得夺市安庆阳光实验学校                        (SB2A) 4-6 单元统练
Unit 4
1.Once the data is collected, the computer will ___ it by date.
A. translate  B. sort  C. recite  D. follow
2.Unless ___ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.
A. invited  B. being invited  C. having invited  D. inviting
3.Im going to Paris tomorrow. Which hotel can you ___ me to stay in?
A. contribute  B. suggest  C. translate  D. recommend
4.The old men like being together and telling stories that can ___ old times.
A. call at  B. call for  C. call on  D. call up
5.Weve worked out a method ___ our production can be greatly raised.
A. that  B. what  C. of which  D. by which
6.Youll have to ___ what he says very carefully if you want to understand it.
A. follow  B. sort  C. intend  D. share
7. This is the first time that Jane has spoken to ___ public about her experience in ___ public.   
  A. /,/  B. the, /  C. /, the  D. the, the
8.Mr. Smith, ___ of the ___ speech, started to read a novel.
A. tired, boring  B. tiring, bored  C. tired, bored  D. tiring, boring
9.Generally speaking, when ___ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.
A. taking  B. taken  C. to take  D. to be taken
10.___ the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover from the operation.
A. Given  B. To give  C. Giving  D. Having given
11.Ive got no ___ of staying indoors on a nice sunny day like this.
A. loneliness  B. intention  C. pattern  D., fantasy
12.It was so hot that the farmers had to go and sit in the ___.
A. shade  B. shadow    C. absence  D. district
13.Pearls bright clothes always make her ___ in a crowd.
A. light up  B. call up  C. send out  D. stand out
14.When youve finished, put the books back where they ___.
A. collect  B. gather  C. belong  D. place
15.When the wounded soldier woke up in the hospital, he found ___ by doctors and nurses.
A. it to surround  B. himself surrounded  C. to be surrounded  D. himself surrounding
Unit 5
1.Her rich experience gave her an advantage ___ the other people applying for the job.
A. than  B. over  C. upon  D. above
2.Hows tea made? It isnt simply a /an ___ of soaking a tea bag in hot water.
A. matter  B. basis  C. approach  D. form
3.Information has been put forward ___ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.
A. while  B. that  C. when  D. as
4.Whats an e-pal? Yes, you ___ it! An e-pal is someone you write e-mail to.
A. guess  B. will guess  C. guessed  D. had guessed
5.It was not ___ she took off her dark glasses ___ I realized she was Julia Roberts.
A. when, that  B. until, that  C. until, when  D. when, then
6.He was expecting to have completed the job by now. ___, hes only halfway through it.
A. That is  B. Even though  C. As it is  D In that case
7.In the summer months the difference in temperature between London and the north can be ___ 9 degrees!
A. as many as  B. as cool as  C. as far as  D. as much as
8.Indonesia ___ some 3,000 islands stretching more than 2,000 miles from east to west.
A. makes up  B. makes the most of  C. is made up of  D. is consisted of
9.There are three colors in the British flag, ___ red, white and blue.
A. like  B. namely  C such as  D. for example
10.As we joined the big crowd, I got ___ from my friends.
A. separated  B. divided  C. lost  D. missed
11.Only then ___ that the conference was ___.
A. I realized, important  B. did I realize, of importance
C. did I realized, important  D. I realized, of importance
12.If you look out of the window on the left of the bus, Youll see that were now ___ the
London Eye.
sort out his feelingsA. approaching  B. arriving  C. conquering  D. coming
13.Violence on TV may turn out to be a strong ___ on some young people.
A. proof  B. impression  C. influence  D. basis
14.The ___ of booking tickets in advance is that you can get better seats.
A. approach  B. advantage  C. union  D. state
15. The British Isles is a group of islands that lies ___ the west coast of Europe.
A. in  B. on  C. from  D. off
Unit 6
1.Samuel Pepys dairy gives us a /an ___ description of the Great Fire of London in 1666.
A. regular  B. contemporary  C. tiny  D. virtual
2.It remains ___ whether shell be fit enough to play in the finals.
A. to see  B. to be seen  C. seeing  D. to have seen
