I          this          that          watch          child          .
photo          diary(日记)            day(天)          foot          .
book          dress(连衣裙)        tooth        sheep        .
box        strawberry        wolf        peach        rice              .
sandwich        man        woman        paper        homework          .
water        juice        tea        mouse        housework          .
There are 56                (people)in China.
经验;经历 一点都不
昨天 可怜的
助动词(过去式) 最近的;上一个
买(原/过去式) 年
生气的;愤怒的 遇见(原/过去式)
来(原/过去式) 看见(原/过去式)
读(原/过去式) 秘密
四、Unit7 短语
go shopping, a pair of, meet my friend, ride my bike,
see a film, read a story book, have a party, 
go to the countryside, clean my home, do my homework, 
last night, last weekend, last month, last year, last Saturday…
五、Unit7 句型
1. What did you do yesterday?
2. I went shopping with my mother. 
3. Where did you do yesterday?
4. I stayed at home all day.
1. bought  买(buy的过去式)
buy sb. sth.  =  buy sth. for sb.  表示给某人买某物
He bought      in new coat.  = He bought a new coat      me.
2. My mum was angry because I came home late.  我妈妈生气了因为我回家晚了。
angry    生气,愤怒
be angry with  对……生气(针对人)      be angry about  因为……生气(针对事)
3. came  来(come的过去式)
When did you come home?  你什么时候回家的?
come in  进来      come on  出场,加油      come out  出来,发行,开花
come after  追赶,追随      come back  回来,返回      come down  崩塌
4. Poor Ben!  可怜的本!    Poor  可怜的,贫穷的,劣质的,差的
She is in poor health.      她身体不好。
5. Where did you go last night?    昨天晚上你去哪里了?
last night, last week, last month, last Monday, last summer……
6. I went shopping with my mother.
  go + 动词ing形式,用来表示“去从事某种(体育或娱乐)活动”,常见的短语有:
go bathing 去洗澡        go boating  去划船      go camping  去野营
go climbing  去爬山      go cycling  骑车          go dancing  去跳舞
go drinking  去喝饮料    go fishing  去钓鱼        go hunting  去狩猎
go riding 骑马          go sailing  去航行        go shopping  去购物
go skating  去溜冰      go skiing  去滑雪
7. They look great.  它们看起来很棒。
8. The boy helped the old woman carry things.
help sb. do sth.    /    help sb. with sth.    帮助某人做某事
9. 重点语法:一般过去时
如:I made a cake yesterday.
如:We didn’t go to the party.
肯定回答:Yes, 主语+did.      否定回答:No, 主语+didn’t.
如:-----Did you listen to he music?    -----Yes, I did.
-----Did Tom take some photos?      ------No, he didn’t.
如:What did you do this morning?  你今天上午做了什么?
When did you go to school yesterday?    昨天你什么时候去上学?
1)动词直接加“ed”:work—— worked look——looked ,
2)以不发音的字母“e”结尾的单词,直接加“d”:live ——lived hope——hoped use——used,
3)以辅音字母+y结尾的,变y为i加“ed”:study—— studied carry——carried worry——worried,
4)以元音字母+y结尾的,直接加“ed”:enjoy ——enjoyed play——played
5) 以重读闭音节结尾的,双写最后的辅音字母+ed:stop—— stopped plan——planned
have---had            are---were          get---got              say---said 
feel---felt              do/does---did        am/is---was            go---went     
drink--drank          eat--ate              bring----brought        think----thought   
buy----bought          catch---- caught      teach ---- taught      sit----sat 
wear----wore          cut----cut            sweep----swept        sleep——slept   
become----became      sell----sold          read----read          take----took
ride----rode            send----sent        wear----wore          win----won
run----ran              put----put            know----knew        make----made
1) 单项选择
(  )1. Of all the girl, Mary spent_____time and made_____mistakes.
A. much, many  B. the least, the fewest 
      C. more, most  D. the fewest, the least
(  )2. _____name is Tom. What’s _____name?
A.I, you  B. My, you  C. My, your  D. I, your
(  )3. The word “fish” has ____“f”.
    A. an  B. a  C. the  D. /
spring怎么读音发音英语怎么说呢(  )4. I walk_____the park with Jenny.
    A. at  B. /  C. with    D. to
(  )5. This is the_____we play a game.
A. colour  B. way  C. draw  D. ball
(  )6. We have five_____.
      A. apple tree  B. apples tree  C. apple trees  D. apples trees
(  )7. --______dress is this?
        --It’s my dress.
A. Whoes  B. Who’s  C. Whose  D. Where 
(  )8. I ___the blackboard, but I can’t ______a word.
      A. look, see    B. look at, see    C. see, look  D. see, look at
(  )9. --____will you come back?    ----In an hour.
      A. How long  B. How often  C. How  D. How  soon
(  )10. ---____did she go to Beijing?
          ---You won’t believe it! On foot.
      A. What  B. Where  C. When  D. How
(  )11. There are twenty_____in our school. Some of them are____.
A. women teachers, Germans  B. woman teachers, Germans
C. women teachers, Germen  D. women teachers, Germen
(  )12. —May I _____your bike?  ----Sorry.
A. ride  B. riding    C. rode  D. to ride
(  )13. —What does your father do?  ---He _____.
A. am a student    B. is a policeman 
      C. works hard    D. is a good man
(  )14. It’s time _____to school. We must_____now.
A. to go, goes  B. going, go    C. to go, go  D. going, goes
(  )15. The supermarket is______at this time of day.
