螺纹衬套screw bushing
螺旋弹簧coil spring(helicalspring)
麦弗逊式MacPherson type
膜式空气弹簧diaphragm typeair spring
磨擦式减振器frictional shock absorber
囊式空气弹簧bellow type air spring
扭矩套管torque tube
扭矩套管式torque tube drive type
平衡杆stabilizer bar
平衡悬架equalizing type of suspension
平衡轴trunnion shaft
平衡轴支座trunnion base
全椭圆形弹簧full elliptic spring
三点悬架three-point suspension
上控制臂upper control arm
上弯式梁架upswept frame(kick up frame)上悬架臂upper suspension arm
上置板簧式over slung type
双横臂式double-wishbone type
双横臂式double with-bone arm type
双气室油气弹簧double chamber hydragas spring 双纵臂式double trailing arm type
双纵臂式double-trailing arm type
四点悬架four-point suspension
四分之三椭圆形弹簧three quarter elliptic spring 四分之一椭圆形弹簧quarter elliptic spring
四连杆式four link type
筒式减振器telescopic shock absorber
下控制臂lower control arm
下置板簧式under slung type
限位块limiting stopper
橡胶衬套rubber bushing
橡胶弹簧rubber spring type
橡胶弹簧式rubber spring type
橡胶液体弹簧式hydro-rubber spring type
斜臂oblique arm
悬臂弹簧cantilever spring
悬架臂suspension arm
悬架系suspension system
压杆strut bar
摇臂式减振器lever type shock absorber
液体弹簧hydraulic spring
液体弹簧hydraulic spring
液体弹簧式hydraulic spring type
液压减振器dydraulic shock absorber
油气弹簧hydro-pneumatic spring type
油气弹簧式hydro-pneumatic spring type
油压缓冲器hydraulic buffer
整体车架unitized frame
支撑杆strut bar
支撑梁support beam
制动反应杆brake reaction rod
烛式sliding pillar type
纵臂trailing arm
纵向钢板弹簧longitudinal leaf spring
纵向推力杆longitudinal rod
纵置板簧式parallel leaf spring type
组合式悬架combination suspension
(车身)高度阀levelling valve
U型螺栓U bolt
半径杆radius rod
半椭圆形弹簧half-elliptic spring(semi-elliptic spring)臂轴arm shaft
变截面弹簧tapered spring
部件assembly and parts
车架auxiliary tank
充气减振器gas-filled shock absorber
单横臂式singe trailing arm type
单横臂式single transverse arm type
单片式钢板弹簧single leaf spring
单气室油气弹簧single chamber hydragas spring 单斜臂式single oblique arm type
弹簧架spring bracket
弹簧静挠度spring static deflection
弹簧卷耳spring eye
弹簧跳动间隙bump clearance of spring
弹簧中心距distance between spring centers
弹簧主片spring leaf
底盘弹簧chassis spring
地面弹簧载荷量spring capacity at ground
第迪安式De Dion type
垫上弹簧载荷量spring capacity at pad
动力减振器dynamic shock absorber
独立悬架independent suspension
短型车架stub frame
多片式钢板弹簧muotileaved spring
发动机支架engine mounting
非独立悬架rigid axle suspension
非对称钢板弹簧unsymmetrical leaf spring
分开式车身和车架separated body and frame
负荷调平式减振器load-levelling shock absorber 副钢板弹簧auxiliary spring
钢板弹簧leaf spring(laminated spring)
钢板弹簧衬套leaf spring bushing
钢板弹簧吊耳leaf spring shackle
钢板弹簧销leaf spring pin
钢板弹簧中心螺栓leaf spring center bolt
横臂transverse arm
横向推力杆lateral rod
横向稳定器stabilizer anti-roll bar
横置板簧式transversal leaf spring type
滑板sliding plate
spring roll怎么读
滑动座sliding seat
缓冲块buffer stopper
簧上质量sprung weight
簧下质量unsprung weight
减振器shock absorber
