Six months pass and Dacty is very big now. During the day he sleeps in Aunt Eliabeth's office and at night he flies around the museum.But one night something strange happens. At midnight Dacty sees lights moving inside the museum. He flies closer to see what is happening. There are two men with torches inside the museum. They are wearing masks and they are trying to open a case. Inside the case there is a mummy .
Suddenly one man looks up and sees the pterodactyl. He is very scared."Look, Bert," he says to the other man. "There is a huge bird up there."The other man looks up, but Dacty doesn't move. "Shut up, Eric. Don't be slly. It's only a statue," the man says. "Come on. I'll open the case.You look for the gold medallions ."
While Bert tries to open the case, Dacty flies down and grabs Eric.The thief is so scared that
he can't say a thing. Dacty flies up and leaves him on top of a statue. He's stuck.
Bert is so busy opening the case that he doesn'tsee what is happening.
"Hey, where's the drill?" he says, but there is no answer.
"Eric? Where are you, Eric?" he asks.
Then he looks up and sees his friend high above on the statue. Just spring怎么读语音英语then Dacty flies down again and grabs the second thief. He lifts him in his beak and carries him up to the statue. The two men are very afraid. They start shouting, but there is nobody there to hear them.
                                                      ——Taken from The Surprise
1.Why does Dacty live in the museum?
A.Because he is afraid of darkness.        B.Aunt Eliabeth makes him do so.
C.He is too big to fly at home.            D.He can help catch the thief.
2.The underlined word medallionmeans     .
A.惩罚            B.鼓励          C.奖章            D.奖品
3.Which of the following is true?
A.The government cheers for him later for Dacty calls the police to catch the thieves.
B.Maybe Eric and his friend wants to steal the statue for the medallions.
C.Eric is so afraid because he realizes the statueis a pterodactyl.
D.Maybe the mummy is very valueable.
4.Which will possibly happen next?
A.Eric ran away.                              B.Dacty calls the police to catch the thieves
C.Someone gets to the museum and sees the case.    D.Dacty gets famous.
The next two days it rained and it was very windy so Mary couldn't go outside. Then, on the third morning when she opened her eyes and looked out of the window, she had a big surprise. She
called to Martha, 'Martha! Come and look at the moor!'
There was no wind or rain and the sky was deep blue.
"Yes,' said Martha with a smile. 'The spring's coming.
After breakfast Martha went to visit her mother for the day.Mary felt lonely in the house without her so she went outside into the bright sunshine. She ran round and round the fountain ten times and soon she started to feel better. Ben Weatherstaff was in the vegetabl
e garden. He didn't look cross that day so she went to speak to him.
“ The spring's coming,' he said to her. 'Can you see those green points in the earth?'
Mary looked.
"What are they?' she asked.
They’re spring flowers crocuses,snowdrops and daffodils"
The robin appeared and sat on the ground near them.
'Is spring coming in the secret garden, too?" Mary asked Ben.”Or are all the tlowers dead?"
Ask the robin," said Ben Wethestaff. 'He's the only one who knows And he went back to work.
The robin was hopping around on the ground. Mary was watching him when she saw som
ething on the earth.It was an old key.
——Taken from The Secret Garden
1.What is Ben Wethestaff
A.He is Mr.Cravens housekeeper.              B.He is a gardener.
C.He is a servant.                          D.He works for Mr.Craven.
2.What does the underlined world hopmean?
A.跳跃                B.单脚跳          C.齐足跳          D.双脚跳
3.Why does Martha realize the spring is coming?
A.There was no wind or rain and the sky was deep blue.
B.Mary told her so and she belived her.
C.The next two days it rained and it was very windy so Mary couldn't go outside.
D.She lived on the moor for a long time and she wans certain.
4.How will Mary feel when she get the key?
