Here I’ve prepared seven cards with one question on each card.
Seven cards, seven questions:
1) Do you think there is pure friendship between men and women?
2) (Specially for female volunteer) Will you be active when you are finding your true love?
3) To love or to be loved, which type do you prefer in a relationship?
4) If your girlfriend or boyfriend ask you, do you love me? How would you answer?
(Role play for male single dog, randomly choose a female audience on the spot to role play, imagine you are his GF, saying this sentence “do you love me?” (laughing))
5) (For couple) Could you share with us your special experience, like first time of hand in hand, first kiss, or whatever you want.
(For single) Tell us three aspects you think is most important in finding your Mr./Mrs. Right.
6) If let you choose a word to describe love, which word will you choose and why?
7) (Specially for senior member) Petöfi, a poet from Hungary, once said: Life is important/but love is more precious/for the sake of freedom/both can be given up.
tabletableSo what do you think of love and freedom?
Do you think there is pure friendship between men and women?
Will you be active when you are finding your true love?
To love or to be loved, which type do you prefer in a relationship?
If your girlfriend or boyfriend ask you, do you love me? How would you answer?
(For couple) Could you share with us your special experience, like first time of hand in hand, first kiss, or whatever you want.
(For single) Tell us three aspects you think is most important in finding your Mr./Mrs. Right.
If let you choose a word to describe love, which word will you choose and why?
Petöfi, a poet from Hungary, once said: Life is important/but love is more precious/for the sake of freedom/both can be given up.
So what do you think of love and freedom?
