小升初英语专题讲解三 辅音音标
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第二讲  辅音音标
清辅音[p]  [t]  [k]  [f]  [s]  [ʃ]  [θ]  [tr]  [ʧ]  [ʦ]
浊辅音[b]  [d]  [g]  [v]  [z]  [Ʒ]  [ð]  [dr]  [ʤ]  [ʣ]
其他辅音 [h]  [r]  [j]  [w]  [l]
鼻(辅)音:[m]  [n]  [ŋ]
1) [p]  p                                                    [b]  b
  pen pear play pig pour pull push              book big boot bike bread break
2) [t]    t                                                      [d]  d
  tree two ten ton town twenty city              door dull desk dose do dog dictionary
3) [k]  k, c, x, ch                                              [g] g
    king kite key look cook book kitchen sky (发音字母k)              goal goat grade language
    card cat cream correct climb come account accept (发音字母c)
    fox box oxygen x—ray (发音字母x)
    school schedule schema (字母组合ch)
4) [f]  f, ph, gh                                                        [v] v,f
  five fly fine flag frog fog roof knife life wife        very evening even every voice vest
  cough laugh rough physic photo phone                of
5) [s] s,c,ce,se                                    [z] z, se
six sit student same seat kiss miss case scarf            zoo zebra zero                               
license city ceiling celebrate                        close nose suppose pause those whose
piece juice science space 
6)[ϑ]  th                                        [ð] th
think thank three thirty tooth mouth                  that this those these though
7) [∫]  sh, s, c,                                  [ʒ]  s
sheep shoulder ship shoe she brush wash              pleasure
nation attention station(——tion [∫n])
social special
8) [t∫]  ch                                      [dʒ]  g
child chicken china chair lunch ouch catch teach       language cabbage vegetable bridge
9)[tr]  tr                                      [dr]  dr
  tree country try treat track trunk                  dry dream drop drive drink
10)[ts]  ts                                      [dz]  ds
  students boots boats goats nuts                    goods woods moods hoods
11)[h]  h,wh
  hot hop home house horse how who whose
12) [r] r, wr      read red right run room write
13)  半元音 [w] w, wh    when what where window wind wood
      半元音 [j] y    yes  year  you your  yellow
15) 鼻音 [m] m  man make moon morning move come comb
16) 鼻音 [n]  n  pen ten nine fine night noon moon clean
17) 鼻音 [ŋ] n, ng  uncle bank English think thank junk   
sing king morning evening
18) 边音[l] l
long land lend lord fly flag black
world cold could goal soul
  spring  speak  spend  spell  sport  spa  stand    star  store  stop  start  state  student
  score  school  sky    street    Australia  strange  scarf
