Chapter 1
keep someone at a distance 与…保持距离mount into 爬上
be washed up to 被冲到...
on account of 由于,基于
thrust out 伸出
be humbled by 因为...感到卑下
in a word 总而言之
slip in 溜进
stuff oneself (with sth) 用(某物)填饱all at once 突然
be aware of 意识到...
Chapter 2
fight with 与..争斗
beside myself/out of myself 无法控制自己liable to do 有....危险的;可能遭受...的fight to the last 反抗到底
be tied down 捆绑;束缚
be under obligations to 有义务
throw out 扔出去
a great deal of 大量的,许多
fetch sb. away 带...走
a shade of 一点,略微,少许
Chapter 3
turn up 出现
at the distance of 在...的时间或距离来看fit in 适合;融入
have something/nothing in common with sb. 和某人有/没有共同之处sympathize with sb. 与某人志同道合
be opposed to sb. 反对...;与某人相反
sth. dawn upon/on sb. 某人渐渐意识到...
with all one's might 用尽全力
get 抓住
Chapter 4
a sense of 一种...的感觉
beyond words 无法用语言表达
knock down 击倒,拒绝
come through 穿过,传来
fix on 把...集中在...上
deal with 对待
shut up 关起来
get away from 逃离
be strapped to 被捆绑
Chapter 5
lock up 将...锁住
a pang of 一阵
hit with 用什么击打
lean over 趴在...上
turn against 还击
fly at 扑向,猛烈攻击
associate with 与...交往
turn on sb. 攻击某人
revenge someone on 为…报仇
lift up 举起
quarrel with 和...争吵
Chapter 6
give oneself up to sth./doing sth. 全身心投入某事make up sth. 组成某物
swallow sb./sth. up 把某人/某物吞没
swell up 肿胀
surrender sth./sb. to sb. 把...交给某人
draw on 渐渐临近
transform sb./sth. 把...改造/转变成...  Chapter 7
susceptible to 易感的,敏感的
be occupied with 忙于
pay attention to 注意
be  confined to 受限于
lie in 卧病在床
break up <;文中意思>停课
drive sb away 迫使某人离去
carry with 拿走,带走
wrap up 包裹
stay out 留在户外
sit up 熬夜
Chapter 8
hold back 阻碍,控制
rely on 依靠
in detail 详细地
of insignificant 微不足道的
drawn public attention on 引起关注
Chapter 9
sort out sth
excel in/at sth. 精通;擅长
take advantage of sth. 充分利用...
owe sth. to sb. 归功于某人
sth. dawn on sb. (某人)开始理解;渐渐明白take delight in sth. 以...为乐
tire of sth. 对...感到厌倦
gasp for sth. 渴望某物
with all one's might 竭尽全力
be qualified to do sth. 有...的资格
Chapter 10
on the spot 立刻,当场
in a spot 在困难中,处在困境中
brush up 重温,复习
kneel down 下跪,跪倒
by one's own guidance 以某人自己的准则draw up 重温
in short 简而言之,总之
clear away 收拾好,拿开
all at once 突然
sit up 熬夜,晚睡
show into 领进
Chapter 11
be obliged to 不得不...
on the contrary 恰恰相反
intend to do 打算做...
bring up 教育,养育(孩子)
Chapter 12
be used to sth. 对...习以为常
in a rush 匆匆忙忙地
wonder at sth. 对...感到惊奇
propose to do sth. 提议做某事
be decorated with sth. 用...装饰
lean over sth. 倚靠着某物
be dotted with sth. 点缀;遍布
Chapter 13
fasten upon  握住,坚持
bow and scrape 过于客气,打躬作揖descend to 屈尊去从事某种活动
exclaim at 对…表示惊奇;抗议
for an instant 一瞬间
point out 指出
by the way 顺便一提
get on with 和...相处
break up (使)破碎
Chapter 14
lay sb. under no obligation 使某人不受约束put up with 容忍
fall back on sb / sth (转而)依靠,求助于take pains with / over sth 煞费苦心做某事compelling obligation 不可推卸的责任roughly speaking 大约说来
deserve for 值得做某事;应该得到…entitle somebody to something给...权利/资格
