Table tennis is evolved from tennis. It has a history of 100 years. At the time, several British naval officers in India stumbled upon a small table, which was very exciting. Later, they switched to hollow balls instead of solid enough balls. Use boards instead of nets. The teacher said, “this is the name” table tennis “.”At that time, the emergence of table tennis is a hot sport. In early twentieth Century, the United States sold table tennis sets. At first, table tennis has very many  names, such as In 1890, a table tennis maker made a name for table tennis, hit ping-pong-, and made a name for table tennis.In Japanese, it’s table tennis. Used to play table tennis called ping-pong ball.” The table tennis table called court, called ping-pong table, the middle of the tennis net frame support called net, called net support.The world table tennis tournament is held 1 times a year, and the world table tennis competition changed to two years 1/ times after 1957. This is the origin of table tennis.乒乓球
是由网球演变而成的,有100年的历史。当时,有几位驻印度的英国海军军官,偶然发现在一张不大的桌子上打球,十分刺激。后来,他们改用空心球代替弹性不够的实心球。用木板代替网拍。老师说:“table tennis这个名字就是这样来的。”当时,乒乓球的出现是一项热门运动。20世纪初,美国成套出售乒乓球比赛的用具。起初table tennis有很多名字,例如Indoor tennis……1890年,一个乒乓球制造商以乒乓球发出的声音,撞声ping-pong-乒乓球做它的名字。在日语里是桌球。用来打乒乓球叫ping-pong ball。”台面叫court,乒乓球台叫ping-pong table,中间的网球叫net,支持球网的架叫net support。世界乒乓球赛每年1次,在1957年后世界乒乓球赛改为两年1/次。这就是乒乓球的由来。
