be doing---when---句型
1. be doing---when---
2. be about to do---when---
3. hadn’t done---when---
4. be about half way---when---
5. be on the point of---when---
6. be in the middle of---when---
7. hardly had time to---when---
8. had just done---when---
Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had dropped all of b
ooks he was carrying, along with a baseball bat and several other things. 一天放学后,马克正往家走着,突然看见他前面那个孩子拿的书一下子掉了,掉下去的还有一根垒球棒和几个其它东西。
He was just about to dive when he saw the shark. 他刚要跳水,突然看见了鲨鱼。
He was about halfway through his meal when a familiar voice came to his ears. 他饭刚吃一半,突然听到一个熟悉的声音。be about to
Jim was in the middle of a funny story when he broke off to answer the telephone. 吉姆正在讲一个可笑的故事,突然停下来接了个电话。
I hardly had time to think about the matter when all at once I found I was being led back into the reading room to address the waiting audience. 我还没来得及考虑这事,突然就被领回到阅览室去向等待的观众作报告。
He had not travelled far from home when he came to a pond filled with mud and dirt, and as he was not careful, he fell in. 他离开家还没多远就来到一个满是灰尘和泥浆的池塘边,由于不小心他就掉了进去。
He had not gone far when he entered a very narrow passage between two mountains. 他没走多远就进
I was on duty in the Beauchang Tower when I heard my name called. 我正在博香塔内值班,突然听到有人叫我的名字。
Blanche had taken water from the well when an old woman came to her. 布兰奇刚从井里打上水,这时一位老妇人突然走了进来。
We were about 10 minutes down the road when my wife and I broke the silence with a laugh. 沿路走了大约十分钟,我和妻子突然大笑起来。
He was on the point of giving up when his mother encouraged him. 他正要放弃时,母亲鼓励了他。
One day Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashes. 一天,查克飞越太平洋时,他的飞机突然因故障而坠毁了。
I was nearly out to where the cows were when I remembered what Father had said
once. 我快要去到奶牛那儿的时候突然记起了爸爸曾说过的话。
We were nearly to the railroad tracks when I decided to leave the whole matter to the Lord. 接近铁轨时我突然决定要把整件事都交给上帝去处理。
They were about at the well when one of the camels suddenly stopped. 他们快要走到水井处的时候,有一只骆驼突然停了下来。
One day, I was taking a stroll before dinner, when Mr. Jaggers met me and invited me to dine with him in his house in Gerrard Street. 一天,我正在饭前溜达,杰格斯遇见了我,并邀请我跟他到杰拉德大街的家里一起用餐。
I was going to excuse myself, when he added, “Wemmick’s coming”. 我正要推迟,他突然又说,“威美克也要来。”
I had not seen them for eleven years, when, one evening in December, I went once again to my old home by the forge. 十一年来没有与他们见面了,突然,十二月的一天晚上,我又一次去了铁匠铺旁边我的老家。
He had not gone far when he bumped into a large cow and fell down. 他还没有走多远就撞上了一头奶牛摔倒了。
He had hardly been walking for five minutes when he fell again, losing both his book and his glasses. 他还没走上五分钟就又倒了,也摔掉了书和眼镜。
One day a tailor in Duluth, Minnesota, was busy mending an old coat, repairing some holes and a place where it was torn, when he suddenly heard a low, threatening sound at his open door. 一天,在明尼苏达州的德鲁斯,一位裁缝正忙着补一件旧衣服上的洞和一处穿破的地方,突然听到从开着的门口传来一个低沉、怕人的声音。
I was about to steal a few pieces of silver when I saw a man from the other side of the street come running into the shop. 我正要偷几块银子,突然看见一个男人从大街的另一边往店里跑来。
But we had marched only a little way when we came upon a group of fifty horsemen. 可是,我们刚走没多远就遇上了一个五十人的马队。
And hardly had we sat down when in came my uncle’s son. 我们刚坐下我叔叔的儿子就进来了。
I hadn’t gone very far when I noticed everyone was looking at me, and they didn’t seem very friendly at all. 我还没走多远就注意到大家都在看我,他们好像一点都不友好。
I had been walking for about an hour and a half when suddenly I slipped and fell down a riverbank. 我
We were doing our homework when the light went out. 我们正在做家庭作业,灯突然熄了。
They were doing a chemistry experiment when suddenly their clothes caught fire. 做化学实验时,他们的衣服突然着起火来。
