add up 合计
calm … down 使安静下来
have got to 不能不;必需
be concerned about 关心;挂念
walk the dog 遛狗
go through 经历;经受
set down 记录;记下;放下
a series of 连续串的;一系列;一套
on purpose 故意
in order to 为了
dusk 黄昏;傍晚
at dusk 在黄昏时刻
face to face 面对面
no longer / not …any longer  再也不
get/be tired of  对...厌烦
pack (sth)up将(东西)装箱打包
get along with 与..相处;进展
fall in love 相爱
join  in 加入
because of 由于;因为
come up  走近;上来;提出
at present 此刻;目前
make use of 利用;利用
such as 例如..;像这种的
play a part (in) 扮演一个角;参与
ever since从那以后
be fond of 喜爱的;溺爱的
care about 关心;忧虑
change one’s mind 改变主意
make up one’s mind 下决心
give in 投降;屈服
as usual 照常
at midnight 在午夜
right away 立刻;马上
sort out sthas if 恍如;恍如
at an end 结束;终结
in ruins 严重受损;破败不堪
dig out 掘出;发现
a(great)number of 许多;大量的
warm-hearted 热心肠的
easy-going 随和的
out of work 失业
out of control失去控制
out of power没电,没权利
out of curious出于好奇
out of politeness出于礼貌
walk out of the classroom 走出教室
take some money out of the pocket 从口袋出拿出些钱Youth League 青年团
as a matter of fact 事实上
blow up 使充气
in trouble 在危险、受罚、痛苦、忧虑的处境中turn to 求助于;致力于
lose heart 丧失勇气和信心
come to power 当权;上台
set up 设立;成立
be sentenced to 被判处…
anti-black 反黑人的
in se arch of寻觅
belong to属于
in return 作为回报
at war 处于交战状态
less than少于
take apart 拆开
think highly of重视
take part in参加
stand for 象征;代表;表示
as well又;也
in charge主管;看管
one after another 陆续地;一个接着一个
from ...on从.....时起
as a result  结果
human race人类
in a way 在每种程度上
with the help of 在...的帮忙下
deal with 处置;安排
watch over看管;监视
die out衰亡;逐渐消失
in peace和平地;和睦的
in danger(of)在危险中;弥留
in relief 如释重负
burst into laughter 突然笑了起来from保护...不受...(危害)pay attention to 注意
come into being 形成;产生
according to 依照;按照...所说
so that 因此(表结果,表目的)
dream of 梦想;假想
to be honest 说实在地;说实话
attach to以为有(重要性、意义);连接in cash 用现金;有现钱
play jokes on 戏弄
rely on 依赖
be/get familiar with 熟悉
or so大约
break up  打破
in addition 另外
sort out  分类
above all 首先;最重要
take place 发生
in memory of 纪念,追念
dress up 穿上盛装,打扮,装饰
play a trick on 弄恶作剧,,开玩笑look forward to 期望,期待
day and night 日夜,日夜,成天
as though 恍如
have fun with 玩得高兴
parking lot 停车场
turn up 出现,到场
keep one’s word守信用
hold one’s breath屏息,屏气
the Milky way 银河
set off 动身,起身,使爆炸
remind …of使……想起
balanced diet平衡饮食
stir-fry 用旺火炒
ought to 应当,应该
lose weight 体重减轻。减肥
get away with 受到从轻发落,不收惩罚tell a lie 扯谎
earn one’s living谋生
in debt 欠债
spy on 暗中监视,侦查
cut down 削减,删节
before long不久以后
put on weight 增加体重
bring up 抚育,培育,教育。提出make a bet 打赌
by accident 偶然,无心中,不小心
on the contrary 与此相反,正相反take a chance 冒险
in rags衣衫破烂
as for 关于,至于
solar system 太阳系
Big Bang 宇宙大爆炸,创世大爆炸
in time及时,终于
carbon dioxide二氧化碳
lay eggs下蛋
give birth to产生,临盆
in one’s turn轮到某人prevent……from阻止,制止
block out 挡住(光线)
cheer up 感到高兴,感到振奋
now that 既然
get the hang of 熟悉,掌握,理解
break out 突发,暴发
watch out for密切注意,当心,提防
prime minister首相,丞相
rather than与其,不肯
settle down居住,安静下来,专心于
manage to do设法做
catch sight of看见,看见
have a gift for有……天赋
in the distance在远处
move off离开,启程,动身
lead a… life过着…样的生活
lead a comfortable / rich / happy / simple life live a… life 过着…样的生活
crowd in(想法问题等涌上心头,涌上脑海)
look down on/upon  看不起
refer to  查阅,参考,谈到
by chance  可巧,恰巧
come a cross 偶然遇见,遇见
carry on 继续,坚持
thanks to 幸亏,由于,因为
rid of 使...摆脱或除去
get rid of 除掉
be satisfied with 对…感到满意
would rather宁愿宁可
build u p 逐渐增强,成立,开发
lead to 致使,造成后果
focus on 集中(精力注意力)于
keep free from/of 使…免受(影响,伤害)
up to now 直到此刻
feel/be content with对…感到知足
badly off 穷的,缺少的
well off 富有的
worn –out    adj. 磨破的, 穿旧的
