Translation Section
一.Translate the following passages into Chinese
1. “Equality between women and men is no longer a negotiable issue”…“As long as women remain unequal they can’t have access to resources, they can never participate in political decision-making, they can’t make their own choices in life. That is the bottom line.”Mrs Mongella says women round the world are all concerned about equality. In developing countries, in states emerging as industrial powers, in the countries of the West, women are looking for action, action she sometimes calls a revolution.
2. A 1993 National survey of 50,000 junior and senior high school students revealed a marked increase in marijuana use among high school students. One of the researchers noted, “We have the unenviable role of informing the country that drug use is making a comeback, that the epidemic could be re-emerging”
This increase in the use of marijuana on the part of teenagers is significant because for some of these young people, “pot”will become a “gateway”drug-that is, a relatively mild or “soft”mind-altering sub substance that lead to the ingestion of more powerful drugs. Substance abuse expert Herbert Kleber notes, “If you used marijuana less than 10 times the likelihood of using cocaine was practically nil. But if you used marijuana more than 100 times, or twice a week for a year, the likelihood of using cocaine went up to 70 percent.”
3. Now, in 1995, the time has come to bring the vision of a global Marshall Plan into focus again. Getting on with the industrial revolution is the most urgent challenge civilization now faces. If
foreign aid was being considered an act of common humanity at mid-century, it is now dictated by the exigencies of common survival. The population of the world has more than doubled since 1950-from 2.5 billion to 5.3 billion. The number of people living in direct poverty has increased to 1.3 billion-close to the total population of the underdeveloped countries in 1950. The population is doubling now again. The number in direct poverty could equal the present world population. A doubling after that would bring the human species close to full occupation of the Earth.
4. American medical television series, such as ER, regularly show the hi technology used in modern US hospitals. A good example is the thin flat screen used on all computers. Know why they have thin, flat monitors? Because they’re LCD (Liquid Crystal Diode), which is less bulky and smaller than the standard CRT(Cathode Ray Tube), the kind used in television sets. The LCD screens don’t emit any electromagnetic radiation, which could interfere with the heart machines and other sophisticated electrsortout翻译
onic equipment in hospitals and thereby cause a crisis. LCD screens are lighter, flatter and throw out less heat than CRTs. They’re also at least three times the price-and, as such, out of the league of home users. This won’t be the case forever, and technologies such as Fujitsu’s super-thin Plasma vision screen ($16,000 for the 42-inch or 1.07 metre model ) will get cheaper, too
5. It is highly unlikely that the death penalty will ever operate so effectively as to save many more lives than other, less severe punishments. Yet, given its defects, it would have to save many more lives in order to be a genuine candidate for moral legitimacy. If it had this positive effect, we would be faced with an anguished choice, just as we would be faced with an anguished choice if
we found that executing innocent people saved many lives. Fortunately, all of this is merely hypothetical. We have no reason to believe that the death penalty does save more lives than other punishments, and so we need not actually confront this choice.
二.Translate the following into English
Some women believe that sacrificing a female infant guarantees a son in the next pregnancy. 2. 对于许多母亲来说,亲自宣判女儿的死刑,胜过判定女儿一辈子遭受歧视忍受贫困。(condemn…to)
For many mothers, sentencing a daughter to death is better than condemning her to life with cradle-to-grave discrimination and poverty.
3. 城市妇女可以根据胎儿性别选择堕胎,因为他们更容易有机会享用现代医学技术(access to)
In urban areas, easier access to modern medical technology enables women to undergo sex-selective abortions.
4.在印度,一个年轻女子只是被看成是她出生家庭的临时成员,而且是对这个家庭的财力的一个极大的消耗。(a drain on)
In India, a young woman is regarded as a temporary member of her natural family and a drain on its wealth.
5.烧柴做饭的妇女一天吸入的致癌物相当于每天抽20包香烟。(inhale,equivalent)Those women who use wood fuels in cooking inhale carcinogenic pollutants that are the equivalent of smoking 20 packs of cigarettes a day.
6. 妇女的健康需求过去常常被忽视,或者被认为和男人的需求相同。去年开罗的大会上一直认为不安全的流产,应该是整个医疗保健中要注意的一个方面。多次会议都承认,必须理解妇女有特殊的健康需求,妇女应该充分获得足够的医疗卫生服务。
Women’s health needs have in the past often been over looked, or assumed to be the same as men’s.
At the Cairo conference last year it was agreed that the consequence of unsafe abortions are part of overall health care. The conference recognize that women have specific health needs which must be understood, and that women must have full access to adequate health-care services.
7. 如果你到医院去,你会见到病人在做手术前吸止痛药。
If you go to hospital, you will find patients usually snort pain-killing medicine before an operation.
