英语二完形,prompt a meeting
    Prompting a Meeting
    Hi there! My name is Timmy and I'm in the 5th grade. Today I want to tell you all about how I prompted a meeting at school last week. It was a pretty wild experience if you ask me!
    It all started when Ms. Johnson, my teacher, was teaching us about persuasive writing. She said we needed to pick an issue we cared about and write a letter to try to convince others of our point of view. The best letter would get to present their case at the next school assembly!
    Well, I really care about the food we get in the cafeteria. Don't get me wrong, the lunch ladies are super nice, but the food is just not that great. We get the same soggy vegetables and rubbery chicken nuggets every other day. I decided my
    It was a sunny Monday morning and I was feeling excited but nervous as I walked into my English class. Today was the day of our big English fill-in-the-blank exam! Mrs. Smith had been helping us prepare for weeks by having us practice completing sentences with the right word.
    "Good morning, class!" Mrs. Smith said cheerfully as she walked to the front of the room. "I hope you're all ready for the exam today. Before we get started, I have an important announcement."
    We all sat up straighter in our desks, giving Mrs. Smith our full attention. An announcement before a big test? This must be important!
    "Earlier this morning, I received an email from the principal," Mrs. Smith explained. "Due to a scheduling conflict, we need to change the time for our English exam."
    A bunch of kids gasped. I felt my heart skip a beat. Were we not taking the test today aft
er all?!
    "Don't worry, we're still having it today," Mrs. Smith assured us. "But instead of during our normal class period, it will be right after lunch."
    There were a mix of groans and cheers from the class. Personally, I wasn't sure how I felt about it. On one hand, we'd have to wait longer and the anticipation might drive me crazy. But on the other hand, we'd get to go to recess as normal beforehand to burn off some energy.
    "In order to make this work," Mrs. Smith continued, "I need to call a short meeting during lunch to get everyone on the same page about the time change. Jessica, can you please prompt me to send out a meeting invitation to the class?"
    Jessica was the classroom helper whose job was to assist Mrs. Smith with tech needs. She nodded and pulled out the classroom tablet.
    "Sure thing, Mrs. Smith!" Jessica began tapping away on the screen. "What details shoul
d I include in the meeting invitation?"
    "Great question," Mrs. Smith replied. "In the invitation, please include the meeting time as 12:15pm in my classroom. The meeting agenda will just be to go over logistical details for the exam time change. And the end time should be 12:30pm."
    Jessica nodded, continuing to type. "Got it. Should I send it just to our class email list?"
    "Yes, that's perfect," Mrs. Smith confirmed. "And please title the meeting invitation 'Important: English Exam Time Change.'"
    A few seconds later, Jessica looked up from the tablet. "Okay, the meeting invite is all sent out!"
    "Fantastic, thank you Jessica," Mrs. Smith said. She turned back to the rest of us. "Alright, who can summarize the key details about this meeting I'm prompting?"
    I raised my hand, feeling proud that I had paid close attention. When Mrs. Smith called o
n me, I answered, "The meeting is at 12:15pm today in our classroom. It's to tell us more about the English exam being moved to the afternoon instead of our usual time. And it will last 15 minutes, until 12:30pm."
    "Well done, Jonathan!" Mrs. Smith praised. "You'll all need to be sure to check your email for the meeting invitation from me and make sure you don't miss this important update before the exam."
    The rest of the morning seemed to drag on as we did our usual lessons and activities. I kept glancing up at the clock, watching the minutes tick by until lunch. I was so anxious for this meeting and exam!
    Finally, the lunch bell rang and we all headed to the cafeteria. I scarfed down my food as quickly as I could. Before I knew it, it was 12:15pm. I rushed out of the cafeteria and down the hallway toward our classroom, not wanting to be late.
    Most of my classmates were already getting seated as I walked in. Mrs. Smith was sittin
g at her desk, setting up her laptop. "Ah, perfect timing!" she said, gesturing for me to take a seat. "We'll go ahead and get started in just a minute."
    Once the last few stragglers arrived, Mrs. Smith stood up. "Alright boys and girls, thanks for being here promptly. Let's go over the plan for the English "