We were rolling along merrily when suddenly we had a burst tyre. 我们正乘车快乐地行进着,突然间轮胎爆了。
They were spanking along nicely when suddenly a tyre burst. 他们的车正快速前
They were watching the World Cup when suddenly the lights went out. 他们正看着世界杯比赛,突然灯灭了。
The forest fire was nearly out of control when suddenly it rained heavily and saved the day. 森林火灾几乎无法控制,幸好老天突然下起大雨,才化险为夷。
We were drinking beer and trading stories when suddenly my wife came back. 我们正在喝啤酒,互相侃着奇闻轶事,这时候我妻子突然回来了。
We were joshing Jack about his new girl, when suddenly he got angry. 杰克新交了一个女朋友,我们开他的玩笑,他却突然生气了。
I was alone in my room when suddenly the telephone started ringing. 我正一个人待在屋里,这时电话铃突然响了起来。
I was talking to Joan when suddenly she just dried up. 我正和琼说话时,她突然沉默下来。
I hadn't seen him for years when suddenly we stood face to face. 我多年没见到他了,突然我们面对面地站在了一起。
We were walking along the street together when suddenly she chopped round and ran the other way. 我们正一同在街上走着时,突然她转过身去,朝反方向跑掉了。
I was talking to my brother on the telephone when suddenly the line went dead. 我与我弟弟通电话时,突然线断了。
The headmaster was about to leave the office when suddenly a boy rushed in. 校长正要离开办公室,这时一个男孩冲了进来。
He was about to give up the question, when suddenly he found the answer. 当他正准备放弃这个问题时,突然到了解决的答案。
He was just about to give up waiting, when suddenly she popped up from behind. 他已经不打算等了,这时她却突然从背后冒了出来。
He was talking away about his plans when suddenly the lights went off. 他还在喋喋不休地讲着他的计划,这时灯突然灭了。
One night I was having a good sleep, when suddenly I heard my dog yapping. 一天夜里我正在熟睡,突然听到狗狂吠起来。
He sat down to think about what to do next when suddenly the cat began to speak!他坐下来思考下一步该怎么办,这时那只猫突然开始说话了!
They were investigating one of the hummocky bits the Rat had spoken of, when suddenly the Mole tripped up and fell forward on his face with a squeal. 正当他们在察看河鼠提到的一个小山包时,鼹鼠突
Two explorers were on a jungle safari when suddenly a ferocious lion jumped in front of them. 两个探险者正在丛林里旅行,一只凶猛的狮子突然跳到了他俩面前。
Everything seems to be going smoothly, there is not a cloud in the sky, when suddenly there is a case, an issue. 一切看来都很顺利,没有一丝出事的迹象,可突然却出了事,出了问题。
The remaining men were just preparing to leave when suddenly a young man called
Laban Tall rushed into the malthouse, almost too excited to speak. 正当其他人要离开时,一个叫拉班·托尔的年轻人冲进酒店,他激动的有点说不出话来。
A busload of politicians were driving down a country road, when suddenly the bus ran off the road and crashed into an old farmer's barn. 一车的政治家正行驶在乡村的一条路上,突然这辆车开离了路并撞上了一个老农民的谷仓。
We were having a picnic, when suddenly there came a downpour, which was rather a fly in the ointment. 当我们正在举行野餐的时候, 忽然大雨倾盆, 未免大煞风景。
I was certain my wanderings were over and my debts all paid when suddenly I came upon thy trumpet lying in the dust. 我确信我的流浪已经结束,我的债务已经偿清,这时,我突然看见你的号角躺在尘埃中。
I was lying awake on my bed when suddenly Sarah came inside and started screaming. 我正躺在床上还没睡着,这时萨拉突然跑进来,开始大喊大叫。
We were talking when he suddenly took his jacket and run away. 我们正聊着呢,突然他就拿着夹克跑开了。
He was enjoying a bag of peanuts when he suddenly became short of breath. 他在享用一袋花生时突然喘不过气来。
The whole family was having a happy reunion on the eve of the Spring Festival when to everyone's disappointment the power suddenly went off. 除夕夜全家人欢聚一堂,背兴的是突然停了电。
We were about to get on the train when the explosion occurred. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured. 我们刚要上火车突然发生了爆炸,所幸的是,没有人受重伤。
He was just in the middle of describing a rather terrifying experience he had once had when his small s
ailing boat was carried out to sea in a storm, when there was a loud crash from the bedroom above, the one where my brother and I were going to sleep. 他给我们描述了所乘坐的小船被暴风雨卷入大海的可怕经历,正讲着,突然楼上我哥俩准备睡觉的房间传来一声巨响。
