General Instructions I
Use these  instructions if:The group has any students who have not completed the purple-shaded areas on pages 1 and 4 of the answer sheet, either at a preadministration session or at their first exam .
Tip: Before students enter the exam room, check the Student Packs and answer sheets for the group to determine if any students have  not already completed this information .
Do not use these instructions if:All students in the group have completed the purple-shaded areas on pages 1 and 4 of the answer sheet this year — you must use General Instructions II on page 18 .
You are administering the AP Chinese Language and Culture Exam, the AP Japanese Language and Culture Exam, or the AP Studio Art portfolio assembly and submission .
When you have a mixed group (some who have filled out the purple-shaded areas on pages 1 and
4 of the answer sheet and some who have not), use General Instructions I; you will be instructing those who have already filled out their answer sheets to sit quietly, to recheck their information,
and to not open the exam booklets until they have been told to do so .
Please note that uniform procedures are essential to a standardized testing program . The only
way to ensure comparable scores is if exam proctors follow the same procedures and give instructions exactly as they appear in this book . By strictly following these procedures, you give students the best chance of fair testing .
School Code and Home-School/Self-Study Codes
Post your six-digit school code and your school name prominently . If you don’t know your
school’s code, please get this information from your AP Coordinator . If you are testing students
who attend other schools and you know their school codes, post the numbers . For U .S . schools,
the code for home-schooled students in your state is on page 18 of the 2014 -15 AP Coordinator’s Manual . Home-school/self-study codes for other countries are also listed on page 18 of the AP Coordinator’s Manual.
Exam Materials
Be sure you have the correct exam packets, answer sheets, and AP Student Packs, particularly
if you have students in this group who have completed parts of the answer sheet at a preadministration session or an earlier exam administration .
Total Administration Timing
Completion of student identification information will take about 30 minutes . Consult the table on page 32 of the 2014 -15 AP Coordinator’s Manual for the actual testing time to determine the total amount of time you’ll need .
Reading Instructions
Read aloud all the instructions in bold . When ellipses ( .  .  .) appear in the text, pause to allow
time for students to follow the instructions . All other instructions are for you and should not
be read aloud . Spend as much time as necessary instructing students how to grid information
properly on the answer sheets . Read the instructions verbatim at a moderate pace . This allows students to hear the complete instructions, preventing errors that could result in delays in score reporting . You should answer all questions about procedure, but do not answer any questions about exam content .
When you are ready to begin, say:
Good (morning/afternoon). Testing will begin after you complete the
identification information on your answer sheet. The College Board is
obligated to report scores that accurately reflect your performance.
Therefore, exam administration and security procedures are in place to
ensure that all of you have an equal opportunity to demonstrate your
abilities, and that no one has an unfair advantage. Please listen carefully
to the following instructions.
Y ou must now close all bags and place them on the floor under your chair;
you are not permitted to access them, including during the break, until you are
dismissed at the end of the exam. The following devices are prohibited: cell
phones, smart phones, smartwatches, laptops, tablet computers, portable
listening or recording devices such as MP3 players and iPods, cameras or
other photographic equipment, devices that can access the Internet, and
any other electronic or communication devices. If you are observed with
any of these devices at any time during testing or during breaks, the device
will be confiscated, you will be dismissed, and your score may be canceled.
If you have any of these devices, bring them to me now. Make sure each
device is turned off. You may pick them up when you are dismissed. Are
there any questions? . . .
You should be prepared to hold students’ electronic devices until the end of testing . You may provide containers, such as paper lunch bags or plastic bags that can be marked with the student’s name, to facilitate return of their devices .
You should have nothing on your desk except a No. 2 pencil and a pen with
black or dark blue ink. You will need the pencil to complete your answer
sheet and Section I of the exam; set aside the pen for now. You may not eat
or drink in this room. Raise your hand if you must go to the restroom during
the exam, or need to leave the room for any emergency. You may not leave
the room at the end of testing until you have been dismissed. Do not remove
any pages from the exam booklets. Do not share or exchange materials with
anyone. If you use an unauthorized aid, such as a dictionary or unauthorized
calculator, fail to follow exam procedures, or create a disturbance, you may
be dismissed and your score may be canceled.
