Bird migration (迁徙)
The man reason for migration or movement is food; for example, some birds may choose not to migrate if they are fed through the cold months. Changes in the day length are signals for migration and relate to the physical changes in the birds. Birds will also display restlessness and increase their fat deposition(沉积). During shorter days in the fall, birds will return to warmer areas where they find adequate food supply.
Many smaller insect-eating birds migrate large distances usually at night. They may feed for a new days before continuing their course of travel. An advantage for night migrating is that it minimizes the threat of predators(食肉动物), allowing the birds to feed during the day and avoid overheating.
The migration for these birds is based on a number of different senses. Many birds use the sun as a compass. The ability to detect magnetic field (磁场), use of visual landmarks, as wel
l as their sense of smell are used to help travel during migration. Bird migration is a strong genetic factor in terms of timing and route, which can be influenced by temperature. Migratory birds may use two tools to find their destinations; innate capability(genetically programmed) and experience. A first-timer migrant(候鸟) flies according to the Earth’s magnetic field, but does not know how far it will take until it grows accustomed to the journey and is able to use its other capabilities. With experience it learns various landmarks often called “mapping”.
Migration is mainly seen in the Northern Hemisphere and less obvious in the Southern Hemisphere. This is due to the lack of significant weather changes and the continual supply of food for the birds. A common pattern in migration involves flying north in the spring to bread(繁殖) during the summer and traveling to the south in the fall into warmer regions. No two species follow the exact route from beginning to end. Migrations narrow into one or more preferred routes or often called “flyways”. Flyways mainly follow coasts, sometimes rives, or mountain ranges. There are four major North American flyways; the Atlantic, the Mississippi, the Central and the Pacific Flyways. The flyways are not defined in their bound
aries and at times may be combined into one.
In fact, long distance migrants move away from each other as young birds and form attachments to potential breeding and wintering sites. Once the site attachment is made, birds show high site-faith, visiting the same sites year after year. You will want to ensure your nesting boxes are cleaned out and available when these birds return to keep the cycle going for these migrating species.
Bird migration
Passage outline
Supporting details
Why do birds migrate?
Besides【1】_____, migration has something to do with birds’ physical changes and day length changes.
What are the advantages of night migrating?
◇Night migrating helps minimize the 【2】_______ of being threatened by predators.
◇Night migrating allows birds to feed enough during the day with out overheating.
【3】______ do birds migrate?
◇The sun, magnetic field, visual landmarks and the sense of smell are all 【4】____for birds to migrate.
◇Environmental changes are connected with birds’ timing and route.
spring怎么读英文怎么读◇Not only magnetic field but also some other capabilities and 【5】_____ relate to a first-timer migrant’s flying.
Where do birds migrate?
◇Migration mainly takes place in the 【6】_____ Hemisphere.
◇With four major flyways birds mainly fly 【7】______ coasts, rivers, or mountain ranges.
What 【8】________ can you draw from the bird migration?
◇Birds are 【9】_______ to their site attachment very much.
◇You must make sure the clean boxes are 【10】______ before the birds come back.
【1】food 考查原词重现。第一段第一句“The man reason for migration or movement is food;” food在题目原文中都出现,可见,填原词food。
【2】possibility/chance 考查同义表述。从第二段第三句“An advantage for night migrating is that it minimizes the threat of predators(食肉动物), allowing the birds to feed during the day and avoid overheating”题目和原句都讲述了夜间迁徙减少了被食肉动物袭击的几率、机会、可能。
【3】How 考查同义概括。根据右栏讲述的是鸟类如何迁徙,故填How,表示方式。
【4】helpful 考查词性转换。根据第三段第三句“their sense of smell are used to help travel during migration.”可见,把原文中的动词are used to help转化为形容词helpful。
【5】experience 考查原词重现。从第三段第五句“Migratory birds may use two tools to find their destinations; innate capability(genetically programmed) and experience.”可知,空格处填入experience。
【6】Northern 考查原词重现。从第四段第一句“Migration is mainly seen in the Northern Hemisphere”中可知,空格处填入Northern。
【7】following/along 考查词性转换或同义转换。从第四段第六句“Flyways mainly follow coasts, sometimes rives, or mountain ranges.”可把原文中的动词follow转化为非谓语following;也可把原句的follow“沿着”转换成along。
【8】conclusion 考查语篇概括。最后一段是总结段。What后需要名词,故用conclusion。我们从鸟类的迁徙中得到什么结论?
【9】faithful 考查词性转换。从第五段第二句“Once the site attachment is made, birds show high site-faith, visiting the same sites year after year.”可把原文中的名词转化为形容词。
【10】available/ready 考查原词重现。最后一段最后一句“You will want to ensure your nesti
ng boxes are cleaned out and available”可知,考查原句中的available。也可以填ready,表示“准备好的”
