一、一般现在时(The Simple Present Tense)
1.表示现在的状态:e.g. He’s twelve.
e.g.  He reads English every morning.
3.表主语具备的性格、能力和兴趣爱好等: e.g. She likes noodles.
4.普遍真理和自然规律: e.g. The moon goes around the earth.
always(一直), usually(通常),often(经常), sometimes(有时), seldom(不常),
副词短语:every day(每天), every morning,every+时间.
once a day(每天一次), twice a week(每周两次), three times a day.(每天三次)
three times a week(每周三次)
1. He is a worker.
2. I played basketball yesterday.
3. My father goes to work by car every day.
4. Xiaoling always studies hard.
5. Jiamin sometimes plays computer games.
6. She is reading an English book.
7. My mother is going to Shanghai tomorrow.
8. You should take the medicine three times a day.
一、人称代词he, she, it是第三人称单数。如:
He likes watching TV. 他喜欢看电视。
She has lunch at twelve. 她十二点吃午餐。
It looks at a cat. 它看起来像只猫。
Han Mei looks at her mother. 韩梅看起来像她的母亲。
Beijing is in China. 北京在中国。
Uncle Wang makes cakes. 王叔叔经常做蛋糕。
A horse is a cute animal. 马是有用的动物。
This book is yours. 这本书是你的。
That car is red. 那辆小汽车是红的。
The cat is Lucy's. 这只猫是露茜的。
The milk is in the glass. 牛奶在玻璃杯里。
The bread is very small. 那面包很小。
stop---stops [s]    make---makes [s]    play---plays  [z]
第2、以辅音字母+”y”结尾的,要先将”y”变为”I”, 然后再加“es”, [iz].
fly---flies [z]    study---studies [z]
第3、以“sxchsh”结尾的动词在词尾加“es”发音为/ iz/
watch---watches  [iz]
第4、以“o”结尾的动词,在词尾加“es”。 常出现的两个以“o”结尾的动词godo后加“es”读/ z /
gogoes / z /    dodoes / z /
第5、记住最为特别的be的三单is have的三单是has
do_______    go_______    have________
play______    try_______  get__________
watch______  see_______  draw________
wash______    fly_______    help________
want______    eat_______    say________
1.John ________(go) to school by bike every day.
2.Kate often __________(play) table tennis with her friends after school .
3.My mother usually ________(go) shopping and ________(buy) some vegetables .
4. He often ________(have) dinner at home.
5. Daniel and Tommy _______(be) in Class One.
6. The girl _______(teach) us English on Sundays.
7. She and I ________(take) a walk together every evening.
8.. Mike _______(like) cooking.
9. You always _______(do) your homework well.
10.  -What day _______(be) it today? - It’s Saturday.
一、 肯定句改否定句的方法——一步法
1 be动词后加not如:is not are not am not
Eg: He is a student.------ He is not a student.
    They are good friends.------They are not good students.
    I am his brother.------I am not his brother.
2 can,后加not。如:cannot
Eg: I can play football.-----I cannot play football.
3 上述都没有的,在动词前加助动词否定形式don’t/doesn’t
Eg: I go to school by bike every day.----I don’t go to school every day.
    She likes playing football.----She doesn’t like playing football.
4 some 改成any
Eg: There are some students in the classroom.----There aren’t any students                                                    in the classroom.   
二、 肯定句改一般疑问句的方法——三步法
1 be动词放在句首,剩下的照抄,(some 改成anymy改成your等)句点改成问号。
Eg: She is Tim’s sister.---- Is she Tim’s sister?
    They are boys.----Are they boys?
    There are some eggs on the table.----Are there any eggs on the table?
    It’s my bag?----Is that your bag?
2 can放到句首,剩下的照抄tabletennis的中文,(some 改成anymy改成your等)句点改成问号。
Eg: My mot her can cook.----Can your mother cook?
    I can eat some bread.----I can’t eat any bread.
I can play table tennis.----Can you play table tennis?
3 上述都没有的,在句首请助动词Do/Does帮忙,剩下的照抄,(some 改成anymy改成your等)句点改成问号。
Eg: They play tennis after school.---- Do they play tennis everyday?
    She goes running with her brother.---- Does she go running with her brother?
    I want to eat some ice creams. ---- Do you want any ice creams?
  三、 肯定句改特殊疑问句的方法——四步法
1、在一般疑问句的基础上,句首添加一个疑问词即可,可根据划线部分确定是什么疑问词。主要的疑问词有:what(什么) when(时间) what time(几点) where (地点)
