Section Ⅵ The Rest Parts of the Unit(P6~10)
1.I am tired of the partner(同伴) I have been working with because he is hard to get along with.
2.Only in this way can you have a chance to achieve your goal(目标).
3.It must be a strategy(策略) to make me let him go on holiday alone.
4.Don’t be too curious(好奇) about things you are not supposed to know.
5.The company(公司) has connections with a number of Japanese firms.
6.I think it is her personality(personal) rather than her looks that has struck me.
7.The organisation(organise) is designed to help people who wish to teach abroad.
8.This book has sold a million copies since it was revised(revise) last year.
1.Thanks for your kind consideration and I look  forward  to(盼望) your earliest reply.
2.You need to take  notes(记笔记) at the meeting,so make sure to bring a pen and some paper with you.
3.As long as we work hard,I’m sure that our dreams will  come  true(实现).
4.The price of it has  gone  down(已下降),but I wonder if it’ll remain so.
5.The sun came  out(出来) from behind the clouds late in the afternoon.
6.All living things depend  on(依靠) the sun for their growth.
sort out rests upon
Children are always curious about everything they see and hear.They will ask all kinds of questions curiously.To meet their curiosity,wed better answer them.
organise(v.)organisation 组织
prepare(v.)preparation 准备
adapt(v.)adaptation 适应
educate(v.)education 教育
expect(v.)expectation 预料
depend on rely on
count on
1.If I’m not in class,I’m either in the library or in the computer lab.
[仿写] 那个女孩高兴时,不是唱就是跳。
When the girl is happyshe either  sings  or  dances.
2.I take notes while listening and reading.
[仿写] 他们在欧洲旅行时结了婚。
They got married while  travelling  in  Europe.
3.No matter what you want to learn,it is important to decide on your goal before you make a plan.
[仿写] 不论他是什么人,他必须遵守法律。
No  matter  what  he  is,he must obey the law.
2.while listening and reading是while I am listening and reading的省略。 matter what引导让步状语从句,意为无论什么
1.look forward to 盼望,期待
Tom is looking forward to meeting the new exchange student.(教材P6)
[短语记牢] 记牢下列短语
look into            调查;向……里面看
look through  浏览,仔细看,翻阅
look around/round  环视;环顾;四下查看
look back on  回忆,回顾
look up  向上看,查
look down on/upon  轻视;瞧不起
look up to  尊敬,敬仰
It’s our traditional virtue that the young should look up to the old.
We shouldn’t look down upon/on the disabled;on the contrary,we should help them.我们不应该瞧不起残疾人,相反我们应该帮助他们。
I like to look back on my high-school days,which were the happiest in my life.我喜欢回顾我的中学时代,那是我生命中最快乐的时光。
[巩固内化] 单句语法填空
Please look through your desk and see if my English dictionary is there.
