What is media? How do you understand the term? Define the term with your partner within 50 words.
1.Cambridge: newspapers, magazines, radio and television considered as a group
2.Oxford: the main ways that large numbers of people receive information and entertainment, that is television, radio, newspapers and the Internet.
3.Wikipedia: In communications, media (singular medium) are the storage and transmission channels or tools used to store and deliver information or data. It is often referred to as synonymous with mass media or news media, but may refer to a single medium used to communicate any data for any purpose.
Do you know the following terms related to “media”? Illustrate them with some examples.
1.Advertising media: various media, content, buying and placement for advertising
2.Broadcast media: communications delivered over mass electronic communication networks, e.g. TV, radio
3.Digital media: electronic media used to store, transmit, and receive digitized information, e.g. Internet
4.Hypermedia: media with hyperlinks, e.g. Internet
5.Mass media: all means of mass communications
6.Multimedia: communications that incorporate multiple forms of information content and processing, e.g. Internet (including text, audio, still images, animation, video footage or interactivity)
7.New media: a broad term encompassing the amalgamation of traditional media with the interactive power of computer and communications technology, e.g. Internet, websites, computer multimedia,
8.News media: mass media focused on communicating news, e.g. imes
9.Print media: communications delivered via paper or canvas (paper-based publication), e.g. magazine, newspaper
10.Published media: any media made available to the public
11.Social media: media disseminated through social interaction, e.g. renren, Facebook, Twitter
What types of media do mainstream media encompass? Why do you think mainstream media are controlled by and what is the motive for controlling?
Recently a complaint posted on Sina weibo, a popular micro-blogging website in China, about a Sanya seafood restaurant overcharging tourists has triggered controversy among Web users. How does micro-blogging affect the society in terms of the freedom of information? How is it different from the traditional media?
The seafood stall/restaurant with the sky high prices exposed by 罗迪微博: 朋友一家3口前天在三亚吃海鲜,3个普通菜被宰近4000元。他说是被出租车司机推荐来的。邻座一哥们指
着池里一条大鱼刚问价,店家手脚麻利将鱼捞出摔晕,一称11斤,每斤580元共6000多元。那哥们刚想说理,出来几个东北大汉,只好收声认栽。别说服务水平了,连最基本的诚信都做不到,遑论国际旅游岛。——罗迪微薄 (2012年1月28日)
(More information about the news is available at the following webpage: www.beijingshots/2012/02/sanya-restaurants-ripping-off-customers-fleecing-tourists/)
>sort something out
