Module 7 Unit 3 The World Online adj.亲/赞成…的eg. He is pro-American. 他是亲美派。→pro/con n.赞成/反对意
见→pros and cons 正反两方面意见
2.★that is to say=that is=in other words≈namely(全部列举)→such as / like / for example
/ namely区别→in a/one word=altogether=to conclude=all in all 总而言之
3.analyse vt.→analysis/analyses(pl.)→make an analysis (of…)→basis/bases (pl.)
4.★value ①n.价值/价格:be of (great) value to…=be (very) valuable to.. ②vt.估价:
value sth at SM ③vt.评价=evaluate ④vt.重视/珍视=cherish/treasure→valuation n.;
valuable adj.;valuless adj.无价值的/无用的≈useless≠priceless adj.无价的/珍贵的
5.★need ①情态动词:needn’t do sth;needn’t have dones sth(本不必做,但做了) ②vt.:
need sb/sth;need to do sth;need sb to do sth;sth need doing=sth need to be done;③n.:there is no/a need of/for sth;there is no/a need (for sb) to do sth;in need≠in need of=in want of=need(vt.)
6.current affairs时事;family affairs家务;public affairs公务;foreign affairs 外交事务
7.forecast (forecast/forecast;forecasted/forecasted)①vt.:forecast+sth/宾从②n.:a weather
forecast/report;make/give a forecast→predict①vt.:predict+sth/宾从→prediction n.:make a prediction
8.package≈pack ①n./c/ 包/包裹②vt.打包/包装③n.一揽子/整套计划:travel
package;package tour包办/包价旅行
9.★turn to ①翻至(页) ②求助:turn to sb for help/advice ③转向:turn to+方位/方向④
装而:turn to (doing) sth
10.acquire ①学得(知识/技术) ②养成(习惯/嗜好) ③获得(财产/权利)
11.downtown ①n. ②adj. ③adv. 闹市区/中心区→go/live downtown
12.sort ①vt.:sort… out分类整理/解决(=work out) ②n.≈kind/type:a sort of一种;all
sorts of;sort of一点/稍微≈a little/somewhat,修饰adj./adv. sceptical/skeptical of/about…;be useless for/to…;It be useless (for sb) to do sth
14.frequency n.频率/频繁;frequent adj.;frequently adv.≈often/always经常/频繁地
16.advance n/vt/vi. 前进/进展/进步/促进/提高/增加→advancement→advanced techology
17.statistics n.①/u/ 统计学②/c/ pl.统计数据/资料
18.tie ①vt.系/捆/绑/扎:tie A to B ②vt/vi.打平:tie (with)+某队③n.领带④n.平局:end
in a tie ⑤n.关系/联系/纽带:social/family/business ties
19mon adj.①普通/通常的:common sense/knowledge常识②共同的:have (many
things/a lot/much/a little/something/nothing/little) in common (with…);in common with…;be common to…
20.appearance n.①出现/露面:appear/disappear/disappearance ②外表/外貌≈looks:Never
judge a man by his appearance. 勿以貌取人。 popular with/among…→… popularity (+among/between…)
22.background ①n. social/political/cultural background ②adj. background music/music
23.lifelong friend/friendship;moreover=besides=what’s more=in addition另外/而且
24.★remain ①vi.剩余/残存:remain+(介宾/副词) eg. The children kept eating until no
food remained on the table. Of her three sons only one now remains, and the rest were
killed in the war. ②停留/逗留=stay:remain+(介宾/副词) eg. After school only a few
students remained/stayed in the classroom. ③vi.仍然/依然:remain+adj/n./adv. eg. It remained cold in April. The true author of the book remains unkown. They remain good
friends although they enter different secondary schools. ④vi.留待/尚待:sth remain to be done某事仍有待于被做;it remain to be seen whether-clause 是否….还不得而知
25.drawback n.①缺点/欠缺≈shortcoming ②不利条件≈disadvantage ③障碍≈
26.address ①n.地址②n.称呼③n.演讲≈speech ④vt.写地址⑤vt.对…演说:address
sb ⑥vt.称呼:address sb as+头衔⑦vt.针对/对付/探讨/处理≈deal with ⑧address oneself to≈apply oneself to≈devote oneself to专心于/致力于
27.★control (-led/-ling)①vt.控制/支配②n.:have control over…;be in control of≈take
control of;in one’s control=in the control of…;lose control of…;under control;be out of control=beyond control=be uncontrolled
28.up to date/out of date adj./adv.;out-of-date / up-to-date=newest/latest adj.