The College Board reserves the right to question any exam score that may be
the result of cheating. If you become aware of any possible cheating on this
exam, contact the Office of Testing Integrity. The phone number and
email address are in your Student Pack. Are there any questions? . . .
Answer any questions students may have .
I am now going to return Student Packs and answer sheets to those of you
who have already completed the identification information. Please make sure
you have been given the correct materials. . . .
Return Student Packs and answer sheets to students who have attended a preadministration
session or have already taken an AP Exam .
I will now distribute Student Packs and answer sheets to the rest of you.
Distribute one AP Student Pack and one answer sheet to each of the remaining students .
I am now going to give each of you an exam packet. Do not open it until I
tell you.
Distribute one exam packet to each student, being sure to hand out the packets in order .
When everyone has a Student Pack, an answer sheet, and an exam packet, say:
Is there anyone who does not have a Student Pack, an answer sheet, an
exam packet, a pencil, and a pen? . . .
Provide these materials, if necessary .
Please check your exam packet to make sure you have the correct exam.
Raise your hand if you do not see the correct exam title or today’s date on
the cover of the exam. . . .
If you have already completed the identification information, please sit
quietly. Recheck your information as we go along, but do not open your
exam packet.
Those of you who are completing the identification information for the
first time, follow the directions as I read them. This will help ensure that
your scores are provided correctly to you, your school, and the college
of your choice. Information you provide may be used for educational
tablet p
research purposes.
Each year that you take AP Exams, you are assigned a new AP number. Your
2015 AP number is located on a sheet of labels in the center of your Student
Pack. You must use these same labels on all AP Exams you take in 2015. If
you run out of number labels, you must write your AP number in the areas
indicated. You may not receive a new AP Student Pack or share labels
with anyone. Turn to the sheet of AP number labels in the center of your
Student Pack. . . .
Now, in the upper right-hand corner of the sheet of number labels, write your
name in the space provided. . . .
When you have finished, pull off one label and turn to the back cover of
the Student Pack. Place the label in the top left-hand corner of the College
Information Card, where indicated. . . .
Now I have some very important information about your AP Exam scores. AP scores are reported to you online only Turn to the inside front cover of your Student Pack and review the steps you’ll need to take to access your scores online. . . .
Now turn to the back cover of your Student Pack and look at the AP number card at the bottom of the inside flap. Take an AP number label from the center of the Student Pack and place it on the card in the area indicated, write your name on the card, and remove the card from the booklet. Place the card on
the floor under your chair for now. After you have been dismissed, put the
card in your wallet, and keep it for future reference. Do NOT share your AP
number with anyone else. You will need the information on this card to view your scores and to order AP score reporting services online in July. . . .
Now turn to the front cover of your Student Pack. Print your grade level, last name, first name, and middle initial in the spaces indicated. . . .
Now print the six-digit school code for the school you attend. The school
code for [say your school’s name] is __ __ __ __ __ __. If you do not attend
[say your school’s name], enter the code for your school. If you do not know your school’s code, leave the space blank. If you are home-schooled, the
code you should use is posted. . . .
Print your AP number in the spaces provided. Now fill in the box next to each AP Exam you plan to take this year. . . .
After the exam, if you want to send comments or suggestions to the AP
Program, or if you believe there is a problem with an exam question, please contact the AP Program directly. Contact information and instructions can be found on page 3 of your Student Pack.
Put your Student Pack aside and look at your answer sheet. Before we begin completing the identification information on your answer sheet, I’d like to point out that the area in purple on the right side of page 1 and all of page 4 need to be completed only once this year no matter how many AP Exams you take. The areas in blue on page 1 must be completed each time you take an AP Exam.
Because AP score reports contain all of your AP Exam scores from each testing year, it is very important that you provide the same identification information from year to year and exam to exam. However, if you have moved, use your
current mailing address. You should use your full legal name. If you provide
your Social Security number one year, you should provide it the next year. If
you provide different information from year to year you could receive multiple score reports, instead of one that shows all of your scores. You must use a
No. 2 pencil on your answer sheet so that the information can be properly
scanned. Pens and mechanical pencils are not acceptable. If you erase, do so
completely. Do not fold or bend your answer sheet. Complete all fields carefully — incomplete or inconsistent information can delay access to your scores.
