第一卷听说部分 (15分)
I.听说题 (15分)
i)    听选信息 (6分)
1.    A. Rice.    B.    Noodles.    C.    Hamburgers.
2.    A. Apples.    B.    Pears.    C. Oranges.
3.    A. In a park.    B.    On a river.    C. On a farm.
4.    A. By car.    B.    By bus.    C. By train.
5.    A. Booking a ticket.    B.    Buying some    medicine.    C. Making an appointment.
6.    A. At 3:    B.    At 3:    C. At 4:
ii)    回答问题 (4分)
7.    A. About fifteen.    B.    About forty.    C. About fifty.
8.    A. At the school library.    B.    At the school    gate.    C. Outside the school.
9. A. A basketball match.    B. A football match.    C. A volleyball match.
10. A. At 11:00.    B. At 12:00.    C. At 13:00.
iii) 信息转述及询问(5分)
11.    Anna is a happy girl.
12.    你询问她读哪个年级了?
13.    你询问她每天上多少节课?
i)    根据句意,选择与划线部分意思最接近的选项,并在答题卷选择题答题区将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共8小题,每小题1分)
14.    —540 robots danced at the same time at the Spring Festival Gala. It was really amazing.
Yes. Gradually, robots have displaced factory workers.
A. looked after    B. taken place    C. taken the place of
15.    —Why does Mary want to go to the concert?
Because she is a big fan of TF BOYS. She is dying to go to this concert.
A. plans to    B. really wants to    C.    remembers to
16.    —I think everyone can make a difference to the environment through his or her effort.
That’s true. Everyone should try to do something for our environment.
A. have an effect on    B. make friends with    C.    keep in touch with
17.    —What did the nurse say?
She told the boy to keep still while taking his temperature.
A. not to speak    B. not to sleep    C.    not to move
18.    —Tim is ahead of me in Maths. Maybe I can ask him for help.
I think so. He is always ready to help others.
A. is more interested in    B. is better than me    at    C.    helps me learn
19.    —Don’t always fix your eyes on your phone, Terry. You should work hard at your studies.
Sorry, Mum. I won’t do that again.
A. be worried about    B.    think about    C. focus on
20.    — Jack, what do you think of the book you bought last week?
That book is a little over my head, because there are too many new words in it.
A. expensive    B.    difficult    C. interesting
21.    —Mike should have arrived at 4:00 for the football match, but he didn’t come along. Do you know why?
A little boy lost his way and Mike helped him find his mum.
A. turn on    B.    set off    C. show up
ii) 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并在答题卷选择题答题区将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共7小题,每小题1分)
22.    An_________ is something that someone has succeeded in doing, especially after a lot of effort.
A. achievement    B.    adventure    C. advantage
23.    If you_________ something that you have done, you wish that you had not done it.
A. repeat    B.    regret    C. praise
24.    —Ms Chen was so _________ that she told me three times how to work out the Maths problem.
I have made a_________ to be a responsible teacher like her.
A. patient; decision    B. cheerful; solution    C. nervous; direction
25.    —Fiona is crying over there. You should_________ yourself for being so rude to her.
Sorry. I will apologize to her.
A. be accused of    B.    be bored with    C. feel ashamed of
26.    —Do you like those photos in my circle of friends? I took them in my hometown Heyuan.
Sure. They    me        life in the countryside.
A. let …down    B.    remind ... of    C. wake ... up
27.    —Linda, how are you    with your new classmates?
At first I felt    , but now we are good friends.
A. getting along; out    of place B.    mixing; out of date    C. making friends; out of sight
28.    —My two-year-old brother broke my cups into pieces and it really________.
My little sister is not so naughty and she’s very cute.
A. made me happy    B.    played a joke on me    C. drove me mad
