Nan Rendong was the chief scientist of the world's largest radio telescope(射电望远镜)He has been well­known for his excellent achievement(成就)of the FAST project.He passed away at 72 years oldbut his spirit will shine brightly like a diamond forever.
In 1963Nan began to study at Tsinghua University.During his college lifehe made efforts(努力)to study his major as well as English.After leaving the collegehe had a dream  of helping human beings to explore the universe(探索宇宙)more.Thenhe started taking action to make his dream come true.Howeverit was not an easy job.Whatever happenedhe clearly knew his dream and tried to achieve it.
Nan began working on the FAST project in 1994.He suffered a lot but he never gave up.Finallythrough his hard workthe project was accomplished(实现)and his name was written into history.
( B )1.What was Nan Rendong's job?
AA teacher.    BA scientist.
CA student.    DAn astronaut.
( C )2.Which of the following is TRUE about Nan's college life?
AHis major was English.
BHe suffered a lot but never gave up.
CHe studied at Tsinghua University.
DHe started to take action to make his dream come true.
( D )3.From the passagewe can know that ______.
ANan started working on the FAST project in 1963
BNan had a dream of finding an easy job after leaving the college
Cthe FAST project wasn't achieved because Nan passed away at 72 years old
Dthe FAST is a big radio telescope that can explore the universe
( B )4.Why was Nan's name written into history?
ABecause he found a shining diamond.
BBecause he helped to achieve the FAST project.
CBecause he worked hard on his major as well as English.
DBecause he was the chief scientist of the world's largest project.
Why do we call it a circle of friends?
The reason is that it always bends(弯曲)
The shape won't change with someone new
If there are many or just a few.
A circle never runs out of space
Come and gothere'll be a place.
A gap(缺口)can close and open again
To be filled by youno matter when.
There is always room for another one
Another person to share the fun
Another person who you can share
Your feelings withwho will always care.
Inside the circlethe space is free
To play with one or two or three.
Skates and scooters(滑板车)books and toys
To share with different girls and boys.
Bend like the circlemake it wide
You'll find a world of friends inside.
( C )1.According to the passagethe shape of a circle of friends will ______.
Achange with someone new
Bchange if there are many friends
Calways bend
Dalways change
( B )2.What do we know about the circle?
AEveryone  in the circle is busy.
BInside the circlethe space is free to play.
CThere will be room for another one only if someone leaves.
DThe gap between you and your friends cannot be filled.
( A )3.Which is the best title for the passage?
ACircle of Friends
BSharing Your Feelingssort out his feelings
CHow to Make a Circle Wide
DThe Shape of a Circle of Friends
Bobalso known as Mr Incredibleand his wife Helenknown as Elastigirlare the world's greatest superheroes.They save people and battle with evil(罪恶)But fifteen years laterthey are forced to become the normal people.They have no choice but to live a normal life with their three children VioletDash and Jack­Jack.
In The Incredibles 2(《超人总动员2)Helen goes out to workwhile Bob has to stay at home to look after their three children.It's difficult for everyone to adapt to(适应)the new life.At the same timenobody knows the baby Jack­Jack was also secretly born with supernatural powers(超能力)
When a new bad guy has a dangerous planthe family and their friend Frozone must find a way to work together again.At lastthey win.It is not an easy jobthough they're all sup
( C )1.What happens fifteen years after Bob and Helen save people?
AThey have three children.
BThey are forced to go out to work.
CThey live a normal life like other people.
DThey become the world's greatest superheroes.
( A )2.According to the passageit's ______ for everyone to adapt to the new life.
Ahard    Bdifferent
Ceasy    Dgreat
( C )3.How many people are there in the family?
A3.    B4.
C5.    D6.
( B )4.Who was secretly born with supernatural powers according to the passage?
AViolet.    BJack­Jack.
CThe bad guy.    DFrozone.
Do you like eating cakesHere comes a special kind of cake for you!
The cake is called a “fondant cake”(翻糖蛋糕)and it tastes really good.Unlike other cakesit is based on some famous Chinese stories. And every cake of this kind is as beautiful as a picture.
