
1. be defined as 被定义为
2. few and far between 凤毛麟角
3. let alone 更不必说
4. living growth(s) 生长物
5. (be) under way 已经开始并进行着
6. in spite of 尽管
7. a large/certain amount of = a number of = a lot of 若干,一些,许多
8. take a course 选课
9. get a degree 获得学位
10. run for 竞争
11. to some/what/such an/a certain extent 达到某种程度
12. on the edge of 边缘
13. hold sb./sth. back 妨碍,阻止
14. be concerned to do sth. 把做某事视为自己的事
15. be concerned with sth. 与某事有关
16. mixed-ability 综合素质
17. contribute to 有助于
18. give sb. opportunity to do sth. 给某人机会做某事
19. cope with = deal with 对付,处理
20. in pairs 两个一组、一次两个
21. attain one’s goal 实现目标
22. participate in 参加
23. at length 最终
24. keep/lose track of sb./sth. 与某人/事保持/失去联系
25. in addition to 之外
26. day and night 夜以继日
27. be willing/unwilling to do sth. 愿意/不愿意做某事
28. in the early stages 在早些时候
29. carry out 实施,完成
30. go on doing sth. 继续做某事
31. be capable of doing sth. 有能力做某事
32. for example = for instance 例如
33. bring about = lead to = give rise to = cause = result in 导致
34. smile and bubble 喜悦
35. urge to do 急切做
36. make sense of = understand 理解,明白
37. in some other way 在某种程度上
38. live up to sth. 符合某事物标准
39. claim for sth. 索赔
40. in person 亲自,本人,当面,直接
41. in private 私下
42. take sb. to court 起诉某人
43. keep the promise 遵守诺言
44. realize the purpose 实现目的
45. take advantage of 利用
46. in/out of fashion 时髦/过时
47. put aside 忽视
48. make/earn money 赚钱
49. centre on 为中心,重点在于,主要与有关
50. bring forward 提前
51. solar energy 太阳能
52. cut into 打断
53. meet with 遇到
54. build up 树立,增进
55. raw material 原材料
56. get along with 与某人相处
57. attempt to do 试图
58. in terms of 根据,按照(区别in terms在谈判中)
59. at very high speed 以很快速度
60. in relation to 关于
61. base on基于
62. dream of/about 梦想/到
63. get a break = make a great progress 取得进步
64. what if? = what would happen if? 要是又怎样?
65. put sb. to sth. 使某人遭受
66. put sth. to sb. 向某人传达
67. even if/though 即使
68. sort sth. out 挑选出,解决
69. be regarded as = see/deem/consider/think/treat/look as 看/当做
70. add to 增加
71. lead on 引诱
72. as to = about 关于
73. play an important role in doing 起重要作用
74. be convinced of 确信,认识到
75. HR = human resources 人力资源
76. come across 偶遇,交付
77. at the cast of 为代价
78. fit into 适合
79. lucky break 机遇
80. object to 反对
81. be associated with 相联系
82. higher/lower-income 高/低收入
83. from top to bottom 彻底,完全
84. as a whole 总体上
85. be concerned with 参与,涉及
86. be concerned about 关心
87. shake of 摆脱
88. all kinds of 各种各样的
89. free of charge 免费
90. now that 既然
91. within one’s grasp/power 某人力所能及
92. beyond question = no doubt 无疑的
93. death toll 死亡人数
94. by comparison 相比较
95. in addition 除此之外
96. drawing board 绘图板
97. close down 关闭
98. get back (into) 回复
99. be essential for 重要/基本/实质的
100. screen off 用幕隔开
101. put up with 忍受
102. so far 迄今为止
103. get on 生活,进展<口>赶快,发迹,进展
104. vice versa 反之亦然
105. in the case of 的情况
106. hit upon 偶然发现
107. by no means 决不
108. bring up 抚养
109. from here to there 从这到那
110. be concerned about 关心
111. make sb. refreshed 使人精神振作
112. be bore to do sth. 厌烦做某事
113. feel like 想要
114. long for 渴望
115. enter into 进入
116. be up to 胜任/从事于
117. wear a seat belt 系安全带
118. apply to 应用于
119. apply for 申请
120. back into 倒车撞上(某物)
121. relate to 涉及
122. die off 相继死去直至死光
123. in terms 在谈判[协商]
124. white/blue collar 白/蓝领
125. prevent…from doing 阻止做某事
126. be convinced that 确信
127. thank you heartily 中心感谢
128. be good for 值得,有效
129. as if 好像
130. keep sth. away from danger 使某物免于危险
131. afford to do sth. 能够做某事
132. bring forth 提出,出示
133. shift the role 转变角
134. seem to 似乎
135. be thought to 被认为
136. in the light of 按照,根据
137. give weight to 重视,加强,为提出强有力的证据
138. draw conclusion 下结论
139. distinguish…from 区分,辨别
140. be capable of 能够
141. take part in doing = participate in doing 参加
142. take account of 考虑
143. attach to 使依恋,把放在
144. owe to 归因于
145. be engaged in 忙于
146. by chance = by accident 偶然
147. size up 打量
148. cut off 切断
149. be curious about 好奇
150. be familiar with 熟悉sort out sth
151. be familiar to 被某人熟悉
152. deal with = cope with = handle 解决,处理
153. more often than not 通常,多半
154. be filled with 充满
155. so as to 以至于
156. line with 两旁是
157. point to 指向
158. see as = look as = view as = identify as = think as = regard as = consider as = deem as 看做
