Writing Notes
1.When writing an assay that needs you choose a side while oppose the other side:
Select the strongest points for your idea as well as the opposition's strongest claims.At this stage,you may find it helpful to put your drafted thesis in an "although-because"statement,so you can clearly see both your opposition's arguments and your own.
Pattern A:Thesis
        Body paragraph1:you present your first point and its supporting evidence
        Body paragraph2:you present your second point and its supporting evidence
        Body paragraph3:you refute your opposition's point
Pattern B:Thesis
        Body paragraph1:you refute your opposition's point
        Body paragraph2:you present your first point and its supporting evidence
        Body paragraph3:you present your second point and its supporting evidence
Argue your ideas logically.To convince your readers, you must provide sufficient reasons for your position.You must give more than mere opinion-----you must offer logical arguments to back up your assertions.Some of the possible ways of supporting your ideas should already be familiar to you from writing expository essays;listed here to your understanding of the lecture:
1)Give examples(real or hypothetical)
2)Present a comparison or contrast
3)Show a cause-and-effect relationship(......;)sort out the facts
4)Argue by definition(.......)
Model:Despite ...........(上述两端支持的观点的总结),.............(反方已然支持他的观点,说出反方理由)。指出他的错误并论述。
Model:Thesis 与Conclusion 可采取同一模式:反方观点的实例,反对并提出自己观点,给出理由。
2..Eliminating words(在最后写完检查是否有啰嗦的句子时候用得到)
1) Eliminating words that explain the obvious or provide excessive detail
Always consider readers while drafting and revising writing.If passage explain or describe details that would already be obvious to readers,delete or reword them.Readers are also very adapt at filling in the non-essential aspects of a narrative,as in the follow example:
Wordy:I received your inquiry that you wrote about tennis rackets yesterday, and read it thoroughly.Yes, we (19 words)
Concise:I received your inquiry about tennis rackets yesterday.Yes, we (12 words)
2)Eliminate unnecessary determiners and modifiers
Writers sometimes use extra words or phrases that seem to modify the meaning of a noun but don't actually add to the meaning of the sentence.Although such words and phrases can be meaningful in the appropriate context, they are often used as "filler" and can easily be eliminated.
Wordy:Balancing the budget by Friday is an impossibility without some kind of extra help.(14 words)
Concise:Balancing the budget by Friday is impossible without extra help.(10 words)
Here's a list of some words and phrases that can often be pruned away to make sentences clearer:
Kind of
Sort of
Type of
For all intents and purposes
3)Omit repetitive wording
Made a discovery-------Discovered
Made a decision-------Decided
I thought in my head/I thought to myself-------I thought
4)Omit Redundant Categories
Specific words imply their general categories,so we usually don't have to state both
Large in size
Often times
Of a bright color
Heavy in weight
Period in time
Round in shape
At an early time
Economics field
Of cheap quality
Honest in character
Of an uncertain condition
In a confused state
Unusual in nature
Extreme in degree
Of a strange type
3.Some phrases from those good essays:
n hold=stop doing sth
Check out=observe
A whole lot=a lot
A smile can light up your face and make you more approachable
Pick up on=find,discover
Pull sth off=solve this problem
Take the spotlight=be the most attractive
Grave importance =very and seriously important
School is ,among other thins, a place of competition,as students vie for the best academic records to send to prospective employers,graduate and professional schools, and in some
cases, paying parents.
4.Common illogical arguments
1)The writer who have the argument on insufficient or unrepresentative evidence
For example:If you interview only campus athletes and then declare,"University students favor a new stadium."What about the opinions of the students who aren't athletes?In other words,when the generalization is drawn from a sample that is too small or select,your conclusion isn't valid.(这段话其实也是一个很好的写作模式,一句综述,举个例子,用in other words连接最后一句话概括,最后一句概括要说出导致的结果)
