    Should Kids Have to Do Chores?
    Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm 13 years old. My parents are always nagging me to help out around the house by doing chores. I have to make my bed, load the dishwasher, take out the trash, and even mow the lawn sometimes! It's soooo annoying. A lot of my friends don't have any chores at all. Their parents do everything for them. I don't think it's fair that I have to waste my free time doing work when I could be playing video games or hanging out with my friends instead. Childhood is supposed to be fun and carefree, right?
    On the other hand, my parents say that chores teach responsibility and life skills. They claim that doing housework helps build character and makes me appreciate how much effort goes into running a household. I kind of get what they're saying, but it still seems really unfair
and boring to me. Why should kids have to do grownup tasks like cleaning and laundry? Isn't that what parents are for?
    My friend Marcus says he wishes his parents made him do chores when he was younger, because now that he's in college, he doesn't know how to do basic things like cook for himself or use a washing machine properly. I guess I can see his point - learning those skills as a kid would be useful later on. But still, I'd way rather just have my fun now and worry about that stuff when I'm an adult.
    Some parents think kids should get an allowance or be paid for doing chores, but my parents disagree. They say helping out around the home shouldn't be treated like a job you get money for - it's just part of being a responsible member of the family. I think getting a little money would at least make the whole chore thing a bit more bearable though.
    Another argument in favor of kid chores is that it teaches teamwork and pulling your weight. Our house doesn't run itself, and my parents say everyone needs to pitch in. It's true that when I don't do my part, it creates more work for my mom and dad. I don't really w
ant to make their lives harder than they already are. As annoying as chores can be, I can't imagine how tough it would be for just two adults to cook, clean, do laundry, yardwork, and everything else nonstop with no help!
    Some chores are definitely worse than others. I really hate cleaning my bathroom and mopping floors, but I don't mind doing easier stuff like loading the dishwasher or taking out the trash. And I actually kind of enjoy mowing the lawn in nice weather - it gets me outside for fresh air. So maybe not ALL chores are evil after all.
    I've also noticed that I feel a tiny sense of pride and accomplishment when I check things off my chore list. There's a small satisfaction in looking at a formerly messy room and seeing that I've straightened and cleaned it up. It's not huge, but it's there. I'm sure that feeling of taking pride in hard work will only increase as I get older.
    When I really think about it, doing age-appropriate household tasks really isn't the worst thing in the world. It's certainly not fun, but most of the time it's not that hard either. And you know what they say - "Many hands make light work!" If everyone just did their small part, o
ur home would run so much more smoothly and there would be way less for my poor parents to worry about.
    I still don't love chores. I probably never will, to be honest. But I can recognize that learning responsibilities, discipline, teamwork and basic life skills now is setting me up for success as a teen and adult down the road. It's buildingvaluable habits that will allow me to one day run my own household or live independently. It's teaching me that the world doesn't just revolve around me - that I have obligations to others too. As much as I may resent chores in the moment, I know my parents aren't making me do them just to torture me. They're trying to raise me right by making me pitch in and do my part. Even if I grumble about it now, I have a feeling I'll appreciate it when I'm older.
    So in conclusion, while having household chores may sometimes feel unfair and like a drag, I can see why it's ultimately beneficial. It's preparing me for real life responsibilities, building crucial skills, and making me a team player rather than self-centered. Do I wish I could just sit around and play all day instead? Of course! But taking on some chores really i
sn't too much to ask in the grand scheme of things. Childhood is about having fun, sure, but it's also about learning and growing. Doing my small part around the house may not be super exciting, but it's part of what will help turn me into a capable, productive, responsible adult one day. And for that reason, I can't complain too much. Thanks for reading!
    Should Kids Have to Do Chores? An Essay by a 7th Grader
    Doing chores is pretty much every kid's nightmare. We'd way rather be playing video games, watching YouTube videos, or hanging out with friends instead of cleaning, washing dishes, or folding laundry. But even though chores might be a drag, I actually think kids should have to help out around the house. Here's why:
    First off, doing chores teaches responsibility. Our parents have to do a ton of work to keep the household running smoothly - cooking, cleaning, laundry, yard work, repairs, and so much more. If we all pitched in, it would make their lives way easier. By doing chores, w
e learn that keeping a house clean and maintained isn't just magically done. It takes effort from everyone in the family.
    Doing chores also teaches important life skills. How are we supposed to know how to properly load a dishwasher, wash and dry clothes, clean a bathroom, or cook a basic meal if we never practice those skills as kids? Our parents won't be around forever to do everything for us. We need to start learning how to do those basic tasks so we'll be prepared to live independently someday.