Page 1, AP Number Label
Let’s begin. Look at page 1 of the answer sheet. Take an AP number label
from your Student Pack and place it in the white box at the top left-hand
corner. Then look up. . . .
If students accidentally place the number label in the space for the exam label or vice versa, advise them to leave the labels in place . This will not have an impact on the processing of their exam, so
they should not try to remove the label(s) .
Page 1, Blue Area, Items A–H
Look at the statement above Item A, Signature, and read it carefully. Then sign
your legal name and print the date where indicated. Today’s date is May .
You must do this each time you take an AP Exam. Then look up. . . .
In Item B, print your full legal name: last name, first name, and middle
initial. Do not enter a nickname. Below each box, fill in the circle of the
corresponding letter and then check to make sure each filled-in circle is
correct. If your name does not fit in the spaces provided, fill in as many
circles as you can. . . .
In Item C, copy your AP number from the label on your answer sheet and fill in
the corresponding circles beneath each digit. Do not use a label for Item C. . . .
In Item D, today’s date, print the two-digit number corresponding to the
current month (for May, you should write 0 and 5), and fill in the corresponding
circles. Then print the two-digit day and fill in the corresponding circles. . . .
This exam will begin at approximately . In Item E, fill in the circle
closest to this time. Then look up. . . .
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS I In Item F, everyone must copy the serial number that appears under Test
Book Serial Number on your multiple-choice booklet. Then fill in the
corresponding circles. Do not open the exam packet. Look up when you
have finished. . . .
Item G, the Online Provider Code, should be completed by anyone who has
prepared for this exam by taking an online course or exam review. Doing this
allows the College Board to share your exam score with the online provider.
Online provider codes are in your Student Pack on pages 7–9. Print the code
number and fill in the circles. . . .
Look at Item H at the lower left-hand corner of page 1 of the answer sheet.
Print the name of this exam, the exam form, and the form code. The exam
form and the form code are located on the front cover of the Section I
booklet in the lower right-hand corner. . . .
Everyone check that Items A through H are complete. . . .
Page 1, Purple Area, Items I–N
You are now going to complete the purple area of your answer sheet. If you
have already completed these items for this year, please sit quietly and wait
for the rest of the group to finish.
In Item I, print your phone number, including your area code, and fill in the
corresponding circles. . . .
Proctors: Read the following italicized text for students outside the U .S . only .
If your international phone number is longer than 10 digits, print your complete phone number in the blank space provided at the bottom of Item I.
In Item J, print the school code you wrote on the front of your Student Pack
and fill in the corresponding circles. Then print the name, city, state, and
country of your school. . . .
Complete Item K, your date of birth. Provide your complete date of birth,
including the year. . . .
For Item L, if you are not sure of your Social Security number, don’t guess.
This item is optional. However, if you have previously taken an AP Exam and you supplied this information, you should do so again. Look up when you
have finished. . . .
If you wish to send your scores to a college or university, complete Item M.
The list of college codes is in your Student Pack, starting on page 10. Then
print the name, city, state and country of the college you have chosen. If
you do not want to send your scores at this time, leave this item blank. If
you cannot find your college in the Student Pack, use 9999 as the college
code, and provide as much information as you can about the college, such as name, city and state. . . .
Complete Item N, your current grade level. . . .
Page 4
Now turn to page 4. . . .
This area needs to be completed only once each year. If you have already
completed it for this year, please sit quietly and wait for the rest of the
group to finish. In Item Q, print your complete mailing address, including
the ZIP or postal code, and fill in the corresponding circles. In your Student Pack on page 6, you will find the standard abbreviations you may use.
Show a separation between parts of your address by leaving a blank space.
If your address does not fit in the spaces provided, fill in as many circles as you can. Be sure to fill in the circle for your state. You do not need to fill in a country code if you reside in the U.S. Then look up. . . .
Proctors: Read the following italicized text for students outside the U .S . only .
If your address does not fit in the spaces provided in Item Q, fill in as many
circles as you can and then fill in the circle in Item R and print the remainder
of your address in the space provided. Fill in a country code in Item Q only if
your address does not have a U.S. ZIP or postal code. Country codes are on
page 6 of your Student Pack. Look up when you have finished. . . .
