大猫英语分级阅读校园版what is cgi
    What is CGI?
    Have you ever watched a movie with incredible special effects? Giant monsters rampaging through cities, superheroes flying through the air, or fantastical worlds that look too amazing to be real? That's CGI - short for Computer-Generated Imagery!
    CGI is a way of creating graphics, images, animations, and visual effects using computers. It allows artists and filmmakers to create things that would be impossible, too dangerous, or too expensive to do in real life.
    Let's break it down a bit.
    The "computer" part of CGI means that everything is created using software programs and powerful computers. Artists don't paint or draw each frame by hand. Instead, they use tools like 3D modeling software to build their creations. Kind of like virtual sculpting!
    "Generated" means made or produced. So with CGI, all of the images are generated, or made, by computers and software instead of by hand or using cameras.
sort out of    Imagery
    The "imagery" part refers to images themselves - pictures, animations, visual effects and graphics. CGI can make still images for things like video game characters or book covers. But it's most commonly used for animations and movie visuals with characters or objects that move.
    So CGI allows artists to create incredible imagery completely inside a computer! From the terrifying T-Rex in Jurassic Park to the wise old Yoda from Star Wars to the awesome a
ction scenes in the Avengers movies, they all came to life thanks to CGI.
    How Does CGI Work?
    Okay, I know what you're thinking - computers are magical! But CGI isn't really magic. It's a ton of math and coding that makes those images look so realistic.
    The first step is modeling. This is where the 3D artists create objects, characters, environments using that special 3D software. It's kind of like virtual building blocks that get assembled into the elements of a scene.
    Next up is texturing, which is like putting a skin or surface onto those 3D models. This gives them color, texture, and other details to make them look more lifelike.
    After that comes rigging and animation. Rigging is setting up virtual bones and muscle systems so the characters and objects can move naturally. Animation brings them to life by recording those movements, frame-by-frame.
    Lighting is super important to make the CGI visuals look realistic. Virtual lights, shadows, and reflections get added to mimic real world physics. Special effects like fire, water, smoke and other natural elements can be simulated too.
    Finally, all those layers upon layers of models, textures, animations, lights, and effects get rendered, or calculated and turned into the amazing footage you see on screen.
    Using CGI Everywhere
    While CGI is probably most famous for big blockbuster movies, it's used in all kinds of places! Video games rely heavily on CGI graphics to depict characters, worlds, and gameplay. Animated movies like those from Pixar and DreamWorks are fully CGI.
    CGI also plays a role in commercials, TV shows, music videos, and even scientific simulations to visualize things too small or fast for the naked eye. From the Hulk smashing apart a city to the adorable animations in Dora the Explorer, CGI has become an indispensable part of modern entertainment and visuals.
    So the next time you watch something with cool visual effects or stunning animated graphics, you can thank the brilliant CGI artists! Their technical skills and creativity allow movies, games, and shows to transport us to imaginative new worlds. With CGI, anything is possible on the screen.
    What is CGI?
    Have you ever watched a movie and been amazed by the special effects? Giant robots smashing through buildings, superheros flying through the air, or magical creatures that look totally real? That's all thanks to CGI!
    CGI stands for Computer-Generated Imagery. It's a way of using computers to create or enhance images that you see in movies, TV shows, video games, and animations.
    Creating CGI is like a big animation project. Animators and computer artists work together to design and model characters, objects, environments and more  - all inside the c
omputer! Then they make those models move and come to life, adding visual effects like fire, water, and explosions along the way.
    It's kind of like building with Lego bricks, except everything is made up of tiny digital pieces called pixels instead of plastic bricks. The animators get to construct whole new worlds from scratch on their computers, just using math, code, and creativity!
