1、Good morning/ afternoon / evening    早上/下午/晚上好    Good night  晚安(晚上告别)
2、In the morning/ in the afternoon/ in the evening 在早上/在下午/在晚上
2、glad / nice to meet / see you  见到你很高兴 (回答也一样)
4、How do you do ?你好  (回答也是:How do you do ? )
5、How are you ?  你好吗? 
  Fine ,thank you .and you ?    很好;谢谢;你呢?     
  I’m OK / I’m fine,too /very well.  我也很好。
6、see you = see you later = see you soon = good-bye    再见 
8、Can you spell it ?  Yes / No  你能拼写它吗?  能/不能
9 Can you spell your name? Yes, M-I-K-E      你能拼写你的名字吗? 是的
10 Please spell cup  请拼写杯子
11 in  English 用英语  In Chinese 用汉语表达
12 ---这个用英语怎么说?    ---是一个橘子
  ----Whats this/that in English? --- its an orange
13 ----What are these/those? ---They are rulers. 这些/那些是什么? 是尺子。
Unit 1

1 first name 名字
2 last name 姓
3 full name 全名
4 her name 她的名字
5 the name of the dog 狗的名字
6 Mr Green 格林先生
7 Mrs White 格林太太
8 your phone number 你的电话号码
9 the list of names 名单
10 in China 在中国
11 in the USA 在美国
12 my friends 我的朋友
13  in No.12 Middle School  在12中学
14be  from  =  come  from 来自

1 Whats your name? Alan/ Im Alan./ My name is Alan.
2 What is his name?  His name is Eric. /He is Eric.
3 What is her name?  Her name is Mary. /She is Mary.
你是海伦吗? 是的/不是
4 Are you Helen?      Yes, I am./ No, Im not.
他是杰克吗? 是的/不是
5 Is he Jack?          Yes, he is./ No, he isnt.
你姓什么? 我姓布朗
6 Whats your last name/family name?  My last name/family name is Brown.
你的名字是什么? 我叫吉娜
7 Whats your first name/ given name? My first name/ given name is Gina.
8 Whattabletennis英语怎么说’s your sisters telephone number? Its 893--48596.
9 ---Nice to meet you. --Nice to meet you, too.
谢谢你的帮助。 不客气
10 --Thanks/ Thank you/ Thanks for your help.  ---That’s OK / That’s all right / You’re welcome我的朋友在中国
11 My friend is in China. (在中国)
12 She is a middle school student.
13 We are in the same school, but we are in different classes.

1 My cousin 我的表兄/表妹
2 her uncle 她的叔叔
3 his grandparents 他的祖父母
4 our teacher 我们的老师
5 Lindas family琳达的家庭
6 an aunt 一位姑妈
7 a photo of my family=my family photo
8 a photo of our school一张我学校的照片
9 the name of the dog这只狗的名字
10 in the first picture/photo
11 in the next photo 在下一幅照片里
12 these two girls这两个女孩
13 those boys 那些男孩们
