( B  ) 1. Sam likes _________ at school. A. Art          B. Maths           C. Music
( C  ) 2. Bobby likes to ________ to school.A. run          B. ride          C. walk
( A  ) 3. Julia wants to draw circles, but they look like _____ A. eggs  B. potatoes  C. tomatoes
( A  ) 4. Mum gives a ____ to help Julia. A. a new pencil  B. a piece of green paper C. a rubber
( C  ) 5. Julia wants to draw ___, but they look like potatoes. A. flowers  B. houses C. trees
二、根据课文内容,判断正( T )误( F  )。
(  F  ) 1. Father gives Julia a new pencil to help her.
(  T  ) 2. Julia can draw a perfect picture at last.
(  T  ) 3. Julia wants to draw houses, but they look like bottles of ketchup. (一瓶瓶番茄酱)
(  T  ) 4. Father gives Julia a piece of green paper to help her.
(  T  ) 5. Julia wishes she can draw well.
A. Father and Mother help her.
B. Julia draws her cat on a clean piece of paper. Her picture is perfect. .
C. Julia wishes she can draw well. .
D. Julia can’t draw circles or houses. Her pictures are awful. She doesn’t like her drawings.
E. Julia draws a frowning face with her left hand. 
F. Julia wants to give up. (  C  ) (  D  ) (  A  ) (  F    ) (  E    ) (  B  )
Unit 2
( B  ) 1. Monday is _________day. A. Art          B. Maths        C. Music
A ) 2. Wednesday is  ________ day .A. Art    B. English        C. sports
( C  ) 3. Friday is  ________ day .A. Science      B. Chinese      C. sports
(  C  ) 4. ______ is  play day .A. Monday        B. Sunday        C. Saturday
( B  ) 5. On _________, Charlie meets his team.
A. Tuesday        B. Wednesday      C. Thursday
A. Charlie can’t get the ball, but he cheers often.
B. Charlie’s teammates cheer for Charlie.
C.When Charlie tries to kick the ball, another player always kicks it away.
D. After talking with the coach, Charlie starts to practise every day.
E. Charlie joins his first football team, the Blue Team.
F. At the last football game, Charlie kicks the ball to his teammate Tom. They win.
( E    ) ( C    ) (  A    ) (  D    ) (  F    ) (  B  )
三、根据课文内容,判断正( T )误( F  )。
( T  ) 1. Charlie is very good at cheering.
(  F  ) 2. The last game is between the Blue Team and the Red Team.
( F  ) 3. Charlie wants to be a cheerleader.
( F  ) 4.Charlie kicks the ball into the goal.
(  T  ) 5. At first, it’s difficult for Charlie to get the ball.
( T  ) 6. After talking with the coach, Charlie starts to practise every day.
Unit 3
( C  ) 1. Who’s Sam’s e-friend? __________A. Bobby      B. Tina      C. Linda
( C  ) 2. The dog shows off his bone. Here “show off ”means___A. 丢下 B. 拾到  C.炫耀
( C  ) 3. What does the dog get in the end( 最后)? A. one bone  B. two bones  C. Nothing 
( C  ) 4. What do you think of the dog?
A. He’s happy. B. He’s clever.  C. Hespring怎么读英文怎么读s silly and greedy.
(C  ) 5. “Be happy with what you have.”means(意思是)_____________.
.A. 积极争取想要的东西  B. 拥有了才能快乐  C.  知足常乐  
二、根据课文内容,判断正( T )误( F  )。
( F  ) 1. The dog is in the park.
(  T  ) 2. The dog sees his reflection(倒影) in the river.
( F  ) 3. The dog meets the other (另一个) dog on his way home.
( T  )4. “The dog learns his lesson.” means (意思是) “狗得到了教训”.
(  F  ) 5. The dog sees a hamburger when he walks in the woods.
A. The dog sees his reflection in the river.
B. One day, a dog sees a big bone when he walks in the woods.
C. The dog learns his lesson.                    D. The dog jumps at his reflection in the river.
E. On his way home, he meets an owl.            F. The dog finds nothing in the river.
G. The dog barks at his reflection in the river.    H. The dog shows off his bone.
(  B  ) (  E  ) (  H    ) (  A  ) (  G  ) (  D  ) (  F    ) (  C  )
Unit 4
( B )  1.  “才艺展示”的英文短语是“______”。A. hand puppet  B. talent show C. sing rock
2.  Jack and Bob meet a ___________in the forest.( C    )     
  A. tiger      B. lion    C.bear           
3.  Bob is __B______.    Jack is ____C_____.
A. silly愚蠢的    B. selfish 自私的    C. smart聪明的
( C  ) 4.  “Never trust the friend who leaves you in danger.” means(意思是) 
A. 绝对不要相信那个帮助你的朋友。
B. 千万不要相信你的朋友,赶快离开危险境地。
C. 绝对不要相信将你置于危险中的朋友。
5. “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”means(意思是)___C__________