29.★accurate adj.正确的/精确的:be accurate in/at (doing) sth;to be accurate 正确地说→
accuracy n.:with accuracy=accurately adv.正确地/精密地;(反)inaccuracy / inaccurate →exact:to be exact 确切地说;exactly:exactly speaking;not exactly①并不/并没②根本不③未必≈not necessarily;exactness n.
30.★advantage n.①take advantage of=make use of利用→make full/good use of;make the
best/most (use) of ②have an advantage (of…) over…和…相比有着…的优势③to one’s advantage 对…有利的/地→to one’s disadvantage对某人不利的/地
31.★judge ①n.法官/裁判②vt.裁决/审判/判断:judeg sb/sth to be+名词/形容词;judge A
by/from B→judging by/from…=to judeg by…做状语时用→judgement n.:make an judgement;in one’s judgement/opinion/view
32.false adj.①错误的/不正确的=wrong/incorrect:false information ②虚伪的/虚假的:
false alarm/witness ③不忠实的:  a false friend;be false to sb ④假造的/人造的:false eye/tooth
sort out sth34.paper n.①/u/纸:paper plan/tiger/money ②/c/报纸=newspaper ③papers:文件/资料④
/c/论文/报告⑤/c/作业/试卷:grade/mark the papers给试卷评分
35.★occur (-red/-ring) vi.①发生=happen:sth occur to sb ②存在/出现③(想法/念头)想
起/浮现:sth occure to sb→It occur to sb to do sth;It occur to sb that-clause
36.private adj.①私人/个人的≈personal:private life/letter ②私有/私营的:private school
③私下的/保密的≈private:keep sth private/secret →in private私下地/悄悄地/不公开
地→(反)in public在公共场合/当众/公开地
37.gain ①vt.获得/赚得:gain wealth/experience/one’s respect ②vi.得益/获利
(=profit/benefit):gain from/by…③增加(速度/重量等):gain speed;gain weight=put on weight→lose weight ④n.收益/利益(gains):No pain(s), no gain(s). ⑤n.增加/增进:have a gain in weight/effciency效率
38.★addicted oneself to…=be addicted to…→one’s/an/the addiction to…
39.  a diploma course→course n.①课程②过程=process:in the course of…在…过程中
③一道菜:main course主菜④of course=certainly
40.heavy/frequent computer/Internet user;heavy drinker/smoker;heavy damage/loss/rain disconnected from…;dynamic adj.≈lively有活力的/有生气的
42.★handle ①n.把手/柄②vt.触摸/手弄eg. Wash your hands before you handle the food.
③vt.对待/处理≈treat / deal with ④vt/vi.操作/运转≈operate
43.★present ①n.礼物≈gift ②n.现在:at present;for the present=for the time being=for
the moment ③adj.出席的/在场的:be present at→be absent from;present做后置定语
④adj.现在的:at the present time/moment ⑤vt.赠送/呈献/授予:present sth to
sb=present sb with sth ⑥vt.提出/显示/表露;引起/陈述/表达present sth (to…) ⑦介绍/引见:present sb (to…) ⑧上演/公演≈put on →presence n.在场/出席;presentation n.
①赠送/授予②上演/上映③表现/发表,陈述/介绍:make a presentation
44.evident adj.明显的/显然的≈obvious/clear:be evident to…;it is evident (to …)
that-clause→evidently/obviously/clearly adv.≠evidence n.证据/迹象/征兆(+of…/to do sth/that-clasue做后置定语)
about sth→explicitly adv.
46.★accustom sb/oneself to (doing) sth=be/get accustomed to (doing) sth=be/get
accustomed to do sth少用=be/get used to (doing) sth 习惯于(做)某事
47.alarm ①n./c/警报(装置):a fire alarm;give the alarm发出警报②n.闹钟=alarm clock:
set an alarm for six ③n./u/惊慌/恐惧/不安:jump up in alarm ④vt.使惊慌/恐惧/不安
49.dull adj.①钝的/不锋利的(sharp) ②迟钝/愚笨的:All work and no play makes Jack a
dull boy.只工作不玩耍,聪明的孩子也变傻③枯燥/乏味/单调的≈boring
50.★appreciate vt.①赏识eg. He appreciates your talents. ②鉴赏/欣赏eg. You’ll
appreciate his novels if you read his autobiography(自传). ③感激/感谢(行为):不能加sb做宾语;appreciate (one’s/sb) doing sth;appreciate it that-clause→appreciation n.①鉴赏力/理解(+of…) eg. She has a deep appreciation of literature. ②赞赏/感谢(+for…)→show/have a(n) … appreciation for…
51.wear…out ①把…穿旧/磨破②使…疲惫=tire…out→be worn/tired out
53.★admire vt.感叹/佩服;称赞/赞赏;羡慕→admire sb for sth→admiring adj.佩服的/称
赞的:an admiring look→admiration n.①/u/:have/show/feel/express admiration for…;
with/in admiration ②/c/令人赞赏的人/物:His skill at skiing is the admiration of us all.
