M3-U1 I like football
学习语句I like…/I don’t like…并能表达自己对运动的喜好。
学习单词like/football/ basketball/ table tennis/ morning exercises,能口头运用并能听懂以上单词。
能够流利地表达I like…/I don’t like…,特别是表示不喜欢某样事物的句型I don’t like…
(一) 互致问候
THello, boys and girls.
Ss: Hello, Mr su.
T: Sit down, please.
(二) 歌曲热身
T: At first,let’s say a chant “ABC”, ok?
Ss: Ok.
(三) 情景导入
T: Look, who is he?(出示图片“福娃迎迎”)
Ss: Yingying.
T: Yes, he’s yingying. He likes sports. Do you like sports?
Ss: Yes.
T: Great! Sports make our life healthy. Todaylet’s talk something about the sports.
(四) 新课呈现
1T: Now, boys and girls. Look at what I do, and you guess. Which sport?
T: basketball…(出示图片并领读)
Ss: basketball…
T: Well, next.(教师做踢足球的动作)
T: football…(出示图片并领读)
Ss: foottball…
(同样的方法,用做动作的方式引入单词table tennis/ morning exercises的学习)
2(教师将本课单词卡片football/ basketball/ table tennis/ morning exercises呈十字形贴在黑板上)
T: Well, let’s play a game.老师读出单词,请同学们迅速拍手指明单词的位置。
T: Boys and girls, stand up please. I say and you clap.(老师说单词,全班学生迅速拍手指明
3TOk, look, Huanhuan likes basketball. Who likes basketball? Raise yo u hands. Oh! so many basketball fans. I like basketball, too.我也喜欢篮球。
(画笑脸,并板书I like, 领读时面带微笑)
T: I like
Ss: I like(讲究有变化的读,一块读,个人读,男生读,女生读)
T: Now, can you tell me which sport do you like?
Ss: I like football/ basketball/ table tennis/ morning exercises.
4T: Very good. I like many sport, but I don’t like one of them. Guess, please.
Ss: football/ basketball/ table tennis/ morning exercises.
T: The answer is “I don’t like morning exercises” because I can’t get up early.(做不高兴,摇
头或摆手动作。画哭脸并板书I don’t like)
T: I don’t like
Ss: I don’t like(同样,有变化的朗读练习)
T: Now please tell me which sport do you like?
Ss: I don’t like football/ basketball/ table tennis/ morning exercises.
5T: Let’s play a another game, this game is唱反调”if I say “I like…” you say “I don’t like…”understand?
T: I like football.                        Ss: I don’t like football.
T:……                                Ss:……
6T: Look, this is our old friend—panpan, do you know what does he like? What doesn’t he like? ok, let’s watch the video.
T: Q1: What doesn’t he like?
Ss: football/ basketball/ table tennis.
T: Q2: What does he like?
Ss: morning exercises.
T: 我们刚才看到,Panpan在训练时遇到一点小困难就放弃,最后什么运动都不喜欢,他这样做对不对?(让学生回答为什么。)
7T: Now, boys and grils. Stand up, listen and follow please.(一边做动作,一边朗读课文)
T: Practice in groups.(小组内自由练习)
T: Perform time! Which group can try?(各组代表上台前展示)
(五) 课堂小结
TWell, now, look here. which group is the winner?(鼓掌祝贺优胜小组)
T: Homework: I’m a reporter.在小组内调查,受调查的学生用I like…/I don’t like…来回答喜欢或不喜欢的运动,将表格完成!
T: Ok, boys and girls, you are lovely, I like you! That’s all, thank you! Bye-bye.
这堂课,要求学生掌握并熟练使用“I like…/I don’t like…”表述自己喜好的运动。教师依据课程的教学目标并结合教学内容,创照性地设计了“福娃”导入新课、单词“十”字帖,“唱反调”等贴近学生实际的教学活动,吸引和组织他们积极参与。学生通过观察、交流、合作等方式。学习和使用英语,完成教学任务,基本达到了预想的效果。
