1.—My plane is the one that       at
—Then you need to hurry. It       in half an hour.
A.is about to take off, takes off    B.is about to take off, is taking off
C.takes off, is taking off    D.takes off, is about to take off
【解析】考查时态。句意:--我是上午10点的飞机。--那你需要快点。半小时后就要起飞了。飞机是按计划或安排起飞的,即时间表起飞的,因此用一般现在时takes off。第二句是你的飞机按计划在半小时后要起飞,表示要发生的事,用is taking off.或is about to take off,但be about to do 后面不能跟具体的时间状语,故只能用is taking off。因此只能选C。
【名师点睛】一般将来时中用be to do ,be about to do和一般现在时表将来时的区别。
(1) 用“be to+动词原形”表示按计划或安排即将要发生的动作;有时也表示命令、禁止或可能性。如:
He is to leave for Beijing tomorrow. 他决定明天去北京。be about to
Tell him he’s not to be back late. 告诉他不准迟回。
(2) 用“be about to+动词原形”表示即将要发生的事,后面一般不跟固定的时间。如:
Look! The race is about to start. 瞧,赛车就要开始了
We are about to leave.我们马上走
(3)某些词come, go ,leave, arrive, start, get ,stay ,live,fly, teke off等用一般现在时表进行。用一般现在时表示按规定或时间表预计要发生的事。
①The meeting starts at five o'clock.议五点始
②He gets off at the next stop.他在下一站下车
(4) come, go ,leave, arrive, start, get ,stay ,live,fly, teke off,等用进行时态表示按计划即发生。
例: I'm leaving for Beijing. 我要去北京。
2.What____ you _____this time tomorrow?
A.will…do    B.will…have done    C.will…be done    D.will…be doing
试题分析:句意:明天这个时候你将会做什么?表示将来某个时刻正在进行的动作,用将来进行时, will be doing,所以选D。
3.—Hi, Lily. Don’t forget to watch I’m a Singer at 20: 10 this Friday!
What a pity! I_________ in a plane to Hainan for a meeting then.
A.will sit    B.will be sitting
C.am sitting    D.sit
4.This time next week,I’ll be on vacation.Probably I  on the beach.
A.am lying    B.have lain
C.will have lain    D.will be lying
试题分析:考查动词时态。句意:下周这个时间,我将正在度假,可能那时我将正在沙滩上躺着。从本题的I’ll be on vacation,得知“那时将正在沙滩”用将来进行时,I will be lying,故D正确。
5.—I’ll have arrived in Florida together with my family this time tomorrow.
—That’s great. You      the attractive sunlight then.
A.are enjoying    B.will be enjoying
C.are about to enjoy    D.have been enjoying
6.You’d better not call the manager between 7 and 8 this evening, for he ________ an important meeting then.
A.will be having    B.would have
C.will have    D.will have had
考查时态。句意:在今晚七点至八点之间你最好不要给经理打电话,因为他那时正在召开一次重要的会议。根据句子的时间状语between 7 and 8 this evening可知,句子表达的是将来的动作,根据后面从句中的then可知,还是指的是今晚七点至八点之间,所以用将来进行时。故A选项正确。
7.Mr Smith will not be able to attend his son’s wedding ceremony, because he_______ an important speech.
A.will be giving    B.has given
C.gives    D.will have given
8.  you  off Mrs. Black this time tomorrow?
—Of course. And we are going to hold a farewell party for her this evening.
A.Will; be seeing    B.Will; see
C.Were; going to see    D.Would; see
考查时态。根据this time tomorrow(明天这个时候)可知此空应用将来进行时, 表示明天这个时候某个动作将正在进行。
9.Please do not call me at because I ________ to Beijing.
A.am going to fly    B.will be flying    C.will fly    D.am to fly
10.—Have you heard from Jane recently?
—No,but I ________ her over Christmas.
A.saw    B.will be seeing
C.have seen    D.have been seeing
11.At this time tomorrow          over the Atlantic.
A.we’re going to fly
B.we’ll be flying
C.we’ll fly
D.we’re to fly
考查动词时态。句意:明天这个时候我们将正在飞越大西洋。根据时间状语At this time tomorrow可知,此处指明天的这个时候正在进行的动作,应使用将来进行时will be doing。故选B。
12.We leave Nanjing on 15 July, and we_____ a flight to Morocco, in North Africa.
A.would take    B.took
C.will be taking    D.have taken
如: I’ll be working for my exams next month. 下个月我将用功看书准备考试.
By this time tomorrow, I’ll be lying on the beach. 到明天的这个事件,我就躺在沙滩上了。
When will you finish these letters? (如上司对下属)
When will you be seeing Mr. White? (如下属对上司)
Mary won’t pay this bill. (她拒绝付帐)
