(Computing Essentials 2013)选择题
Multiple 1
1. The keyboard, mouse, monitor, and system unit are:
hardware output devices storage devices software
2. Programs that coordinate computer resources, provide an interface, and run applications are known as:
application programs operating systems
storage systems utility programs
3. A browser is an example of a:
basic application specialized program
system application utility program
4. Although not as powerful as a supercomputer, this type of computer is capable of great processing speeds and data storage.
mainframe media center midrange netbook
5. The smallest type of microcomputer:
netbook handheld midrange tablet PC
6. RAM is a type of:
computer memory network secondary storage 7. Unlike memory, this type of storage holds data and programs even after electrical power to the computer system has been turned off.
primary RAM ROM secondary
8. The type of file created by word processors to save, for example, memos, term papers, and letters.
database document presentation worksheet
9. The change in connectivity that uses the Internet and the Web to shift many computer activities from a user’s comput er to computers on the Internet.
cloud computing high definition network USB
10. The largest network in the world is [the]:
Facbeook Internet Web USB
Multiple 2
1. The network that connects computers all over the world.
CERN Internet LAN Web
2. The rules for exchanging data between computers.
DSL protocols Web WWW
3. Client-based e-mail accounts require this special program to be installed on your computer.
e-mail client hyperlink Java utility
4. Communities of individuals who share a common interest typically create Facebook:
clients groups pages profiles
5. E-mail that does not require an e-mail program installed on a user's computer is known as:
blog podcast Webmail utility
6. A very well-known microblog.
LinkedIn MySpace Twitter Wikipedia
7. These programs continually look for new information and update search services’ database programs.
filters IM spiders wikistablet computing是什么意思中文
8. A type of search engine that submits requests to other search engines, organizes their responses, eliminates duplicate responses, orders hits, and then provides an edited list.
directory search ISP
metasearch engine specialized search engine
9. This is th e Internet’s equivalent to traditional cash.
digital cash e-commerce icash Internet dollars 10. Using file transfer utility software, you can copy files to your computer from specially configured servers on the Internet. This is called:
downloading filtering blogging uploading
Multiple 3
1. This type of software works with end users, application software, and computer hardware to handle the majority of technical details.
application general purpose system utility
2. A rectangular area that can contain a document, program, or message.
dialog box form frame window
3. Programs that create text-based documents.
DBMS suites spreadsheets word processors 4. Programs that organize, analyze, and graph numeric data such as budgets and financial reports.
DBMS suites spreadsheets word processors
5. In a spreadsheet, the intersection of a row and column creates a:
cell formula function label
6. A collection of related data that is the electronic equivalent of a file cabinet.
cell database document table
7. A database tool that will quickly rearrange a table’s records according to a selected field.
filter sort spreadsheet word processor
8. Programs that combine a variety of visual objects to create attractive, visually interesting presentations.
DBMS presentation graphics spreadsheet word processor 9. The primary disadvantage of this type of
package is that the capabilities of each function are not as extensive as in individual programs.
integrated office software utility
10. A type of suite stored at a server on the Internet and available anywhere through Internet access.
cloud integrated office utility
Multiple 4
1. These specialized graphics programs combine text and graphics to create publications of professional quality.
desktop publishing programs image editors
image galleries illustration programs
2. Also known as drawing programs.
desktop publishing programs image editors
image galleries illustration programs
3. Graphics programs used to create and edit vector images.
desktop publishing programs image editors
image galleries illustration programs
4. An essential multimedia feature that allows user participation.
Flash interactivity immersion raster
5. Special programs used to create multimedia presentations.
desktop publishing programs Flash editors
image editors multimedia authoring programs 6. A widely used interactive animation application from Adobe.
