    The Great Spring Clean
    Every year when the weather starts to get warmer and the flowers begin to bloom, my mom gets this crazy look in her eye. She starts opening windows, moving furniture, and making plans for the annual spring clean. I used to dread this time of year, but now I kind of look forward to it. Don't get me wrong, it's a ton of hard work, but there's something satisfying about making everything spic and span.
    It usually starts with my mom nagging us about going through our closets and toys to get rid of stuff we don't need anymore. My little brother Dylan always puts up a huge fuss, claiming he can't possibly get rid of any of his old toys or clothes because they're all his favorite. Eventually, mom just starts making piles herself of things to donate or throw away. D
ylan inevitably ends up crying over something she's getting rid of, but she never backs down.
    Once the purging is done, it's time for the real cleaning to begin. We have a checklist a mile long - wash windows, clean blinds, shampoo carpets, dust every surface, and on and on. Mom splurges and hires a carpet cleaning company to come do the big jobs, but the rest is up to us. We divide up the jobs and get to work.
    I don't mind the dusting and cleaning so much, it's the putting everything back together that I hate. Somehow every cabinet, closet, and drawer gets emptied in the process of cleaning. Putting all that stuff back in an organized way is the worst! My dad tries to help out as much as he can, but he's a terrible organizer. Pretty soon there are piles everywhere of homeless belongings that nobody knows what to do with.
    My favorite part is when we're done and the whole house smells amazing - like lemon furniture polish and fresh laundry. We treat ourselves to a dinner out to celebrate being able to see our faces in the windows and floors again. Dylan is inevitably worn out from cryi
ng over his lost belongings and passes out as soon as we get home.
    As exhausting as it is, I have to admit there's something nice about getting rid of all the junk we've accumulated over the winter and making everything clean and fresh for spring. Plus, it's kind of fun when all the neighborhood kids are outside helping their families do the same thing. We'll take breaks and run around the court having water fights and picnics. The warm spring air smells so good and it's nice to be able to roll around in the grass without worrying about dirt and dust.
    Spring Cleaning: The Yearly Battle
    Ah, spring cleaning time again! The weeks I both love and dread each year. On one hand, it's nice to get the whole house sparkling clean and decluttered. But on the other hand, it's a lot of hard work. But I guess that's just part of growing up - having to do chores around the house that aren't exactly fun. Still, I'd rather do spring cleaning than have my room be a pigsty all year!
spring roll怎么读    It all started a couple weeks ago when Mom announced it was time for our annual "Spring Clean Extravaganza" as she likes to call it. She went around the house making lists of everything that needed cleaning, organizing, and decluttering in each room. I'm pretty sure the list for my room alone was longer than a roll of toilet paper!
    The first step was purging. Mom made my brother and I go through all our stuff and decide what to keep, sell, donate, or trash. Going through my closet was pretty easy since I don't have that many clothes. But my toys and books were the hardest! I spent hours agonizing over whether to keep or get rid of certain things. In the end, I donated three large bins of toys and books I'd outgrown.
    Next up was deep cleaning every nook and cranny. And I mean DEEP cleaning. We're talking moving furniture, scrubbing baseboards, cleaning inside drawers and cabinets, washing curtains and pillows, you name it. We even cleaned the tops of the ceiling fans and the bottoms of the upper kitchen cabinets that never get touched the rest of the year.
    Mom assigned each of us certain rooms and areas to be responsible for. My jobs include
d scrubbing the bathroom tub, toilet, and sink, vacuuming all the floor vents, and cleaning my bedroom from top to bottom. Let me tell you, cleaning a bathroom is pretty gross, especially when you have a younger brother! I won't go into too many details, but let's just say I had to use plenty of elbow grease to get everything sparkling white again.
    Cleaning my room was a huge task since I hadn't done a deep clean in there for almost a year. I started by taking every single thing off my shelves and out of my closet. I dusted every surface and even cleaned the bottom and tops of the shelves. Who knew so much dust, pet hair, and few unidentified particles could accumulate in those spots? My closet was another adventure - I found enough pet toys under my shoe rack to open up a doggy daycare!
