tablet talk篇1
    My Daily Life as a 5th Grader
    Hi there! My name is Emily and I'm a 10-year-old 5th grade student. I thought I'd tell you all about my typical day and what I get up to. Being a kid is tough work, let me tell you!
    The day starts bright and early around 6:30am when my mom comes into my room and gently tries to wake me up. I'm really not a morning person at all, so this process can take a little while! Once I'm finally up, I groggily get dressed into my school uniform of a polo shirt, sweater, and skirt.
    Next up is breakfast. My mom always makes sure I have a healthy start to the day with foods like oatmeal, eggs, fruit, or whole grain toast with peanut butter. I'll admit, when I'm still
half asleep I don't always appreciate it, but I know it's important fuel for my growing body and brain.
    After stuffing my backpack with my homework, books, laptop, and snacks, it's out the door and off to school around 7:30am. The school is only a 10 minute walk from my house which is nice. I meet up with my best friend Sophia about halfway and we chat and laugh as we make our way there.
    The first class of the day is usually math which happens to be one of my favorite subjects. I find the logic, patterns, and problem solving really satisfying and rewarding when I figure things out. We'll often have timed tests on our multiplication tables which I get a little nervous for, but hard practice has helped me get pretty fast.
    The rest of the morning flies by with reading, spelling, science, and social studies. My reading group just started the novel "Holes" by Louis Sachar which I'm really enjoying so far with its interesting characters and desert setting. In science, we just began a unit on the solar system which I find fascinating.
    Around noon, it's time for the lunchtime! I pack a sandwich, carrots, a granola bar, and some grapes from home and eat in the cafeteria with my friends. We talk about our favorite cartoons, music, and make each other laugh telling jokes and weird stories from our weekends. Sometimes we get a little too rambunctious and the teacher monitor has to calm us down!
    After burning off some energy at recess playing games like four square and tag, it's time for afternoon classes. These include art, music, and gym class which are a nice change of pace and way to be creative and active. My favorite is art because I love drawing, painting, and working with clay.
    Finally, the last bell rings at 3:15pm and it's time to head home. If I don't have any afterschool activities that day, I'll work on any homework I have while munching on an after-school snack like apple slices, cheese and crackers, or yogurt. Once my assignments are done, I'll have some free time to read, play games on my tablet, or meet neighborhood friends at the playground down the street.
    Dinner is usually around 6pm which gives me a chance to tell my parents about my day over a meal like baked chicken, rice, and broccoli. I'll clear my plate as fast as I can because dessert is my whether it's ice cream, brownies, or cookies!
    To wrap up the night, I'll take a shower/bath and then get ready for bed around 8:30pm. That could involve reading a book, watching some TV, or working on an art project or puzzle. Finally, I'll snuggle up in bed with my stuffed animals and fall asleep dreaming about all of the adventures I want to have when I grow up.
    Phew, being a kid sure does involve a lot of running around! From homework to recess to afterschool activities, my days are pretty jam-packed. Even though it can be tiring, I cherish this awesome time of my life where I can learn, play, and spend time with my friends. Those are the things that make getting through all of the schoolwork, chores, and early mornings worth it. Well, that's my daily routine! I hope you enjoyed this peek into my life as a 5th grader.
    My Typical Day
    Hi there! My name is Emma and I'm a 5th grader at Madison Elementary School. I thought I'd tell you all about what a normal day is like for me. Get ready, because my days are pretty action-packed!
    The day usually starts with my mom's annoying alarm clock blaring at 6:30am. I hit the snooze button a few times before finally rolling out of my cozy bed. I get dressed in my school uniform - a white polo shirt, navy blue skirt, and black shoes. My mom makes me breakfast while I'm getting ready. Hopefully it's something tasty like pancakes or french toast!
    By 7:15, I'm sitting at the kitchen table scarfing down my food. I try not to drink too much milk or orange juice because I don't want a bathroom emergency at school. My older brother Jake is always the last one ready, so we tease him for being Mr. Slowpoke. He thinks he's so cool because he's in 7th grade.