7. Programs for Web site design and HTML coding are called Web page editors or
apps HTML editors VR programs Web editors
8. This area of artificial intelligence is also known as expert systems.
acoustics knowledge-based systems robotics virtual reality 9. A type of artificial intelligence that uses a database to provide assistance to users.
acoustics expert systems robotics virtual reality 10. Another name for the database used in expert systems that contains specific facts and rules.
access table expert table knowledge base rule base
Multiple 5
1. What type of software works with users, application software, and computer hardware to handle the majority of technical details?
dapplication desktop Linux system
2. The programs that convert programming instructions written by programmers into a language that computers understand and process are language: converters linguists managers translators
3. The ability to switch between different applications stored in memory is called:
diversion multitasking operational interference programming 4. Graphic representations for a program, type of file, or function: app icon image software
5. This operating system feature is controlled by a mouse and changes shape depending on its current function.
dialog box menu mouse pointer
6. The operating system based on Linux, designed for Netbook computers, and focused on Internet connectivity through
cloud computing:
Chrome Mac Unix Windows
7. The mobile operating system developed by Apple and originally called iPhone OS:
Android BlackBerry OS IOS Mac OS
8. A utility program that makes copies of files to be used in case the originals are lost or damaged:
Backup and Restore Disk Cleanup Disk Defragmenter Compactor 9. A troubleshooting utility that identifies and eliminates nonessential files, frees up valuable disk space, and improves system performance:
Backup and Restore Disk Cleanup Disk Defragmenter Compactor 10. Windows makes it easy to update drivers with Windows:
Backup Restore Driver Update
Multiple 6
1. This container houses most of the electrical components for a computer system.
carrier package system board system unit TV tuner
2. Similar to notebooks, this system unit specializes in on-the-go Web browsing and e-mail access.
chassis desktop media center netbook
3. Computers can only recognize this type of electronic signal.
analog bus digital maximum
4. The main or motherboard is also known as the:
computer board processor mobile system system board 5. How many bytes can a 32-bit-word computer access at one time?
1 48 16
6. In a microcomputer system, the central processing unit is contained on a single:
bus chip module RAM
7. This type of memory divides large programs into parts and stores the parts on
a secondary storage device.
direct expanded random-access virtual
8. Also known as NIC, this adapter card is used to connect a computer to a:
AIA expansion graphics network
9. This provides a pathway to connect parts of the CPU to each other.
bus Plug and Play wired wireless
10. Older ports that have largely been replaced by faster, more flexible ports are called:
buses expandable legacy rendered
Multiple 7
1. Most keyboards use an arrangement of keys known as:
Alpha Daisy OptiKey QWERTY
2. The device that controls a pointer displayed on the monitor.
cord mouse printer scanner
3. Also known as a roller ball, this device controls the pointer by rotating a ball with your thumb.
trackball joystick cordless mouse stylus
4. The type of screen that can be touched with more than one finger and supports zooming in and out by pinching and stretching your fingers.
digital dynamic multitouch OLED
5. Flatbed and document are types of:
headsets HDTVs monitors scanners
6. Device used by banks to automatically read those unusual numbers on the bottom of checks and deposit slips.
7. The most widely used audio-input device.
mouse VR microphone TFT
8. The monitor feature that specifies how often a displayed image is updated.
aspect ratio dot pitch refresh rate resolution rate 9. Handheld, book-sized devices that display text and
e-book readers HDTV lasers whiteboards
10. This technology allows television stations to broadcast their programming directly to smartphones, computers, and digital media players.
Multiple 8
1. RAM is sometimes referred to as:
primary storage ratio active memory
read only memory secondary storage
2. The actual physical material that holds the data and programs.
primary storage media disk access
3. Measures how tightly these charges can be packed next to one another on the disk.
density cylinders tracks sectors
4. When a read/write head makes contact with the hard disk’s surface, it causes
a head:
crash land pit scratch
5. This hard-disk performance enhancement anticipates data needs.
disk caching file compression file decompression RAID
6. This type of storage uses pits and lands to represent 1s and 0s.
cloud hard disk optical solid state
7. DVD stands for:
digital versatile disc digital video data
dynamic versatile disc dynamic video disc
8. USB drives are also known as: