远正确No, but if they say, if their opinion is always
- Yeah? - No.-对  -这是不对的
Faced with this alien culture,面对外来文化
a quintessentially British rebellion is brewing.典型的英式叛逆应运而生
Josh, get ready.乔什准备好
Josh has brought in some tea and a kettle.乔什带了一些茶叶和一个茶壶来
Oh, that's hot. It's really hot. Here we go. Here
we go.
Nice and fresh.新鲜出炉美味可口
I'm normally super hard working我一般都很勤奋学习的
and at Chinese School, it hasn't happened.但在中式学校我就不这样了
It's just sort of a complete personality change.这也算是一种性情大变吧
You can rebel against something你可以反抗
and, you know, be different.并且与众不同
Didn't even spill one drop.一滴都没洒出来
我只是有时有点叛逆和你一样知道吗I've been a bit of rebel at the moment, as you do,
you know?
I'm just not that into the Chinese methods of
于是我就想  "我要带一个茶壶去" And so, I was like, "Oh, I'm going to bring in a
"because I cannot go a few hours without tea.""因为我不能几个小时没有茶喝"
Where's my tea?我的茶在哪儿
Josh finds it easier to smuggle in his hot beverage,乔什发现因为他坐在五十人教室的最后because he's at the back of a class of 50.把他的热饮偷运进来很简单
Now, these elements are the basic MPK.这些元素构成了基本的甲基丙基甲酮
Do you notice sometimes, when you buy fertilizer,你有没有注意到当你买肥料时