8. 那个参议员在她的政党里是一股很强的势力,所以她很有可能赢得今年的那个席位。Since the senator is a potent force in her political party, she is most surely to win the place this year.
9. 自从他得知了事实真相以来,他就一直在寻机会为被谋杀的兄弟报仇。
He has been seeking vengeance for the murder of his brother since he was told of the fact.
10. 在较长的节假日周末,死亡人数因为车祸会上升。
On long holiday weekends there is always a rise in the number of fatalities due to auto accidents. 11. 你在中学度过的那段时间是你受教育的一个重要时期。
The time you spend in high school is an important phase of your education.
12. 然而,我应该指出的是在医学和科学研究领域里,实际上在进行认真的,并且是有价值的与有关的工作。但是,在对政策进行大规模的讨论中,学术界和知识界总的来说没有提出什么好的办法,提出的办法也很少真正有用。
I should point out, however, that in the fields of medical and scientific research, there is indeed serious and valuable drug-related work going on. But in the great public policy debate over drugs, the academic and intellectual communities have by and large had little to contribute, and little of that has been genuinely useful.
13. 尽管Davos 文化在全球事务中有着极其重要的影响,但它远不能作为全球统一文明的象征(far from)
While the Davos culture is playing a tremendously important role in global affairs, it is far from a symbol of a universal civilization.
14. 只有无知傲慢才会使西方认为,西方产品的全球化将带来全球的西化。(arrogance)Only naïve arrogance can lead Westerners to assume that the whole world will become “Westernized” by the globalization of Western goods.
15. 非西方国家经济的迅速发展导致了能适合满足不同社会品味的地区性、区域性传播业的发展。
The rapid economic development in non-Western countries is leading to the emergence of local and regional media industries which cater to various social tastes.
16. 英语已成为不同民族交往时使用的混合语(lingua franca),这一现象正好说明了世界上存在着不同文化这一事实。(presuppose)
The English language has become the world’s lingua franca, which presupposes the existence of separate cultures.
17. 认为某种全球统一文明正在出现的论点仅仅基于人们的一些设想(rest on,assumption)The argument that some sort of universal civilization is emerging rests on some assumptions.
18. 随着国家之间联系的日益紧密,经济上的相互依存和优势互补也越发明显。任何国家都不能置身于国际社会之外,不能脱离世界大市场。经济生活的国际化,要求各国在经济、科技、金融、贸易等领域开展广泛的交流与合作。
As countries become increasingly closer in their relations, their economic interdependence and mutual support of relative advantages have grown all the more obvious. No country can afford to stand aloof from the international community and isolate itself from the global market. The internationalization of e
conomic life requires that all countries conduct extensive exchange and co-operative in economies, technology, finance, trade and other fields.
19. 计算机犯罪从心怀不满的职员对其先前供职的公司搞破坏,到某公司非法进入其竞争对手的电脑里窃取商业机密。(disgruntled)
Computer crimes range from a disgruntled employee who sabotages his former company to a company that hacks into a competitor’s computer to steal trade secrets.
20. 商家将会抛弃个人计算机,而转而使用更为方便的网络计算机,到处由计算机相连的办公室和可携式计算机(ubiquitous)
Business will dump the PC and embrace easier-to-use net work computers, ubiquitous computing office and wearable computers.
21. 这种对个人监控已经开始出现在计算机世界里了(surveillance, cyberspace)
This kind of personal surveillance has begun in cyberspace.
22. 电子“货币”留下显示犯罪的事实痕迹,结果导致更多的逮捕的定罪。这些告发反过来又会制止更多的犯罪。(incriminating trails)
Electronic “money”would leave incriminating trails of data, resulting in more arrests and convictions. These prosecutions, in turn, would inhibit further crimes.
23. 这将使许多计算机程序出现混乱。如果不加以修复,许多公用设施、装配线、银行自动取款机、交通信号灯和电梯等都可能自动关闭。(public utilities)
This will turn many computer programs to mush. Unchecked, many public utilities assembly lines, bank teller machines, traffic lights and lifts may shut down.
24. 最近的一项调查表明,在17,251名因特网用户中,有近6%的用户程度不同的痴迷于上网。这些网迷承认,他们上网成瘾导致了婚姻破裂,使孩子误入歧途、滋生犯罪而且经济上入不敷出。敲击键盘进入网迷站点,你会发现这样一些信息:“嗨,我叫鲍勃,一个网虫”(addiction, delinquency, tap)
A recent survey of 17,251 Internet users found nearly 6 percent had some sort of addiction to the medium. They revealed that their online habit contributed to disrupted marriages, childhood delinquency, crime and overspending. Tap into online addiction sites and you’ll find messages such as: “Hello, my name is Bob and I’m a Webaholic”