54.skill n.(+at/in…)→be skilled/skillful at/in (doing) sth熟练的→  a skilled job需要技巧的
reasonable suggestion;at a reasonable price;Sth sounds reasonable.
56.intelligent adj.:in an intelligent manner→intelligence n.;talented/talent;wise/widom;
57.★way/manner/method/means区别;be happy/pleased/satisfied/content(ed) with…满意
58.the outcome/result of…结果;applaud (for) sb/sth≈clap→applause n./u/
59.hopeful adj.①怀有希望的:be hopeful of/about…;be hopeful that-clause ②有希望/前
途的≈promising:eg. She is a hopeful/promising dancer. →hopefully adv.①满怀希望地
②但愿/如果顺利的话→hopeless adj.绝望的/无望的→hopelessly adv.
60.★eager adj.①渴望的(≈anxious/dying/thirsty/desired/longing):be eager for/about…;
be eager (for sb) to do sth;be eager that-clause[虚拟语气:(should)+动词原形]②热心的:be eager/involved in (doing) sth ③long(vi.)+for sth/ (for sb) to do sth;be keen+on/about…/be keen to do sth
61.keep/bear…in mind≈learn…by heart;in belief/short≈to be belief/short简而言之;breif
n./adj.→briefly adv. ①n.导游(人) ②n.路标/指针③n.指南/简介/说明书≈guidebook:a guide to sth
④vt.带路/向导:guide sb+介宾⑤vt.指导/管理→under one’s guidance/direction在…
指导下→guideline n.指导方针/行动纲领
63.★step ①n.脚步/步伐/足迹/:make/take a step走一步;mind/watch one’s step小心脚
步②n.梯级/台阶≈stair ③n.手段/步骤/措施:take … action/measures/steps to do sth;
step by step ④n.阶段/阶级:make a big step towards success →v.(-ped/-ping) ⑤跨步/步行⑥vi.踩踏:step on one’s foot →step up 促进/增加/改善/提高/走近/走上
64.★aid n/v.:aid sb in/with sth;aid sb to do sth;first aid;in aid of…为了(帮助) →assist
v.:assist sb to do sth;assist (sb) with sth;assist (sb) in doing sth;assistant/assistance →help n/v.:help (to) do sth;help sb (to) do sth;help (sb) with sth;cannot help but do sth=cannot help doing sth不得不/忍不住;cannot help sb/one’s doing sth奈何不了某人做某事;help oneself to sth自行/随意取用;help sb out使人脱离困境
66.★direct ①adj.笔直的/直达的/直接的/直接了当的:direct way/flight/question/speech
③指导/监督/管理④指挥/导演⑤指引≈guide:direct sb+介宾⑥命令≈order:direct
sb to do sth;direct that-clause[虚拟语气:(should)+V原]→反义:indirect/indirectly →directly adv.①笔直地/直达地/直接地/直率地②立刻/马上≈soon ③conj.=as soon as一…就…→director n.指导者/董事/理事/导演/导播/指挥/主任/处所局长→direction n.①方向:in/from the direction of…②指导:under one’s direction/guidance ③directions 指示/命令/吩咐/说明:+for sth做后置定语→subject directory ①n.环节/纽带/联系:the link between…and…;direct link ②vt/vi.连接/联系:link
(…) with/to…;link…up/together;be linked with/to…
68.differ vi.:differ from…in…=be different from…in…→tell the difference(s) ;
make a/no difference→differently≈in a different way
69.classify sth by…/into…分类/分级→classified(adj.) ads分类广告→classification n.
70.★content ①n.contents (容器内)内容/目录/内容要旨:the contents of a container/speech
②adj.满足的/甘心的:be content with…;be content to do sth ③使满足:content
sb/oneself with…→contented adj.满意的:be contented with…;with    a contented look/smile
71.evaluate vt.评估/评价/鉴定≈value/assess→evaluation n.≈assessment
72.★qualify vt/vi.给予/取得资格:q ualify (sb) for+工作/as+职位;qualify (sb) to do sth eg.
