Unit 2  Let’s play sports!
Period I: Comic strip & Welcome to the unit
I. 根据中文提示写单词。
1. He can have three________ (碗) of rice for lunch.
2. His mother plays _________(网球) very well.
3. They all like playing _________ (排球).
4. I _________(喜爱)listening to music.
5. –How many _________(次数) do you play football a week?  –Once.
【KEYS】I. 1. bowls  2.tennis    3. volleyball  4. enjoy/love/like  5. times
第一部分  讲解分析
一、 新词的导学与解读
【用法】n. 散步,步行
【举例】He was walking up and down the station platform.  他在火车站的月台上走来走去。
tabletennis的中文        He was terribly tired after walking six kilos.  他走了六公里之后就累得不行。
【举例】I missed the bus and had to walk home.我没赶上公共汽车,只好走回家。
There is something wrong with the car, so we'll have to walk.汽车坏了--我们只好步行。
【点译】Walking after supper is good for us.
【举例】Did she really say so?她真的那样说吗?
        I really care about the students in my class.  我的确喜欢这个班里的学生。
【拓展】实际上,事实上;My father didn't really love her. 我爸爸实际上并不爱她。
真正地,真实地;I’m not really surprised. 我不真正感到惊讶。
真的吗?(表语气)Oh, really? 哦,真的吗?
【举例】Is your ring real gold?  你的戒指是真金的吗?
【点译】It's really cold today.
【举例】I have a bowl of cereal every morning.我每天早晨吃一碗麦片粥。
        一碗米饭:a bowl of rice; 两碗米饭:two bowls of rice
【点译】The Chinese eat rice from bowls. 
【用法】n. 次数
【举例】I'll overlook your lateness this time.  我可以不计较你这一次的迟到。
【举例】Reading occupies most of my free time.阅读占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。
        She is the most progressive writer of the time.她是那个时代最进步的作家。
The room is three times larger than that one.这个房间比那个大三倍。
【点译】He failed his driving test five times.
【举例】I want to buy a new tennis bat.我想要买一个新网球拍。
I won the tennis tournament.我赢了那场网球比赛。
【拓展】table tennis乒乓球;tennis court网球场;tennis player网球运动员
【点译】Millie is good at playing tennis.
【用法】n.排球;排球运动, volleyball泛指一项球类活动时,其前用零冠词。
【举例】We are going to play neither basketball nor volleyball.我们既不将打篮球也不将打排球。
        They are fond of playing volleyball.  他们喜欢打排球。
【拓展】球类体育运动:football/ soccer足球,basketball篮球,tennis网球,baseball棒球,softball垒球,hockey曲棍球,golf高尔夫球等。
【点译】Volleyball is my favorite sport.
【举例】I enjoy hunting.我很享受打猎。
【举例】I enjoy reading the Chinese classics.  我喜欢读中国名著。
        He enjoys music after class. 课后他喜欢音乐。
【点译】Little boys enjoy reading picture books. 
1. Eddie, do you like any sports? 艾迪,你喜欢运动吗?
【解析】like  vt. 反义词是 dislike 不喜欢
【用法】like sth./sb.    喜欢某物/某人(表泛指用复数)   
【实例】I like dogs.(泛指) 我喜欢狗。
He doesn’t his teacher. 他不喜欢他的老师。
【用法】like doing sth.    喜欢做某事(表示人的兴趣、爱好及经常性的活动);like to do sth.    喜欢做某事(表示偶然的、一次性的活动,类似 want to do sth.)。
【实例】I like playing the violin, but today I like to play football. 我喜欢拉小提琴(经常的,爱好),但是今天我想踢足球。(偶然性)
【用法】sport 此处为可数名词,意为“体育运动”,
【实例】Tennis is a popular sport. 网球是一项很流行的运动。
【举例】He likes sport not music. 他喜欢运动,不喜欢音乐。
Football is an exciting sport.足球是一项令人兴奋的运动。
【点译】Football is my favorite sport.
2. Yes, I like walking. 是的,我喜欢散步。
【解析】 walking 名词,“散步,行走”(动词+ing叫动名词),动词形式为 walk, 意为“走,步行”
【举例】Walking in the morning is good for people. 早上散步是对人们有益处的。
【拓展】walk    动词,“走,步行,”可与on foot 进行同义句转换   
【举例】 He walks to school every day.= He goes to school on foot every day.
【举例】 take/have a walk 散步,go for a walk 去散步go out for a walk 出去散步
【点译】I like to take a short walk after lunch. 
3. I walk to my bowl many times a day. 我每天都往我的饭碗走许多次。
【解析】time 在此作可数名词,意为“次,回”,many times a day:一天许多次
【举例】How many times can you jump up and down in one minute?
【举例】It’s time for me to go to bed.
