第一篇:译林小学英语四年级下册 unit4 自己整理的词组适合打印给学生
1.draw some pictures画一些图2.Good idea好主意What can you see over there你在那里看到什么 4 Can you draw them?你能画它们吗This is the tree and these are the flowers 这就是那棵树那些是那些花 6 Well done!干得好!Can you see the boat on the river? 你能看到河上的小船么? 8 have a look 看一看 9 Try again 再试一次 10 ten to ten 九点五十
1.draw some pictures画一些图2.Good idea好主意What can you see over there你在那里看到什么 4 Can you draw them?你能画它们吗This is the tree and these are the flowers 这就是那棵树那些是那些花 6 Well done!干得好!Can you see the boat on the river? 你能看到河上的小船么? 8 have a look 看一看 9 Try again 再试一次 10 ten to ten 九点五十
1.draw some pictures画一些图2.Good idea好主意What can you see over there你在那里看到什么 4 Can you draw them?你能画它们吗This is the tree and these are the flowers 这就是那棵树那些是那些花 6 Well done!干得好!Can you see the boat on the river? 你能看到河上的小船么? 8 have a look 看一看 9 Try again 再试一次 10 ten to ten 九点五十
1.draw some pictures画一些图2.Good idea好主意What can you see over there你在那里看到什么 4 Can you draw them? 你能画它们吗This is the tree and these are the flowers 这就是那棵树那些是那些花 6 Well done!干得好!Can you see the boat on the river? 你能看到河上的小船么? 8 have a look 看一看 9 Try again 再试一次 10 ten to ten 九点五十
1.draw some pictures画一些图2.Good idea好主意What can you see over there你在那里看到什么 4 Can you draw them?你能画它们吗This is the tree and these are the flowers 这就是那棵树那些是那些花 6 Well done!干得好!Can you see the boat on the river? 你能看到河上的小船么? 8 have a look 看一看 9 Try again 再试一次 10 ten to ten 九点五十
1.draw some pictures画一些图2.Good idea好主意What can you see over there你在那里看到什么 4 Can you draw them?你能画它们吗This is the tree and these are the flowers 这就是那棵树那些是那些花 6 Well done!干得好!Can you see the boat on the river? 你能看到河上的小船么? 8 have a look 看一看 9 Try again 再试一次 10 ten to ten 九点五十
1.draw some pictures画一些图2.Good idea好主意What can you see over there你在那里看到什么 4 Can you draw them?你能画它们吗This is the tree and these are the flowers 这就
是那棵树那些是那些花 6 Well done!干得好!Can you see the boat on the river? 你能看到河上的小船么? 8 have a look 看一看 9 Try again 再试一次 10 ten to ten 九点五十
1.draw some pictures画一些图2.Good idea好主意What can you see over there你在那里看到什么 4 Can you draw them? 你能画它们吗This is the tree and these are the flowers 这就是那棵树那些是那些花 6 Well done!干得好!Can you see the boat on the river? 你能看到河上的小船么? 8 have a look 看一看 9 Try again 再试一次 10 ten to ten 九点五十
Story time是课文或对话教学,通过情景对话,着重训练学生的听说技能,提高会话能力,同时呈现新的单词、句型、功能和话题。Fun time是以图为主,并安排了动手操作,更具有趣味性和互动性。Cartoon time 是课外阅读的拓展环节,也渗透下一个单元的知识,既培养和锻炼学生的阅读能力也有单元间过渡的作用。Sound time 通过例词和绕口令,引导学生了解字母在单词中的读音,简单的拼读规则和句子重度、连读、节奏、语调等现象。Song/Rhyme time通过歌曲或者童谣进一步帮助学生巩固所学的内容,培养听说和思维能力。Checkout time是一个单元的自我检测板块,学生自己检测是否灵活运用所学重点句型,查漏补缺。