Did you qualify as a teacher? Only six runners qualified for the final. He qualified to join
our association. Knowledge alone can’t qualify you + to teach/as a teacher/for the job. →qualified adj.有资格/有能力/适合称职的:be qualified for sth/to do sth;a qualified doctor/lawyer →qualification:n.①资格/能力(常用复数qualifications):have qualifications + for sth/to do sth eg. Do you have qualifications for teaching English?=Do you have qualifications to teach English?②/u/ (被)赋予资格/执照③/c/ 资格证书/执照:a medical qualification
73.solid ①adj.固体的②adj.结实的/坚固的/(引申)稳固的/牢靠的≈firm/stable ③adj.充
分的/确实的/有根据的≈explicit/valid ④n./c/ 固体/固体物/立体:solid/gas/liquid
74.obtain得到/获得≈gain/acquire/get:obtain sb sth=obtain sth for sb eg. He finally
obtained what he had always wanted. Knowledge can be obtained through study. The film
obtained him great fame.=The film obtained great fame for him. 那电影使他名声大噪。
75.patient ①n.病人②adj.耐心的:be patient with sb/of sth→patience/impatient/impatient
76b ①n.梳子②vt.梳发/梳理③vt.搜索/搜寻=search:comb/search…for…
77.★divide ①vt/vi.分割/分配/分切/分开≈split/separate:divide sth into…/in…;divide sth
between/among /with sb;divide sth from sth ②vt/vi.(使)分裂/对立≈split ③vt/vi(数学)除/除以(乘multiply;加and/plus;减minus):divide 12 by 3=divide 3 into 12;Twelve divided by 3 is/equals 4. Three multiplied by 4 is/equals 12. →be divided into…→★separate (A) from/into B;separate from the masses脱离众;get/be separat e d from…
和…分离/分手/被拆散;live in separate rooms各自的/单独的;I live separate/apart from my parents. →separately adv.分离地/个别地/分别地:eg. We’ll pay separately.
78.specific adj.具体的/明确的≈definite;a bunch of…一束/串/捆/札→two bunches of…
79.★base ①n.基地≠basis(pl.bases)(理论等上的)根据/基础→on the basis of…;form/lay
the basis for/of…形成/奠定…的基础②v. base A on/upon B→A be based on B→based on…以…为基础(做状语时用) →basic n./adj.基本的/基础的
80.★equal ①adj.平等的/相等的→be equal to:eg. Men are born equal. 1 plus 1 is equal to
2. ②胜任的:be equal to (doing) sth ③n.同等/媲美的人=match:eg. She has no
equal/match in English. ④vt.等于:1 plus 1 equals 2. ⑤vt.比得上=match=compare with:eg. No one can equal/match/compare with her in English.→equality/equally
81.★consider ①考虑:consider (doing) sth ②认为:consider sb/sth + (to be )+名词/形容
词;consider sb/sth to have done sth→take…into consideration→all things considered(状语)全盘考虑过后→considering prep/conj.就…而言/照…来看:eg. Considering his age, he is still healthy. Considering (that) he didn’t study hard, he did quite well in the exam. the bottom of…底部→at the foot /top of…;make an error;in error=by mistake a general rule≈in a general way≈in general≈generally speaking;website/web page
84.★manage vt.①经营/管理②操纵/使用(工具/机械) ③设法做到:manage to do sth;I
can/could manage (it) (myself). 我自己能搞定(不用帮忙)。→manager/management n.
85.★be sure/certain of/about…对…有把握/确信…≠be sure/certain to do sth一定会做某
事;be sure/certain that-clause;It’s certain(不能用sure) that-clause;make sure/certain + of sth/to do sth/that-clause
③查询=refer to:consult the dictionary→consultant n.咨询专家/顾问
experiment confirmed his theory. The president confirmed that he would pay an official
visit to China the next week. ②坚定/牢固(人的信心/决心/决定):eg. Their advice confimed my decision. →confirmation n. eg. The rumo(u)r lacks confirmation.
88.quote vt/vi.引用:qutoe (sth) from… eg. He likes to qutoe from Shakespeare.→quotation
n.①/u/ 引用②/c/ 引文eg. It’s a quotation from Shakespeare.→(double) quotation marks (双)引号→hyp
hen 连字符→puncuation mark标点符号
89.★cheat ①vt.欺骗/诈取:cheat sb into doing sth;cheat sb (out) of sth;cheat one’s
money(×);rob one’s money(×):rob sb/sw of sth (√) ②vi.作弊/作假:cheat at/in/on sth:cheat in an examination考试作弊③n.骗子=cheater ④n./u/ 欺骗/诈取/作弊 adj.合法的/法定的/法律上的(反义:illegal):a legal act/holiday/right;it’s (il)legal
to do sth;the outline(≈summary / main idea) of……的纲要/概要/轮廓
91.★attach ①vt.安装/系/贴/绑/栓:attach/tie A to B ②vt.附加(署名/签字):attach A to B