A. closed  B. opened  C. opens    D. closes
(  )16. There_____a football game on TV this afternoon and I’m going to _____it.
      A. is going to have, watch      B. has, see
      C. is going to be, look at        D. is going to be, watch
(  )17. My mum is _____in our family.
A. busier  B. the busiest    C. busiest  D. the most busy
(  )18.---____come to have supper?    ----Thank you! I’d love to.
A. Would you like to          B. Are you like 
C. Shall we love to            D. Could you like 
(  )19.---I’m sorry I can’t do it.    ---___________.
A. Not at all          B. You’re welcome   
      C. It doesn’t matter    D. Well done   
(  )20.I get up _____a quarter to six______a hot morning.
A. at, in  B. at, at  C. on, on  D. at, on
2) 选出画线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词
1. (  ) A. food B. school C. room D. foot
2. (  ) A. wanted B. closed C. played D. listened
3. (  ) A. many B. animal C. apple D. man
4. (  ) A. knife B. thank C. night D. funny
5. (  ) A. boxes B. oranges C. shoes D. watches
3) 用所给的动词的适当形式填空
1. He _____(visit) the Great Wall last year.
2.We________(have) a good time yesterday.
3.We often _______(go) to school by bus last year.
4.I ________(live)in the village when I was a child.
5.Mike______(see) a big tiger in the nature park last year.
6.Sam_____ (do) the housework yesterday.
7.______(do) you _______(enjoy) yourself yesterday?
8.______(do)you _________(play) the violin in the afternoon yesterday?
No, I didnt. I_____(draw)some pictures there.
9. I ______ (eat) a big pizza yesterday.
10.There____ (be) many sheep on the farm last year.
11. I ______ (watch) a cartoon on Saturday.
12. Her father _______ (read) a newspaper last night.
13. We _________ to zoo yesterday, but we _____ to the park. (go)
14. ______ you _______ (visit) your relatives last Spring Festival?
15. ______ he _______ (fly) a kite on Sunday? Yes, he ______.
4) 对下列句子中的划线部分提问或改为否定句
1. I got up at nine yesterday morning. 
  __________ ___________ you get up yesterday morning? 
2. We did our homework last night.
 _________ __________ you ___________ last night? 
3. They were in the supermarket last Sunday.
 ________  __________ they last Sunday? 
4.My last weekend was kind of boring.
 _________ _________  your last weekend? 
5. Linda took a walk with her parents after dinner. 
 _________ _______ Linda take a walk with after dinner?
6. His mother did the shopping.
 ___________ _________  the shopping? 
7. They played football.         
 ____________  __________ they do ?
8. The boy went to the park.             
 __________ __________ the boy ___________? 
9. She felt well.             
 _____________did she      __________ ?
10. He put it here. (否定句)                   
He ________  ________ it here. 
5) 完形填空
Today we had _ __1 _ exciting trip. My father, my mother and I _ __2 _  to summer camp. We went to the mountains. First, we ___ 3_  to the foot(脚) of the mountain___ 4__  bus. In
the middle of the mountain, there was a river. The water was clean. I washed my face with the ___ 5  _. I t was warm. There __ _6 __ some fishes in the river. And there were a lot of __ _7 _ flowers in the mountain. At 12 o’clock, many people got together, and they were very _ __8_  . We made our lunch in the mountain. The food was very ___ 9__ , and we liked it very much. After lunch, we went on our trip. At last, we got to the top(顶部) of the mountain. We were very ___10 ___. All in all, we enjoyed the trip very much.
 (    ) 1. A. a                B. an                  C. the 
(    )  2. A. go              B. goes                C. went
 (    )  3. A. get            B. got                  C. gets 
(    ) 4. A. by              B. take                C. in 
(    ) 5. A. water            B. food                C. trip 
 (    ) 6. A. is              B. were                  C. was 
(    ) 7. A. ugly            B. difficult              C. beautiful 
(    ) 8. A. friendly        B. boring              C. expensive 
(    ) 9. A. terrible          B. delicious            C. exciting 
(    ) 10. A. happy          B. unhappy            C. lovely 
6) 阅读理解
Tony’s Sunday
Tony got up at eight o’clock and then had his breakfast. His mother cooked his favorite food---chicken noodles for him. After breakfast, Tony began to do his homework. He didn’t have too much homework, because teachers wanted them to have a good rest(休息) during weekends. 
At thirty past nine, Tony read his favorite book Harry Potter. It was really a great book. After that, he listened to Jay’s songs. At eleven, he went to his friend Mike’s party at KFC. They were very happy because they ate their favorite food- hamburgers. 
Lunch was over at about one thirty in the afternoon. Then they all went to see a new movie. This was Tony’s Sunday. He really had a good time. 
(    ) 1. What food did Tony like best? 
      A. Milk and eggs.      B. Egg noodles.    C. Chicken noodles 
(    ) 2. When did Tony read his favorite book?   
A. At 9:30 am.      B. At 9:00 am.      C. At 8:30 am.
 (    ) 3. Tony and all his friends all liked _______ best.   
A. vegetables        B. fruit            C. hamburgers 
(    ) 4. What did Tony and his best friend do after lunch? 
      A. They went to KFC.            B. They listened to Jay’s songs. 
C. They watched a movie.
 (    ) 5. Which of the following is true? 
 A. Tony had too much homework.        B. Tony’s favorite book is Harry Potter.C. Tony went to Mike’s party at 9:00. 
7) 作文训练
