2019-2020学年译林版(三起)英语四年级下册Unit 2 After school 单元测试卷
学校_________ 班级__________  姓名__________  学号__________
1. 根据句意,选择括号内划线部分发音相同的单词完成下列句子。
【小题1】—Look at these toy _______. What do you like? (cats / apples / animals)
—I like _______ and elephants.
【小题2】I’m hungry. I’d like a hot dog and some ________ on the _______. ( cakes / snacks / table)
【小题3】—What day is it today?
—It’s ________. It’s a ______ day. (sunny / Tuesday / Sunday)
2. 汉译英。
3. 英译汉。
【小题1】a football match _________
【小题2】a swimming lesson _________
【小题3】What a pity! _________
【小题4】every day _________
【小题5】after school _________
4. I have three _____ this morning. (  )
A.lesson B.lessons C.a lesson
5. Let’s go and play _____ table tennis. ( )
A.a B.the C./
6. We don’t have _____ lessons on Sunday. ( ) A.some B.any C.many
7. —______ day is it today? (  )
—It’s Monday.
A.What B.How C.Where
8. —What lessons do you have on Tuesday? (  )
_____ Chinese, English and Music.
A.I like B.I can C.We have
9. —What _____ you like, Helen? (  )
—I’d like a hamburger and a glass of milk.
A.would B.do C.can
10. Her eyes _____ big. Her mouth _____ big too. (  ) A.are; are B.is; are C.are; is
11. I’d like _____ socks. How much _____? ( )
A.this; is it B.these; are they C.these; is it
12. I have _____ oranges. Do you have _____ oranges? (  ) A.an; some B.some; any C.any; an
13. —Come and play football, Liu Tao. (  )
A.All right B.Thank you C.It’s cute
14. 从方框中选择相应的答句。
A. Yes, please.
B. Thank you.
C. No, it isn’t.
D. It’s Monday.
E. Yes, I do.
F. At five.
G. No, they’re chickens.
H. No, I like PE.
【小题1】What day is it today? (______)
【小题2】Do you have a Science lesson today? (______)【小题3】Do you like English? (______)
【小题4】When do you get up? (______)
【小题5】Would you like a ball? (______)
tabletennis的中文【小题6】Is this your robot? (______)
【小题7】Welcome back to school. (______)
【小题8】Are those ducks? (______)
15. 根据中文提示,完成句子。
—What _____ do you like?
—I like _____ and Science.
Today is _____. We have _____ _____ this afternoon.
—_____ at my _____ pencils.
—_____ nice.
—Let’s go _____.
—Sorry, I have a _____ match today.
_____ is my doll. Her hair _____ long. Her eyes _____ _____.
16. 根据图片及上下文提示完成对话。
【小题1】A: What ________ do we have on ________ morning?
B: We have ________, ________ and science.
【小题2】A: Hi, Sam. Let’s ________ an d play
B: Oh, sorry. Today is ________. I have a swimming ________. Let’s play it tomorrow.
A: OK.
17. 根据首字母提示完成对话。
Helen: Good afternoon, Wang Bing.
Wang Bing: Good afternoon. What day is it today?
Helen: It’s W【小题1】.
Wang Bing: What lessons do we have today?
Helen: We have Maths, PE and S【小题2】.
Wang Bing: What a【小题3】 Friday?
Helen: We have Chinese, Art and Music. I like Art and Music. T【小题4】 fun.
Wang Bing: Me, too. I hope(希望) we have more(更多的)Art and Music l【小题5】.
18. 阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。
Hello, I’m Ding Lin. Today is Monday. I have Chinese, Maths and English in the morning. In the afternoon, I have Art and PE. I like Art very much. I can draw beautiful pictures. After school, I have a swimming lesson. I’m busy(忙碌的) today.
【小题1】It’s Monday today. (____)
【小题2】Ding Lin has three lessons in the morning. (____)
【小题3】Ding Lin has a Chinese lesson in the afternoon. (____)【小题4】Ding Lin can’t draw nice pictures. (____)
【小题5】Ding Lin has a swimming lesson at school. (____)
19. 写话练习。
It is
_____________________________________________________________________ ___________________.
have_________________________________________________________________ ______________________.
I like
_____________________________________________________________________ __________________.
On Sundays,
I____________________________________________________________________ ____________.
