Unit 4 Seeing the doctor
1.feel 感觉,感到 2.should应该 3.have a rest休息 4.toothache牙疼 5.anything任何东西
1. see the doctor看医生,看病 2. be ill生病
3. go to see the doctor去看医生,去看病 4. have a headache (患了)头疼
5. feel cold 感觉冷 6. Let me check.让我检查一下。
7. have a fever(得了)发烧 8. have a rest at home在家休息
9.can’t eat anything不能吃任何东西 tabletennis怎么读英语语音10. feel tired 感到累
11. shouldn’t eat too many sweets不应该吃太
12. in the morning在早晨/在上午 13.give some advice 给些建议
14. before bedtime上床睡觉前/就寝前 15.eat an ice cream吃一个冰淇淋
16.have a rest 休息/休息一会 17.watch TV看电视
18.have a lot of rest=have lots of rest多休息
19. sit on a bench坐在一个长凳上 20. have a good rest 好好休息
21.talk about illnesses讨论疾病22.eat chicken for his lunch午饭吃鸡肉
23. like Chinese food very much非常喜欢中国的食物
24. go to China in March在三月去中国
25.your temperature你的体温 26.help in the hospital在医院里帮忙
27.come to see him来看他
28. be (very) happy to do( 指动词原形)sth.很高兴去做某事
29. take some medicine吃一些药 30. can ’t hear well不能听得清楚
31.drink some warm water 喝一些温水 32e to the hospital 来医院
33. have a toothache (患了)牙疼 34. point at his long neck 指着他的长脖子
35. go to see the dentist 去看牙医 36. eat a lot of sweets 吃许多糖果 多糖果
37.brush one’s teeth刷某人的牙38. My neck hurts.我的脖受伤了。
39. in the library在图书馆里 40.should not eat or drink either也不应该吃喝
1. What’s wrong with you? 你怎么了?
2.I have a headache. I feel cold. 我头疼。我感觉冷。
3. What should I do? 我应该怎么做?
4.You should have a rest at home. 你应该在家休息。
5. You should take some medicine and drink some warm water.你应该吃些药,喝些温水。
6. He goes to see the dentist. 他去看牙医。
7. I can’t eat anything. 我不能吃任何东西。
8. You should brush your teeth in the morning and before bedtime. 你应该在早晨和睡前刷牙。
