Unit5 creating a caribbean spring featival
A topics and functions talking about festivals and activities
Talking about the procedures of preparation and celebrationa
Talking about folk customs
B language knowledge
Words and phrases for
Describing activities of festivals
Expressing customary or ceremonial celebrations
Part 1 brainstorming
1.Expressions for Chinese festival:
(1) Spring Festival
(2) New Year's Day
(3) The Lantern Festival 元宵节
(4) ChinMing Festival / Tombing Sweeping Festival 清明节
(5) Chinese Youth Day 青年节
(6) The Army's Festival 建军节
(7) Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节
(8) New Year's Eve 除夕
(9) National Day 国庆节
(10) Double Nineth  Festival 重阳节
(11)The seventh evening of the seventh day 七夕
2. Expressions for time before and after a festival:
(1) New Year's Eve
(2) The Christmas Eve
(3) Halloween's Eve
(4) Easter's Eve
3.Expressions for activities for group celebrations:
(1) Dancing
(2) Singing
(3) Hunting
(4) Boating
(5) Squibbing  放爆竹
(6) Fireworks 放烟花
(7) Firecrackers  放鞭炮
(8) Splasing Water 泼水节
(9) Wrestling 摔跤
(10) Horse Racing 赛马
4.Expressions for activities for family celebrations:
1) Family getting together
(2) Enjoying the glorious full moon
(3) Having dinner
(4) Going out
(5) Ancestor worship 祭祖
(6) Bonfire night 篝火晚会
(7) Getting red packets 红包
5.Expressions for activities for children's celebrations:
(1) Squibbing firecrackers
(2) Giving good wishes
(3) Getting gifts from parents
(4) Wearing new clothes
(5) Eating delicious
6.Expressions for traditional foods at the festival dinner:
(1) Steamed bread 馒头
(2) Dumplings
(3) Yuanxiao 元宵
(4) Mooncake
(5) Rice dumpling 粽子
(6) Glutionous rice cake 糍粑
(7) Rum sweet wine dessert 甜酒
Festivals In English Speaking Countries
On Jan. 1        New Year's Day                   
On Feb. 14      Valentine' s Day
In March or April  Easter
On Apr. 1  April Fools' Day
In May  Mother's Day
On May 3  Memorial Day (U.S., Canada)
In June  Father’s Day, Children’s Day
On July 4  Independence Day (U.S.)
In September  Labor Day (U.S., Canada)
In October  Thanksgiving Day (U.S., Canada)
On Nov. 5  Guy Fawkes Day (U.K.)
In November  Halloween/All Saints' Day
In December  Christmas
After Christmas  Boxing Day (U.K., Canada)
Part 2 speaking
Task 1: Interview
Interview one of your classmates about his/ her views on festivals, and then report your interview in small groups.
    He thinks that the most important festival to Chinese is the Spring Festival, because it is a traditional festival for family reunion. During the Spring Festival, the most important thing in his family is the New Year Eve’s dinner. All family members gather together to have a feast. This is an event that bears much cultural significance and is more than just delicious food. After the dinner, like many other families, his family will stay up till the midnight, see off the old year while waiting for the coming of the New Year. His parents and grandparents will give him some money as a lunar New Year gift. At midnight the celebration reaches its climax with the sound of firecrackers. On the first day of the New Year, his family often visits relatives and friends to extend their New Year Greetings. The celebration usually lasts until the 15th day, the Lantern Festival.
Task 2: Short Talk
Prepare a short talk about a festival moment you have experienced or an unusual or interespring couplet怎么读
sting celebration you have had or seen. Then give the talk in pairs.
The most unforgettable celebration I have had on campus was my 20th birthday. I was a freshman then and was away from home for the first time. I missed home very much especially when my birthday was coming near, because my parents usually celebrated my birthday for me. On the morning of my birthday, nothing seemed special except some birth-day cards sent by my former classmates. That after-noon, I was in my dormitory and unexpectedly my parents came. They traveled a long way to this city I am studying in, bringing with them a birthday cake to celebrate my birthday. Mixed feeling came upon me when I saw them, tired but happy after a six-hour ride on bus. I had thought of receiving a phone callfrom my parents but I had never expected that they would bother to go that extra mile to make my birthday happy and memorable. Although we all have birthdays and we celebrate our own and those of friends many times in the course of our lifetime, I will never forget my first birthday I have had on campus because it always reminds me of my parents’ love for me.
Task 3: Story Telling
Read the directions on page 67 look at the picture and speculate on Spring Festival celebrations on Mars
New Activities on Mars
    This year is our first festival on Mars. One of the differences I noticed was the celebration on Mars was not as noisy as that on the earth. We were instructed by the security bureau days before the festival that fireworks were strictly prohibited. In fact they don’t need to worry about that because the space shuttle does not allow us to bring fireworks to Mars. Maybe they were worried about bootlegs who smuggled fireworks to our space station. …
For more information about Mars, read:
1. The Sands of Mars by A.C. Clarke (1917- )
2. Red Planet by R.A. Heinlein (1907-1988)
3. The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury (1920- )
4. Mars, Return to Mars by Ben Bova (1932- )
