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第一节(15小题;每小题2. 5, 满分37. 5)
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的ABCD四个选项中选出最佳选项。
New Science Books in Brief
Volume Control
By David Owen || $18. 23
“ For a deaf child, having hearing parents can be a serious disadvantage," notes Owen in this sensitive study of hearing. He suffers from tinnitus. Combining the science with individual experiences, Owen discusses hearing aids, sign language, Thomas Edison and noise levels in US citiesall in absorbing detail.
Reality Ahead of Schedule
By Joel Levy || $29. 04
This picture-packed book tours scientific advances sparked by ideas in science fiction. For example, Levy shows how H. G. Wells? s 1903 story The Land Ironcladssort something out inspired Winston Churchill to promote the development of the military tank. The title comes from a definition of sci-fi by Sydney Mead, an industrial designer widely known for his designs for science-fiction films.
Jet Stream
By Tim Woollings || $32. 95
The jet stream was discovered in the 1920s. In this analysis of its complex influence on weather, Woollings relates how the Japanese used the jet stream to launch trans — Pacific balloons in 1944. Today, the jet stream is very likely to be threatened by another product of human activity: rising carbon dioxide emissions.
Adventures of a Computational Explorer
By Stephen Wolfram || $22. 46
Stephen Wolfram, designer of the technical-computing system Mathematica, offers good stories in this collection of biographical essays. For example, he recalls himself as a six-year-old spotting a bite
taken out of the sun: a solar eclipse, something unknown to the other children.
1. What can we learn from Volume Control?
A. The science of hearing.    B. Practical ways to cure tinnitus.
C. Thomas Edison's great inventions.    D. Winston Churchill's great achievements.
2. Who provided inspiration for the title of Reality Ahead of Schedule?
A. Joel Levy.    B. H. G. Wells.
C. Sydney Mead.    D. Tim Woollings.
3. How much should you pay if you want a book completely made up of real stories?
A. $18. 23.    B. $22. 46.    C. $29. 04.    D. $32. 95.
The definition of community has evolved (升华)for me from childhood to the young adult I am now. My mom was born in America but both her parents were from the Bahamas. It was their culture to take care of the elderly and the sick. And my mom has taught me to be caring to those around us because we're all a part of the "community" , an extension of family.
When I was 9 years old, my family moved to Cape Coral, Florida. Both mom and dad worked full-time, so they registered me to attend an after-school program at the Youth Center. Youth counselors (辅导员) would help me with my homework and play games with me and this was where my interest took root. Community service started with me giving back at the Youth Center.
Then illness struck at home. My grandmother had to have heart surgery and needed hospit
al treatment. This experience brought me to volunteer at Cape Coral Hospital. I asked if I could learn from the nurse how to give my grandma her medicine and it started here.
I loved being at Cape Coral Hospital. I would bring paperwork to other doctors, bring food to the patients, and make sure the patients were attended. I would help direct visitors to see patients. I would always tell what would cheer the patients up because I had built a relationship with them and their loved ones. I grew to feel the hospital was a part of my community.
After volunteering at the Youth Center and at the Hospital, I've learned that people become sort of an extended family when you care about them. Now I am more considerate of those close to me, neighbors and even strangers who share my resources.
4. Who might be the first to expose the author to the sense of community?
A. Counselors at the Youth Center.
B. Nurses at Cape Coral Hospital.
C. Her grandparents.
D. Her mother.
5. Why did the author's parents send her to the Youth Center?
A. They were too busy to take care of her.
B. They wanted her to do community service.
C. The author couldn't finish her homework on her own.
D. Becoming a counselor was the author's childhood dream.
6. What did the author volunteer to do first at Cape Coral Hospital?
A. Cheer the patients up.
B. Bring food to the patients.
C. Help direct visitors to see patients.
D. Serve medicine to her grandmother.
7. What is the best title for the text?
A. I Love Volunteering    B. Community Is Family
C. My Volunteer Experiences    D. My Community and My Family
As spring arrives, farmers around the world are making decisions about what crops to plant and how to manage them. In the U. S., farmers typically have big data to help make these decisions. These data have a clear upside. They make farms more productive. In the U.S., the past five years have seen a series of good harvests for both com and soybean. A big part is generated by effectively using data to produce more food from the same amount of land, seed and fertilizer.
