    During the Spring Festival holiday, there are many things to do at home to celebrate and enjoy the festive atmosphere. Here are some popular activities:
    1. Reunite with family: The Spring Festival is a time for family reunions. People travel from all over the country to return to their hometown to spend time with their loved ones.
    2. Decorate the house: People decorate their homes with traditional decorations such as red lanterns, paper-cuts, and couplets. The color red is considered auspicious during the Spring Festival and symbolizes good fortune.
    3. Prepare a feast: A big part of the Spring Festival celebration is the food. Families prepare a feast of traditional dishes, such as dumplings, spring rolls, and fish.
    4. Watch the Spring Festival Gala: The Spring Festival Gala is an annual television progr
am that airs on Chinese New Year's Eve. It features a variety of performances, including music, dance, and comedy.
    5. Set off fireworks: Fireworks are a popular way to celebrate the Spring Festival. People set off fireworks to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck.
    6. Give red envelopes: Red envelopes containing money are given to children and unmarried adults as a symbol of good fortune and prosperity.
    7. Visit temples: Some people visit temples during the Spring Festival to pray for good luck and blessings.
    8. Play games: Board games and card games are popular activities during the Spring Festival. People gather together to play games and have fun.
    9. Travel: Some people take advantage of the Spring Festival holiday to travel to different parts of the country or abroad.
    10. Relax and enjoy: The Spring Festival is also a time to relax and enjoy the holiday atmosphere. People can take a break from work or school and spend time with their loved ones.
    1. 走亲访友,春节是家庭团聚的日子。人们从全国各地赶回家乡,与亲人团聚。
    2. 装饰房屋,人们用传统的装饰品来装饰房屋,如红灯笼、剪纸和对联。春节期间,红被认为是吉利的,象征着好运。
    3. 准备年夜饭,春节庆祝活动的一个重要部分就是美食。家人准备了丰盛的传统菜肴,如饺子、春卷和鱼。
    4. 观看春节联欢晚会,春节联欢晚会是每年除夕播出的电视节目。它以各种表演为特,包括音乐、舞蹈和喜剧。
    5. 放鞭炮,放鞭炮是庆祝春节的流行方式。人们放鞭炮是为了驱邪避祟,带来好运。
    6. 发红包,装有压岁钱的红包赠送给孩子和未婚人士,象征着好运和繁荣。
    7. 去寺庙,春节期间,一些人会去寺庙祈福。
    8. 玩游戏,棋盘游戏和纸牌游戏是春节期间的热门活动。人们聚集在一起玩游戏,共度欢乐时光。
    9. 旅游,一些人利用春节假期到国内外各地旅游。
    10. 放松和享受,春节也是一个放松和享受节日气氛的时候。人们可以暂时放下工作或学业,与亲人共度时光。
